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Posts posted by SpiralOut

  1. 8 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:

    He was a fucking troll who took his trolling out in public at 2am. He's lucky a coke was all he took to the face.

    He's a teenager.  They do stupid shit.  It's in the job description.  Doesn't mean you attack them over it and steal their shit.

    Why is this so difficult for some of you to understand?

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  2. 1 minute ago, bad_teammate said:

    I hope that one day, Hunter can recover from the scars. 

    I brought it up specifically to prove a point.  Which is that now you've proved you're either:

    A)  A racist who cares about brown kids over white ones


    B)  You only care about kids when it benefits you politically as you use them as a tool to proselytize your ideology and virtue signal

    I mean, really, you care so much about kids but you're willing to viciously attack one repeatedly in this thread because he wore a hat.  Logic thy name is not Bad_teammate.  A reasonable person would realize the kid was probably wearing it as a goof and even if not, he's a stupid fucking teenager who doesn't deserve to be attacked because of it.  But you being you, well, I think your responses speak for themselves.

    • Like 2
  3. 34 minutes ago, SpiralOut said:

    Coming from you, the guy defending what looks to be a career criminal and acting like him taking a felony charge (which is the law) is the most unjust thing imaginable, is fucking rich.


    Laws can be unjust, bootlicker.

    More ad hominem.  I'm so fucking shocked.  The last refuge of someone who has no fucking argument.


    Shown ignorance of the law and claimed this man should be exempt from it because he agrees with your ideology


    I never said that. Lie.

    A felony arrest for stealing a hat and throwing a drink. Our police state is ridiculous.
    Felony minority-existing-to-the-shock-and-fear-of-white-people. Max sentence.
    I'm fine with people stealing teen's MAGA hats and throwing delicious Whataburger cold drinks in their faces. The law isn't, and it shouldn't be. A felony charge is absurd. A misdemeanor would do fine.

    If you wear MAGA shit in public you deserve to be confronted.


    Blamed the victim and event made up fantasies about what the victim supposedly did to "deserve" what his attacker did to him


      I never said the "victim" did anything. Another lie. 

    Look at that kid's face being hugged by suburban mama bear. Imagine it laughing and shouting racial slurs into an XBOX headset in a pre-match Fortnite lobby.

    Kid goes out to Whataburger with his noodle-arm friend and the filmer and is confronted by the actual reality of his hate speech. Runs to mama bear who puts it on Facebook.

    2018 baby


    Conflated civil disobedience w/ assault and theft


    That's... not a conflation. Civil disobedience can involve both of those crimes.

    civ·il dis·o·be·di·ence
    ˈsivil ˈˌdisəˈbēdēəns/
    noun: civil disobedience
    1. the refusal to comply with certain laws or to pay taxes and fines, as a peaceful form of political protest.
    Civil disobedience is the active, professed refusal of a citizen to obey certain laws, demands, orders or commands of a government or occupying international power. Civil disobedience is sometimes defined as having to be nonviolent to be called civil disobedience. Civil disobedience is sometimes, therefore, equated with nonviolent resistance.

    Implied you'd excuse almost any and all law breaking because won't someone please think of the children (or basically insert any hot button political topic, because lets be honest, any will work for you)


    I can't follow what you're saying here.

    Of course you can't.  Why?  Because you're too busy melodramatically bringing up the treatment of children at the border to justify assaulting a teenager.

    I could also quote the ten different times you insulted a minor (rather viciously I might add) in this thread, but what would be the point?  You seem to be fairly irredeemable and you're so caught up in your crazytown act that you clearly don't see what's wrong with that in the first place.

  4. 26 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    That's not the standard for civil disobedience. You're substituting melodramatic outrage for logic. Bad posting.

    Coming from you, the guy defending someone assaulting teenagers and acting like him taking a felony charge (which is the law) is the most unjust thing imaginable, is fucking rich.

    Let's see, so far in this thread you've:

    Shown ignorance of the law and claimed this man should be exempt from it because he agrees with your ideology

    Blamed the victim and made up fantasies about what the victim supposedly did to "deserve" what his attacker did to him

    Conflated civil disobedience w/ assault and theft

    Excused said lawbreaking because of some perceived racial sensitivity to events that have zero bearing on this interaction as far as we know

    Implied you'd excuse almost any and all law breaking because won't someone please think of the children (or basically insert any hot button political topic, because lets be honest, any will work for you)

    So who exactly is being illogical and melodramatic here? 

    Bad posting.

    • Like 4
  5. 5 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Why aren't these Latinos more chill about how armed government agents are ripping babies out of mothers' arms and then locking those kids up in abandoned, 100+ degree office buildings in Arizona?

    I mean, SpiralOut is OK, so everyone else must be, right?!

    Holy shit, BT.  You're right.  How have I been so blind this entire time?  When the government does something I don't like or approve of that totally gives me carte fucking blanche to go around stealing shit, assaulting people (especially minors who have absolutely zero power in our government), and doing basically whatever the fuck I want! 

    With that insane logic this country will devolve into civil war in no time.  It'll be fucking great.

    And of course, this latino's brave, heroic actions have totally stopped all that evil, evil shit Trump and Co. are up to, right?  Right?  Wait.  You're saying he just got his dumbass thrown in jail?  Nothing changed?  Fuck.  Back to the drawing board, I guess.

    • Like 1
  6. How is this thread this long?

    Don't be assaulting people and stealing their shit, regardless of what they say.  Walk away.  That's called being a fucking grownup.  If you're triggered over a stupid, moronic fucking hat that some edgelord teenager is wearing at Whataburger at 2 in the morning and/or think you're saving the country by stealing it and tossing it in the trash you need counseling.

    Goddamn but Americans know how to make mountains out of fucking molehills these days. 



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