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Everything posted by Hammock

  1. Apparently Cristiano Ronaldo is a rapist, too.
  2. That Hillary picture is the most feminine thing I've seen today. #ImWithHer
  3. You fuck faces are the ones who kept inquiring about what I thought about Hillary. The corrupt bitch lost and good riddance. Back to the thread. Imagine an empty white table in an empty white room. That's exactly how much corroborating evidence is available to support these allegations and there are people taking it as fact. And this is great. SIAP.
  4. The "It's her turn" bullshit that so many people truly believed. She defended Bill's admitted extra marital fun. Money flowed in to the Clinton Foundation as Russians wanted control of uranium. No liberal public policy organizations were audited during the entire Clinton administration.
  5. Bernie could have given Trump a run for his money but the DNC decided that they wanted Hillary. That probably cost the left the election because she was just the status quo and America was tired of that so they were willing to roll with the wildcard (Trump). I have no idea how anyone could have voted for her. I didn't vote for either because I thought this election was pitiful but she's the worst of the two.
  6. Just pointing out the new rage of morality in politics.
  7. Are we going to act like Hillary's emails and Benghazi weren't swept under the rug by the left?
  8. It's not a good thing but both parties are guilty of it.
  9. Figure of speech. I'm pretty liberal about stuff (Pro Choice and Pro Same Sex Marriage) but the left is coming off the rails recently.
  10. You tard. I was using sarcasm. I'M ON YOUR TEAM. I even liked your post beforehand, dunce.
  11. TheRockClapping.gif You're now a rape apologist. /s
  12. This is the same outrage when Trump was nominated President. Everyone on the left was freaking out but America seems to be doing pretty well. I think Trump is a POS but the end justifies the means.
  13. Everyone knew when the FBI investigation started that more shit would be thrown against Kavanaugh. It was the Democrat's last chance at a hail mary and no one on the left gave a shit about Hillary and her soullessness. This situation was so predictable. And why are people freaking out about Roe v. Wade? From my understanding, Kavanaugh is pretty neutral on it and that will never get overturned, anyways.
  14. I would think he would pass (36 years of working with women and no allegations) and I would hope the FBI's findings would ruin these women if they are lying. That'll be the interesting part. Someone is lying and who will risk their freedom for their agenda.
  15. "Well, you can become a Supreme Court Judge but there's a good chance you and your family's lives will be altered forever if anyone makes an allegation against you." Sounds fair.
  16. None of the Democrats on that committee will vote yes, even if the FBI comes back and say Kavanaugh is 100% innocent. Everyone knows this.
  17. See how easy it is to derail someone's career with a 36 year old accusation with no evidence? So how many new allegations are going to come out during a week? I'd say probably two.
  18. Today you will be accused of a sexual assault, by a person you don't know, on a day and a month and a year that cannot be pinpointed on a calendar, corroborated by 4 people that say the event never happened, your buddy that accompanied you in the assault says it didn't happen. Now, open your wallet, go lawyer up, prove you're innocent, and come back and tell us how much you liked paying someone(s) to clear your innocent name.
  19. Well, some people admire it when someone calls out others on their bullshit. The ultimate goal in this was to postpone the confirmation until after elections and the democrats were willing to do anything in their power to accomplish that.
  20. It's hard with the time that had gone by though she did the best she could. I think there are leads that could potentially corroborate it if followed. I also don't think you can blame her for waiting to come forward. I can understand your attacker being elevated to the highest Court of the land and the #metoo movement prompting her to cone forward finally. Yeah, it sucks that I even have to question a sexual assault. I don't feel good about it but that's how this stuff works. The burden of proof is on the accuser. I realize we are not in the court of law but we can't have a judge, jury, and executioner mentality about this. If all it takes is an accusation from decades ago to derail someone's career in politics then things will get even worse for both parties.
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