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Posts posted by Monster

  1. 3 hours ago, Disco Missile said:

    Every year some fluke team wins a major conference championship. Seeing a team like that in a playoff with a chance to win the MNC makes the whole idea a joke.

    What's a 'fluke team"?   A team that won a conference championship with less talent than their conference rivals?  Why not just put the top 4 recruiting classes in the invitational every year, then.  Why bother playing the games at all?  *cough* Bama *cough*   

     Baffling to see how many people prefer eye-test champions to actual, on field results.   It's like some of you don't actually like sports.  It bothers you, if a less talented, but better coached team wins.

    If you win the most games in your conference, then you've proven, ON THE FIELD, that you're the best team in your conference.  And you go to the playoff.  

    How can anyone argue against this?  


    • Like 2
  2. Thank you Notre Dame for excluding the Big 10 from this years 4 team invitational.    And thank you to UCF for proving that 80% of universities will never, ever, ever be invited.

    Proposal's not perfect.  You still need an eye-test to determine top group of 5 team.   *cough*16 teams is better*cough*   But what they're proposing is 1000% better than what we have now.  You've got an objective selection criteria that everyone understands and requires zero eye-testing--Conference champs.  And every team in the country starts the season with the legitimate hope they could play themselves into a national championship game-.  As it fucking should be.



  3. We live in an age where anyone with a phone can broadcast, to a GLOBAL audience, every moment of their life, 24 hours a day.   Have something to say?  Point your phone at your own face and click the button.  Talk incessantly about god, or God, or republicans, or democrats, or race, or chem trails.   Regardless of your profession, your race/gender, you are as empowered today as any human being has ever been, in all of history. 

    The people who are complaining that they can't be heard, are just annoyed that the other 7.5 billion human beings can also broadcast their lives...and this has made it very hard to get attention for their pet cause.    At this point, its the empowerment of the common man that is frustrating the common man's need for attention.  


  4. On 12/10/2018 at 7:21 PM, pacman said:

    I have seen this sentiment, which leads me to wonder who you think can/should talk politics and why you seem to want to silence certain populations of people based on their profession?

    Who said anything about 'silencing certain populations'?   He never said anything like that.   Stop putting words in people's mouths, so you can argue with them.

    Personally,  I turn on a game to watch a sports competition and ESCAPE the nonstop, everywhere coverage of opinions on politics/religion/gender/race.   There are roughly 200 million other places where people can voice their opinions.  Nobody is being silenced in America.  You can broadcast your own fucking TV station on Facebook, twitch, youtube...FOR FREE.     


  5. 1 minute ago, closetojumping said:

    None of that will happen in our lifetimes. I'd also like to see drugs completely legalized, taxed, and regulated, but that ain't happening either, and the reasons are the same - there is too much money involved with too many people who will be adversely impacted by the changes to the more logical solution. 

    I'm all in favor of an expanded playoff system. That considered. we've gone through 140 years of college football without anything resembling a real playoff, and nothing happening right now is going to change that. It's the only major sport in which there's not a legitimate playoff system in place to determine a winner, and we've accepted that as fans for far too long to expect systemic changes due to changing fanbase interests. 

    Maybe not in 'your' lifetime...but for people who aren't going to die within the next 10-15 years, they'll see a 16 team playoff.   It won't be fan displeasure that changes it--I agree with you there.  It'll be ad revenue.  And to a lesser degree, conference/university displeasure.  

    "Should I sponsor this exhibition bowl game between Tulane and Louisiana, or should I spend my ad money on a first round of a 16 team playoff game between UCF and Georgia?  Hmmm..."  

    I agree CFB has been comically slow to adapt to transportation advances.  The first 40-50 years of your 140 years, when the bowl system was created, teams had to ride trains to opponents fields because fucking cars didn't exist yet...hence, 1 game regional 'playoffs', aka bowl games.   But I'm confident that greed/ad revenue will get us a real playoff before I'm dead.   


  6. 2 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    What a terrible fucking take. I thought reading your takes on the merits of cheering for OU was acid to my eyes, and now I see this. So you want less college football and shittier college football games? What is the end game in that vein? Some magical 64 team playoff system that isn't going to happen in our great grandchildrens' lives, much less our own? Right.

    I realize that you are a fucking NFL honk who basically views college football as some sort of conduit to feeding your precious Cowboys some new wife abusers to cheer for on Sundays. What I don't understand is why in the fuck you spend so much time on a college football board pontificating about as much. 

    QUESTION 1:   Would you say a 16 team playoff which allows every division I football team in the country a chance to compete is better or worse than a 4 team playoff where 80% of the teams are disqualified before the season starts, rendering their entire seasons irrelevant nationally?   Since the answer is obvious, unless you're a troll, feel free to skip to question 2

    QUESTION 2: If the existing bowl system dies because of a 16 team playoff, would your feelings be hurt?  

    QUESTION 3:  Is it, in your humblest of opinions, truly inconceivable that there will ever be a 16 team, or dream big--a 32 team, playoff?




  7. When Westbrook plays as an actual point guard--distribution/penetration/defense--and Paul George plays as the primary scorer, OKC looks like they could darkhorse their way deep into the playoffs where a few lucky bounces could make things very interesting.   But there's nothing in Russ's history that would indicate he'd be willing to accept a pure point guard role, so I won't get my hopes up.   OKC has all the pieces they need right now.   Bench and support players are strong this year.  Defensive intensity is up.  George looks rejuvenated.  Carmelo cancer has been excised.  They're running actual plays at the ends of games, instead of Russ dribbling until there's 3 seconds on the clock before chucking up an off-balance three... 

