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Posts posted by SpiralOut

  1. 3 hours ago, Napoleon said:

    This is a retarded analogy.

    Question #1) How many of Klinsmann's players from 2006 were still around on the team in 2014?

    Question #2) And how many of Klinsmann's players from 2006 were on the Confederations Cup winning squad in 2017?

    ANSWER to Question #1:  5 (Five) 4 (Four)* out of 23

    -Bastian Schweinsteiger
    -Miroslav Klose*
    -Lukas Podolski
    -Philipp Lahm
    -Per Mertesacker

    Given 8 years, you don't think that Löw could have found 3* starters from Bayern Munich and another German who went on to play Champions League matches for Arsenal? (I can't tell if you're joking or not.)

    *Correction: Miroslav Klose predates Jurgen Klinsmann's era.

    ANSWER to Question #2:  0 (ZERO) out of 23


    Can't you just shut the fuck up with this logical, well researched horseshit and let me fucking hate this man? 

    They ended up dead fucking last in the group for fucks sake.  For my money, Low was there directing the planes when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor!  /bluto

    Fuck him.  In my book he's a fucking fraud!  A fraud!  A phoney!  A sheep humping Aggy lover!  I hope someone breaks both his hands so he can't pick his own boogers and thus ends up drowning in them! 



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  2. 28 minutes ago, Napoleon said:

    Hummers missed about 3 opportunities in the small part that I was watching. 

    For a tall German, he sucks at headers.

    Where's Klose when you need him?

    Seriously though, Germany was abysmal on corners.  They took a ton of them in their three games and they didn't score on a single one.  And they often just said fuck it and went with the short corner bullshit.

    Booger Eater fucked up.  A competent coach would have realized he needed someone creative who could make shit happen around the goal.  That Mueller and Draxler and Ozil just weren't going to get it done.  And after that first loss to Mexico, how in the fucking world do you trot Khedira and Ozil back out there in this game?  Especially after some of your subs showed you flashes of brillance against Mexico and Sweden.  If Boateng hadn't stupidly gotten sent off against Sweden, I guarantee you Low would have had him out there, too, even though he looked slow and pathetic the entire time he was in. 

    Low is the Jon Gruden of international soccer.  He can win with another coach's All-World players, but when it's on him to put together a roster that has some weaknesses and work it to his squad's advantage he trips over his own dick.  Germany wasn't going to repeat as champs, but there's no reason they shoudn't have made it out of the group.  You can't score a single goal against South fucking Korea?  C'mon, man.  That's just embarrassing.

    I will say though, credit to South Korea.  They played some great defense and their keeper played out of his fucking mind. 

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  3. This is what happens when politicians refuse to deal with a serious issue for decades.  We let people stream over the border, overstay their visas, and get away with tons of shit because certain rich folks and certain industries love having essentially what is a slave labor force they can tap into. 

    The American people, especially folks on the border w/ Mexico who are most impacted by this bullshit, are rightly pissed off and want something done about it.  Politicians swear they're going to do something.  They never do.  This builds resentment and primes the population to dehumanize these people and not care about what happens to them. 

    Then you get a dude like Trump into office who, with a weasel like Sessions, actually will start doing heinous shit to "fix" the problem.  And it all could have been avoided if the people in power actually had the spine to deal with it anytime in the last 40 fucking years.

    Ain't government grand?  I can see why a bunch of you are all for more government.  They do such a bang up job at solving problems like this one.

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  4. 5 minutes ago, Napoleon said:

    If they had brought their Confederations Cup Champion squad from last year, they would most likely have advanced out of the group. 

    They already have a winning team, they just didn’t bring it. 

    Seriously, why the fuck wasn't Sane on the squad?

    I'm no coach, but I can read a fucking lineup.  And Germany's lineup that Low kept going with was slow and not creative on the finish.  Seems like Sane would have fixed that a bit.  Or, ya know, starting Brandt.  And keeping Ozil as far away from the pitch as possible.  The list goes on.

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