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Posts posted by Monster

  1. This show is a lesson in how to kill suspense and make your tv show feel super slow.  (Despite having some of the best acting talent in the world) 

    0:00-5:00  Drop big hint at what's going to happen in this episode.  

    5:00-50:00  Slowly, slowly, slowly reveal what you hinted at.  

    50:00-59:00   Reveal what you hinted at in the first 5 minutes.

    They did the exact same thing to the entire series.  Showed us Arquette in jail at the start.   So the mystery/suspense was gone within the first 10 minutes.   There's just not that much going on and they already told us how it ends.  

    Different editing/directing could have made this a much more interesting show. 



  2. 25 minutes ago, 'stache said:

     fuck UCF playing national champs for beating a mediocre Auburn team and trying to claim it again by trying to beat a half ass Coach O led three loss LSU team. If anyone thinks they could beat Alabama and Clemson in consecutive weeks you’re out of your fucking mind. They would lose by 40 to Bama with Saban playing his backups the second half.

    The mediocre Auburn team that beat MNC Alabama by 12 points in the last week of the regular season?  That mediocre Auburn team?

    And sports are all about underdog teams that 'would never beat' more talented teams.  In fact, my favorite moments in sporting history involve teams that 'would never beat' a more talented team.    If the favored team won all the time, sports wouldn't worth watching.   

  3. so now its impossible to not lower your head and smash a guys head while he's already being tackled.

    ESPN makes these games so hard to listen to.  They're SEC partnership has made it 'almost impossible' to call a game without rooting for all things SEC.

  4. 2 hours ago, immortal13 said:

    If there was nothing malicious intended, then why point out a specific ethnic or religious group at all? 

    There's nothing 'malicious' or hateful or 'antisemetic' in that statement.  Unless you infer a lot of things that weren't actually said.   At most, it was 'insensitive'.  

    But you made a good point in the other post.  If you're super famous and you're out there promoting social justice for your team, then it's probably a little hypocritical to make 'insensitive' references to other teams.   All things considered...okay, yeah, a little backlash is probably deserved.  



  5. 6 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

    Oh, I have no idea if there's more to that story. Just pointing out the sad realization that all this thread is now is random tweets from random people with incomplete or nonexistent commentary.

    I need to stop visiting the political board.  I'm flailing at windmills.

  6. 1 hour ago, aggie08 said:

    So, who wants to break the news to Monster?

    I don't have the heart to tell him.

    Is there more to the story?  Was something more said somewhere else?   Because I'm not really seeing the antisemitism in the Lebron tweet.  If he'd said 'get that Serbian money' would that be offensive?   Connect the dots for me.  

    Unless the news is that people look for reasons to be offended.  In which case, I've already been made aware.


  7. Up by 2 points against the Jazz, with 10 seconds to go, Westbrook bricks a 3 pointer...(on a night that PG13 was on fire)...reminding everyone that he's still Westbrook.

    Two points would have sealed the win.  But Thunder still get the victory.   Westbrook with a foul/block on the last play.  Jazz missed a free throw.  Thunder win by one.

  8. 41 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:

    Tell the NFL players to get a better union. Their union has to be one of the weakest in any industry. They had a lockout in 2011 and they caved. Why? Because no real leadership in their union and no voice for the players. They don't know that they have the power. Replacement players are not going to work. It would essentially become the XFL in personnel and quality. Advertisers are not going to be paying the big bucks for that quality. Fans are not going to be showing up and watching. Fantasy would become non existent. So would the gambling aspect because no one would know those guys. But they got nervous of missing of a few paychecks and gave in way too quickly. And what did the players do? Re-elect the same union president. So yeah, no progress will be made on the owners.


    A strike hurts a little more if you're an NFL player.  Their career windows are much shorter than the NBA/MLB.  You miss out on a single season in the NFL...that might have been one third of your career football income.  

  9. I wonder if the presence of Carmelo last year showed Westbrook what a me-first personality does to a team.  Because it's one thing when you're doing it, it's something else when you're watching another guy do it.  it's a lot easier to see how it hurts the team. 

    However it's happened, Westbrook is playing point guard now and the Thunder look a little dangerous.  Their defense is fun to watch, which is really saying something for an NBA game in December.  

