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Posts posted by mininghorn88

  1. The company that I began to work for in 1989 was founded in the 1920s.  During those years the company went through a couple of different ownerships but nothing really changed other than the BOD.  The name stayed the same, people, processes, everything pretty much did not change.  In 2011 we were bought out and went through a name, leadership, process, etc. change.  In 2017 we were bought out yet again which again brought on major changes.

    We are now in the process of building a new office complex.  So now, with over 30 years of having my own office (~12'x14' with a window, door, extra space, privacy, etc.) I will now be sitting in a cubicle that is 6'x9' with walls about 4' high in a common workspace.  I am not thrlled.

    All in the name of "collaboration, synergy, and community".  The whole purpose of why we were purchased in the first place is being "transitioned" out.

    • Rage+1 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    Unscheduled teams calls can fuck right off. Just pick up the phone like a normal person- you don’t need video for this conversation 

    We have done away with desktop phones in my office. All internal and some external calls are through Teams. So I either get calls on my cell phone or computer.

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  3. The men’s restroom in our building has 4 urinals and three stalls for toilets. There is a guy in our building that always takes the middle stall no matter the situation. 

    If stall 1 is occupied and stalls 2 and 3 are open. Please take stall 3. Give a guy some space.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. 2 hours ago, PvilleStang said:

    burned out license plate light might be the number one excuse I've had used on me.  Oddly didn't happen once I sold my old Mustang and got one that wasn't a 15 year old V6.  The entire time I was in my GT, never got harassed.

    I was pulled over once for having an obscured license plate by a DPS trooper. He said that my Texas Ex frame partially blocked “Texas” at the top of the plate. He let me go with a warning. BS.

    The same trooper pulled my son and one of his buddies over. My son was 15 at the time and the friend was 16. My son’s friend was driving and changed lanes without signaling. Both boys were written up for dipping and had to do community service by picking up trash along the highway and take a drug and alcohol awareness program. Fortunately the local cop of the small town where we lived knew both boys and only had them pick up trash for about an hour and then signed them off as all hours completed. The bigger issue, from what I recall, was that if my son got busted again for tobacco then he would not have been eligible to get his license until he was 18.

    This trooper that pulled both of us over was notorious for pulling people over for BS reasons.

  5. 2 hours ago, Tylerocks said:

    This is really random...but, super dark window tint.

    Not being able to see the car in front of the car in front of me, while navigating I-10 traffic in Houston is annoying.

    I always thought that there was some type of law or ordinance that dictated how dark the windows can be. But I see super dark ones all of the time.

  6. 26 minutes ago, sidis said:

    crazy that this fucking baby is going to make it to every single mls venue on the continent by the time he's two.

    congrats, koopa!

    Gotta start'em early.  My granddaughter attended her first UT game at the age of 3 months and it was a road game in WV.

    Congrats Koopa!  Fun times ahead!

  7. 2 hours ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    I'm not brilliant, but I am experienced.  Nothing is new under the sun. You should listen to us old fuckers when we give you this look:

    Morgan Freeman Good Luck GIF


    But no. Keep trying stupid shit because "it's new and cool" and getting the same stupid results. 

    This is pretty much what I told my new boss about a year ago.  I have more years of experience by myself than the combined years of the balance of the team (4 other people).  Almost daily I am having to teach or explain something.  The problem with that is that I am drawn into almost every meeting and being recognized as the "old guy".

    My industry has changed a lot during my career.  I had the good fortune to be exposed to all aspects of the business whereas today folks are more specialized in what they do so that they do not always have the big picture thus their decision making becomes a bit myopic.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  8. 9 hours ago, Crapinon said:

    The problem is that he is a great surgeon. I know people who know him and say he's a good person too. But either he's extremely unorganized or he promises more than he can deliver. I've already told his nurse I want prescriptions written before the surgery. The surgical center is under new ownership. The old owner, Abilene Regional, was a for profit hospital that I later found out was in financial trouble and a horrible place to work. I'm going to let the new people know what happened and what I expect. The good thing about getting old is you don't put up with shit anymore. 


