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Captain Ron

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Posts posted by Captain Ron

  1. The trivia was tough tonight.

    James Holtzhauer wins game 1 with Amodio in 2nd. That locked up 3rd place for Holtzhauer. Matt is still out.

    In game 2 Mattea never recovered from an all in Daily Double and going into FJ! it was all decieded: Victoria 1st, Amy 2nd, Mattea 3rd.


    So our Semi-finalists: Victoria (16), Yogesh (10), James (9), Amy (6)

    The Semis are Fiday-Monday.

  2. 5 hours ago, Zeus said:


    Loomer said Twitter informed her she was banned for violating rules against hateful statements after she posted that Minnesota Representative-elect Ilhan Omar was "anti Jewish." Loomer's tweet, one of many that she had posted criticizing Omar and other prominent Muslim figures, said the incoming congresswoman was part of a faith in which "homosexuals are oppressed" and "women are abused."



    That's kind of light on the tweet that got her banned, she specifically said:


    "Isn't it ironic how the twitter moment used to celebrate 'women, LGBTQ, and minorities' is a picture of Ilhan Omar?" Loomer tweeted. "Ilhan is pro Sharia Ilhan is pro-FGM Under Sharia, homosexuals are oppressed & killed. Women are abused & forced to wear the hijab. Ilhan is anti Jewish."

    That kind of direct attack on someone had never been kosher on Twitter.


    5 hours ago, Zeus said:


    He wasn't permanently banned, his account was reinstated a week later.



    5 hours ago, Zeus said:

    Meanwhile this was fine



    Calling someone an asswipe, piece of shit, asshole and motherfucking evil creature person is a problem? Didn't realize you were such a delicate snowflake, given the speech you are defending.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  3. 10 minutes ago, BeardIP said:

    Everyone seems to be so upset about the Cybertruck, which I don't really understand. It seems like it sucks, so that should be good enough, but Cybertruck haters seem to be emotionally bothered that the thing even exists. You wouldn't have it to make fun of everyday if it didn't exist!

    The only people upset are:

    • Those that had the gas pedal fail
    • Those that had coolant leaks
    • Those that drove it through a car wash
    • Those that drove it 1 mile and had it die

    Frankly - I don't care that much. I think the truck is silly. I kind of agree with MKBHD (aka Marques Brownlee) the truck tried  to do something, and it looks different. And that works when you have a small number of them (see Lambos and Bugattis) but when this car is mass produced - seeing it all the time is going to change the view.

    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    He's pulling his own strings.

    He's a narcissist.  Narcissists thrive on slavish adoration.  And it's less about the volume/number of adoring parties than it is about the degree of adoration among the adoring parties.  So, narcissists seek out audiences/groups who are likely to deliver what they need.  That slot is easily filled by the "redpill/incel/groyper" type crowd.

    Elon needed something: knob-slobbering adoration.  He gets it by saying things that the knob-slobbering crowd loves to hear.  And that crowd LOVES hearing someone more powerful than them say what they are thinking/believe, because it gives them validation -- "see, we're not stupid!  ELON AGREES WITH US!  That means we think just like a super brain genius does!"

    It's no much more complicated than a politician telling a crowd of UT students "It's great to be here at the GREATEST university in the state of Texas!" to get their adoring cheers....and then saying the EXACT same line to a crowd of aggy students later that afternoon.  It's about getting the adoration.

    That you don't see yourself as one of the knob-slobberers is one of the least surprising things ever revealed on this board.



    Would Macklemore really ever slobber knob?


    But seriously, going back to the point I hate Musk for owning Twitter - negative ghost rider. I hate Musk for:

    • Consistently overpromising and under delivering
    • Being a liar about so many thing, like founding Tesla
    • Becoming red pilled and swallowing so much conspiracy bullshit 
    • Generally morphing into an asshole in the past few years, most of it post twitter acquisition, but he was starting to do it before buying it up too.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. Also on this comment about being lucky - this was much less about Tesla (and in fact zero about Tesla) and more about the start that these guys had way back at PayPal. They were luckily at the right place at the right time and it turned into a pile of money. And furthermore - these guys had stuff that a lot of people don't have -capital to get this all started from home, family, friends. These guys started on 3rd base and thought how great they were when they crossed the plate to score.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  6. 2 hours ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

    It's really frustrating that someone w/ so much fucking money is so goddamned stupid. 

    At this point I could say that about a lot of people with money. Many of them were in the PayPal Mafia. The fact that they called themselves the mafia should have been the tell. 


    The biggest problem is that these people (and their fanbois) confuse luck with talent. Make no mistake - it took a little bit of talent to get positioned where they were. But them striking it ultra rich was luck. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  7. Just caught the Monday Show. About to go to bed, so really quick thought.

    As with most games - really hard trivia - glad to see some tough FJ!s make the game interesting.

    With the win Mattea stays alive.