  10. On 12/16/2018 at 9:07 AM, WhatTheBuck said:

    Worst sequels ever. There's no way the Wachowski brothers/sisters wrote Matrix. Had to be a ghost writer, or a ripoff. The sequels were so bad they couldn't have been written by the same people. 

    The Wachowski brothers/sisters borrowed/stole the premise for the Matrix from a Philip K. Dick's  speech, he gave back in 1977, talking about the significance of deja vu, and how we're living in a computer simulation,   (Video proof in the spoiler)


    Got to the 3:40 mark...he explains it exactly as its shown in the movie.


    That said, the Wachowski's did a nice job with how they revealed the premise.  And they did create an awesome cyber-punk aesthetic and some of the coolest special effects in the history of science fiction---rivaling Star Wars 

    But agree with everyone else.  After the big reveal of the mind-blowing premise (which they stole), it turned into flying superheros and slow motion music video compilations.   

    • Like 1
  11. Just finished it.  Looks great.  Effects are top notch.  Story?  Eh...


    So in the 8th episode, the fat dude goes Jack Torrence and kills a few leaders on the ship with an axe.  Including the captain of the ship, in full view of a lot of people.  And then, an episode later, he's suddenly fine again and thinking clearly and helping like he was earlier?   And other than 1 or 2 comments, everyone accepts it.   

    And the Agatha character killed herself to save the others from her L3 powers?  But the much more powerful, L1 guy is totally fine to be around?  None of this made any sense on any level.  I got the sense they tried to jam a lot of chapters into the last couple of episodes, so maybe the book made more sense.  But there were far too many irrational and extremely stupid decisions made by a lot of people.   By the end, I'd stopped caring about the characters and just wanted to see the visual representation of the aliens.  


  12. 9 minutes ago, bluto said:

    so monster is one weird as f dude

    this dude is my jam, space weather daily updates. pretty entertaining/interesting stuff if you're a weather/earth science nerd


    Well, we are in 'Lulz' so it seemed appropriate to post weird ones.  But...you're not wrong.  :)

    The 'Comsic Ray' video was interesting.   I was thinking about radiation while flying just the other day.  I used to fly all the time and do believe I've had residual health issues from it.  Didn't get the most satisfying answer, since there are 'unaccounted for' charged particles, but every time you fly, you're getting a dental x-ray's worth of radiation...which isn't great.   Makes me wonder what kind of cancer rate exists for pilots/flight attendants.  

  13. This guy is turning a book into a very weird looking 'puppet show', using pieces of real photographs.  Has taken him 2 years and it's still not quite finished.  But he's still working on it, allegedly.  So should see a final chapter in the next 6 months or so if he maintains his current publishing speed.


  14. David Firth is a British cartoonist who is pretty well known over there.  His most famous series is "Salad fingers" which is pretty damn bizarre and creepy.  He also makes some pretty smart 'cartoons'.  There's a shit ton of trash on his channel also.  But Salad fingers is worth trying out for a few episodes.  Cream is great.  And the 'health reminders' are brilliant.  Can probably skip the rest, unless you just really like his style.  


  15. Forgive me if you've already seen these...but they stand out as unique to me.   This channel only made 6 videos.  Kind of dark parody of kid's shows.  With hand made puppet-everything.  Music is catchy too.


    • Haha 1
  16. National Geographic channel (and various online outlets).

    Unique mix of documentary and drama in the same show.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.   I can't say I enjoyed season 1 and almost skipped season 2, but glad I decided to watch it. 

    Story/drama part involves a scientific colony on Mars, working alongside a corporate mining colony.  There is sympathy for the science group, but they have their own bad guys and its not as one-sided as you might think.   The mix of documentary and drama is working much better this time, with very relevant topics being discussed and feathered into the story/drama.   It's stimulating my mind-grapes. 

    Would be interested to hear what other people think of it.

  17. Notre Dame comes out in favor of 8 teams.  (ESPN article if you want to go read it)   The more voices the better.  

    Will be interesting to see what scripted things ESPN will say during blowout games.  They're married to the SEC and I can only assume there's language in their contract about pushing the SEC agenda.   But a bigger playoff would add 8 massive ratings games that would benefit ESPN in a very direct way.   

    It hurts to do it, but I'll listen to Herbie read from his script during the end of a few bowl games, and I guess I'll know where ESPN Corporate stands on the deal.


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