    The fate of this team depends on Russ's ability to accept the role of all-star point-guard, instead of trying to be the superstar shooting guard. 

  8. You can do southpark style animations with adobe after effects.  It's basically photoshop, but with a timeline.  $49/month for the full adobe suite, which gives you photoshop, audio editing, and a dozen other software programs you'll never use.  I'm sure there's a month long free trial and a tons of tutorials on youtube.It isn't traditional animation, but it's a way to tell an animated story without drawing 1000's of frames.  Here's a couple of interesting animations created with after effects...






  9. 8 hours ago, Loco said:

    No more like...  there is nothing in it for Gata to sell out UCF's stadium less than 2 hours from Gainesville...  I remember when UF last played UCF, all the talk was the gata shouldn't schedule cupcakes.   

    42-0 whomp whomp


    If UNT wanted a home and home with Texas should the horns do that?


    UCF stands in your yard and says, 'come out and fight us then.'

    Florida says. "We'd fight you, but uh...um...we don't want you to make any money.  Yeah, that's it."

    Florida/SEC writes another press release bout how UCF has a bad SoS.

    Fucking cowards.   

    • Like 1
  10. Herbstreit is the voice of ESPN/SEC incorporated.  Almost everything he says is being read off a script prepared by ESPN's department of narrative control.    ESPN/SEC Incorporated probably wrote that for Herbstreit and he gladly signed his name on it.   That's his job, after all.

    I'm guessing that 'article' means the SEC is upset that their business partners, ESPN, couldn't get 2 SEC teams into the four team, postseason invitational this year.   I see it as ESPN's apology to the SEC, for only excluding 2 P5 conferences, instead of 3.  I'm sure they'll do better next year.


    • Like 2
  11. On 11/2/2018 at 12:22 AM, Pato del Muerto said:

    lol, other religions get satirized or worse constantly by the media, including using their symbols. 


    This is true, with the caveat that there is a religion i n the US that is virtually illegal to satirize.  But  everyone else is fair game, so your point is valid.  Satanists will have to take it on the chin...or start their own anti-defamation league.

  12. 18 hours ago, Rimbo said:

    I kinda liked it for a few episodes, but it felt too... teenage highschool drama.

    Does it get less so after a while?

    I watched about 3 episodes with full concentration, then another 2 with half concentration, before concluding that this was a show aimed at teenage girls who are into goth stuff and gave up.    Might try again later, if the last episodes are supposedly good.


  13. 12 minutes ago, Hurtlocker said:

    "A team of German and US researchers followed more than 115,000 women aged between 25 and 42 for more than ten years. They found those who suffered migraines were 50 per cent more likely to die during the period."

    Real migraines, as opposed to 'not-getting-fired' migraines, are like having the worst hangover you've ever had.  It may not kill you, but you kinda wish you were dead.   It's a significant impairment and could definitely lead to mistakes while operating heavy machinery.  

  14. 10 hours ago, MirrOlure said:

    Yeah, because the way college football has been for 100 years really suck. Fucking “leaders of tomorrow.” Shoot me now.

    Do you ride a coal powered train to your roadside blacksmithing hut every day?  Shaking your fist at the 'futuristic' cars zooming by.

    "Slow down, you idiot kids!" 

    • Like 2
  15. Seems like I remember Urban telling the board of directors he wouldn't apologize, or wouldn't accept punishment, or something to that effect, at the start of the season. 

    Tip of the hat to the admins who weathered criticism for a few weeks, while fully intending to fire the guy at a time of their choosing.  Urban had to know it was coming, which explains the brain cloud/cysts and conspicuous temple-rubbing/migraine pain on the sidelines. 

  16. As a fan of college football, I hope tons of players sit out.  The more the better.   It can only contribute to the demise of this 19th century, exhibition-game post-season that's preventing the best sport in the world from having a legitimate playoff tournament and legitimate national champion at the end of the year.   

    I know, 6-6 teams will no longer be able to .500 their way into the Puxatony weedeater bowl, played in front of dozens of fans, but that's the price we must pay.

    Boycott the bowls, kids.  Do it for yourself, but more importantly, do it for millions of fans who deserve a real playoff at the end of college football seasons.

    • Like 7
    • Fuck You 1
  17. Green lights from the Trump administration

    "A number of these new wells will be fracked – the first use of this technique in the Arctic. One or more of the oil-bearing rock units at sites being explored on the North Slope have low permeability, meaning that oil can't flow within them very well or at all. Company engineers expect that hydraulic fracturing will be able to free such oil so it can be produced. Such has been the result for other shales and low-permeability reservoirs in places like North Dakota and Texas."

    Article was posted in April, 2017  https://phys.org/news/2017-04-fracking-arctic-alaska-oil-boom.html#jCp

    Just started fracking last year, looks like. 

  18. Didn't they start a fracking boom up there last year?  Seems like I remember reading something about that. 

    After the fracking boom in Oklahoma in 2011, whereupon OK went from 3 smallish Earthquakes a year to 600 earthquakes a year, I'm always curious to see if these big earthquakes are in areas where fracking is going on...or is in a boom phase. 

  19. If something bothers you, you probably shouldn't let 'the public' know about it.  Because if you tell people what bothers you, you've guaranteed they'll do that exact thing every time you see them.   Inflicting psychological trauma is a core function of human beings.  

    Big 12 may have outlawed the gesture on the field, but I'd expect a tenfold increase in 'horns down' sightings everywhere else.   


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