    This right here.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  9. 19 hours ago, SuperSport said:

    Awkward motherfuckers who hover. If you need something or have a question, I would 100% rather you just interrupt me than stand two feet away, staring at me until I acknowledge you. It's annoying and creepy as fuck.

    We have a guy in our office that has his PhD.  Super smart but I believe that he is somewhat on the spectrum.  His social skills are awkward and he is always participating (barging in) in on conversations.  He always has something to say by butting in but what he says only makes sense in his mind on how it relates to the already in process conversation.  Every conversation that I have with him results in "WTF did we just talk about"?

    Whenever he creates some work that needs to be shared with others my boss (and his) told him to "Let Mininghorn review it first before you send it out.  He has a knack for dumbing it down for others to understand".  I guess I should take that as a compliment?  Maybe??

    • Haha 4
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, wood said:

    Yep. I went to more games throughout that period than any other, because while I loved winning, the anticipation & wondering what amazing, unprecedented shit VY was gonna do was even stronger. 

    "Instant offense", "Jackhammer feet", "Forever Young". 

    He knew. We all knew. Well, at least most if us did. I remember some jackasses complaining about his throwing motion and lobbying for him to be moved to WR or TE. Can you imagine? 

    It's funny, I rarely remember much about those early season scrub opponent games, or even who we played, but I remember that one like it was yesterday. Yeah, it was NMSU, but it was obvious what was coming. VY til I die.


    Yep, the comparison to Brad Smith (who even remembers him now?).  Mock hiding behind that smile because he knew that his days were numbered.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. I am so thankful that I was of an age when VY came through that I could appreciate his greatness in that moment.  As the Horns continue to wander in the desert (minus the Colt years) his greatness is even more apparent.  Every play was a "must see" as the potential to do something spectacular was ever present.  He elevated the whole team.

  12. I haven’t seen the documentary yet. Perhaps the opening and closing scenes of him smoking and drinking, of which he is allegedly trying to stop, is only a foreshadowing of things to come. This is just a primer for the yet unannounced sequel of his ultimate failure where there will be a deeper dive.

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  13. On 8/9/2023 at 11:43 AM, Aqua Buddha said:

    Yeah, wasn't his dad a sales manager at a Honda dealership or something.

    The national media heard "Texas oil money" and fell for it.

    Yes, his dad was the sales manager at Tower Honda in Longview. We bought a car from there around 2011. We received a thank you note in the mail from the dad. The note had the Honda Tower letterhead at the top with the aTm logo at the bottom.

    • Rage+1 1
  14. 23 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    You can be right (legally) and still be dead. Pretty damn stupid to put yourself at risk because you believe it's everyone else's responsibility to yield to you.

    Bike shorts squeeze your balls and make you do stupid shit.

    One of my early college roommates believed that walking was a right and that driving was a privilege. While on campus one day there was a small group of us crossing 21st Street between Moore-Hill and Brackenridge. To our right was Speedway.  As we were crossing the street I hear a motorcycle revving up off to the right coming from the direction of Speedway.  I tell everyone to look out but my then roommate continues to cross 21st Street (his constitutional right according to him) whereupon he gets hit by the motorcycle.  Roommate goes flying and the motorcycle goes sliding.  All get up and brush themselves off.  No problem.  However, later that night the roommate is complaining about his wrist.  Turns out it is broken.  I get a call from UTPD asking for information regarding the incident.  No names were shared at the time of the incident and since everyone seemed fine at the time we all just walked away chalking it up to the pedestrian losing out to a motorized vehicle. FAFO.

    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  15. 40 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    Had a flight cancel on me in Kemerovo with no other explanation than "plane doesn't work. We'll try again tomorrow". Dicey indeed.

    Kemerovo is not a word you hear everyday.  We have an office there.  Been there several times.

  16. 7 hours ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    Travelling in China is an eye opener. They are up and running around when the plane starts its decent. 

    This right here. I will also add India and Russia. I was on a flight in Russia once and people were headed to toilet to smoke as soon as the wheels were up. Also been on flights where the air conditioning did not work in Russia and for seats that were messed up in some way they just pulled them forward. Dicey traveling in Russia for sure.

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