    Just a reminder that 2 are eliminated and 4 advance to the Semis.

    Victoria (13) and Yogesh (10) are locks into the Semi's

    Matt Amodio (1) is out.

    Before we go forward: The matchup's Wed are:

    Yogesh, James, Matt and Victoria, Amy, Mattea

    Scores are:

    James 6
    Amy 5
    Mattea 5

    James is locked in by virtue of the tiebreaker of right answers, he is 30+ correct answers over Amy and Mattea, so there is virtually no way for him to get caught by some combo of Amy and Mattea finishing 1-2.

    Basically whoever finishes better between Mattea and Amy is the final semi-finalist.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Schulz2.0 said:

    We aren't pushing hard to get up the pitch every chance. We look much more measured.

    Given that now we are trying a change, I can't help but think that City sat back in the first half to see what we are doing and that Pep was going to adjust for the 2nd half. We will see.

    Well damn, now see if these guys can respond.

  9. 41 minutes ago, midtown said:

    Late 9pm start here in Amsterdam. Not even sure how to watch yet. Thank God I'm not in Bandera

    According to the web - Nordic Entertainment Group (NENT Group)


    21 minutes ago, DeepEastTexas said:

    We're going to need to win out, and then hope Palace beat AV. Don't think either has a high probability of happening, unfortunately. 

    To be honest, I kind of wish that Villa completed the comeback and won yesterday. That would have put this game into a don't care category, which combined with the top of the table implications.

    • Like 2
  10. 4 hours ago, Francisco 2.0 said:


      Reveal hidden contents

    Tesla’s outdated inventory, save the new and issue-prone Cybertruck, certainly isn’t helping. Tesla sells some of the oldest new cars you can buy, which is a wonder in a world where even Toyota is changing the platform beneath the 4Runner. The faithful will tell you that Tesla is constantly iterating, always improving beneath the cars’ skin, but that’s a line that only works on the faithful — your average commuter sees a new car on the lot that looks nearly identical to one from ten years ago.

    Tesla also has fewer avenues to hide its missteps. Traditional automakers can force cars down dealers’ throats in a move called channel stuffing, an unethical practice that shifts vehicles off the OEM’s books and tells local retailers to deal with it themselves. Automakers have been known to hide bad quarters through this method — Triumph once lost a CEO over the practice — but it’s not an option Tesla can use to sweeten its books. Not that it should, of course.

    This, of course, is all before the myriad litigation Tesla faces over its semi-autonomous driver assist software. FSD and Autopilot are being investigated by the Justice Department for fraud, due to the implication of self-driving when the software truly can’t, while NHTSA is probing just how bad the systems really are, and whether mandatory recalls actually made as much of a difference as they promised to.

    Yet, this software is what’s supposed to save Tesla: Musk himself said, “If someone doesn’t think Tesla’s gonna solve autonomy, I don’t think they should be an investor in the company.” The robotaxi project is the company’s new north star, and Musk believes it’ll be enough to save the company from its financial dire straits. Maybe he’ll open up another preorder round this August, hoping for some real money for nothing.


    The underlying twitter thread is scathing. I unrolled it here:


    It's SUPER LONG, I wish I had time to read it, I was only 1/10th of the way through it.

    But man, I very much can see that the failure to deliver Robotaxi on August 8 being the moment that Tesla comes crashing down. AI is closer to writing a viable movie script than Tesla is for delivering FSD. 

  11. A quick comeback to this for a moment - I can't say that all of these wagers make no sense. They do, in the context of the game. Victoria's wager Friday was done in a way to keep the lead in case of a triple stumper OR they did cute wagers (IE enough to just take the lead over her - which is what James's wager was).

    But given THAT grouping of 3 players, you can't assume that the other two players are going to miss or that one of them won't put it all on the line. These players are too aggressive and given their positions (top of the leader board) 1 point isn't going to make the different that 3 points does. 

    At this level, there shouldn't be cute wagers - your wager should aim to cover a double up of all players that sit behind you if you get it right.

  12. 12 hours ago, HenryJames said:


    A few things:

    1. Isn’t this what the WankPanser was supposed to be? Some revolutionary exoskeleton design with no frame? So shouldn’t nothing being there be expected?

    2. I have to question “the most American made car ever” status. I mean I’m pretty sure that I can find many parts on that thing manufactured in China or elsewhere. But I can guarantee you that you go pre-70s, most Ford, GM and Chrysler cars didn’t have a single bolt, hose or wire that wasn’t made by a red blooded American. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. So I just watched the Friday match and I gotta say - the way Yogesh won really hits on something that's been bugging me during this tournament - there have been some head scratching wagers in FJ! in this tournament. Victoria's answer SHOULD have won, but she made a tiny wager that really made no sense. Both Amy (twice) and Mattea have both made wagers that didn't set them up for doing more than finishing last. For being Jeopardy Masters, they are making some rookie mistakes.

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