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Posts posted by mininghorn88

  1. This dude took up two spaces for his rig and still did not pull forward far enough either. This was at Superior in Shreveport. The pizza place next door is now closed and the parking lot was empty. The moron should have parked there.


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  2. Just watched Argo, Hell or High Water, No Country for Old Men and Out of Africa on my flight back from Australia. All excellent movies. However, the endings of Hell or High Water and Old Men kind of left me hanging a bit.

  3. On 4/27/2023 at 11:21 PM, Crapinon said:

    Yearly check up tomorrow. All the blood work came back early and I can view it online. Everything is great except for bilirubin and white blood cell count in the urine. After searching results on the internet I either have an infection, cirrhosis of the liver or pituitary gland cancer. The doctor will tell me different but I know the internet never lies.  

    My white blood cell count is always “high”. Several years ago when it was first noticed they sent me to an oncologist as a follow up. Nothing else was noted.

    As a side note I rarely get ill enough to miss work. Have missed 3 days of work in 34 years due to sickness. Maybe my white blood cells are always at work?!

  4. On 4/28/2023 at 1:44 AM, baboso said:

    Holy shit.  I frequented the Stereo and Record Center in Marshall a lot in late 70s/early 80s.

    My dad went to high school with the guy that founded Stereo and Record Center. We  always got nice deals on TVs, etc. from the Longview store back in the day.

  5. 55 minutes ago, gofuckyourself said:

    And I always have a sneaking suspicion they're inside their cabs chuckling to themselves.

    Reminds me of the ‘70s and early ‘80s trucker movies where the truckers block the police from catching the “Bandit”.

  6. 3 hours ago, ImissWallyPryor said:

    The worse things get, the even worse they really are. We all know that there are countless shoplifters, etc. who aren’t even reported because people either know nothing will happen or retaliation will happen. That’s one reason why property crimes may fall while murders go up.

    A few weeks ago I was in Lowe’s and I saw a man carrying (hiding) a nice sized box under his jacket under his left arm. As he walked by I just stopped and stared at him. I then turned and followed him out of curiosity down another aisle. He finally started towards one of the exits and I caught the eyes of a couple of employees and pointed him out. They all nodded at me with acknowledgment. As he approached the door they casually walked that way as well. Once he was at the door he bolted and all they did was watch him run. They told me that it is their policy to not confront or chase shoplifters because of the danger that it may present.

    The whole thing just pissed me off.


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  7. Which vehicle was here first to start the offset parking? My guess is the black SUV based upon the sticker on the rear window. Though technically parked correct I assume that the others compensated for the close too line parking. Only guessing “who” drives the SUV and assuming “who” drives the trucks.


  8. I have been to many of the mines in WV and the surrounding areas. It gets pretty rough.

    On one visit I was talking to a miner in WV and he said that a miner would be more likely to share his wife with you than to let you cross a picket line.

    Many years ago we actually flew some guys in on a helicopter to do some maintenance on the equipment so that they could get into and out of the mine safely. Times have changed so I doubt anything like that would happen today.

    Watched the documentary a couple of years ago and it proved what I had seen and heard. It is really different back in those hills.

  9. 10 minutes ago, Pokoloco said:

    Wife is looking to make an expensive purchase on some new bedding.

    Me: We have the money now, we might as well.

    Her: Yeah, I guess we need to just bite the dust and do it.

    Me: you want us to die?

    Her: (confused) Why would you say something like that? That's weird.


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  10. 2 hours ago, markstanco said:

    Except for when you have to clean up projectile vomit, diapers, the constant waking up at nights, buying baby clothes, finding a day care that doesn’t employee crazies, deal with not wanting to eat what’s on their plate, waking up to get them dressed for school, taking them a few times a week to ball practice then games on Saturday, then the whole puberty thing, then having a gf and breaking up, driving on Thursday nights up to 100 miles each way for football games, having them at practice at 6:20a.

    Mine are only 14 and 12. So that’s all I’ve seen. But other than those things it is great.

    Wait until they start driving, high school and going off to college and paying for college! I have now moved into grand parenthood. Being a parent is awesome! Once a parent always a parent!


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  11. 9 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    So I'm a month out from the PCT.  I put in my two weeks at work.  This is fucking happening.  I'm kinda freaking out.  Kinda loving it.  I don't quite know how to react.  Posting on this degenerate website seems like a decent idea.  I fucking love and hate a lot of things in this world.  I hope to learn and love a lot more in the coming months.  @tomahawk dunk knows more than anyone about how this trail will change me.  I just want to see better.  Sorry, I'm drunk and I hope we destroy Miami and then UConn.  Knibb High Football Rules!!!


    Would love to do this hike or CDT or the AT but at this time in my life work commitments prohibit such a trek. Hopefully once work responsibilities wane I will still be in a healthy enough shape to tackle one of these.

    I know, excuses and all, but it is a reality for me.

    Keep us posted and good luck!

  12. I had my first colonoscopy done back in October at the age of 56.  All clear.  No need to return for 10 years.  Check.

    I had to have a molar (root canal done several years ago) pulled last week because it became infected.  The worst pain ever.  Check.

    Going in tomorrow morning for an ablation to take care of my SVT.  Check.

    Next week I am going to have another tooth pulled and then have two implants put in.  Check.

    I regularly play full-court basketball about 3 times per week during lunch if I am in town and not out traveling.  Many times I am playing against "kids" (late 20s to early 30s) that my two kids went to school with.  I will tell my kids that I met so and so today. Their response is "be careful dad, you are not as young as you used to be".  Check.

    When I stand up after sitting for a while I sound like of bowl of Rice Crispies cereal as my knees and ankles pop.  Check.

  13. 6 hours ago, 52-80 said:

    Dont know if people realize that in movies, while they relabel everything into fiction (license plates, business names), when aircrafts appear the tail numbers are legitimate. 

    When I see helicopters or jets on an old movie, I google the registration to see if its still in service and what its up to. 

    Probably a little bit neurotic / spectrum. 




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  14. 3 hours ago, Leeroy Jenkins said:

    I have my first one on Monday morning.  Sunday Sunday Sunday - shitspolsion 2023!

    Welcome to the club.

  15. SIAP.

    People who cannot control the speed at which they drive.  They will randomly change speeds plus or minus 10 miles per hour making it difficult to pass them particularly on a two lane road.  However, once you manage to get around them they magically can control their speed by staying right behind you.

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