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Posts posted by SunUvAbitchMarcos

  1. Getting rid of the 1 year wait will ruin college football.  Let players transfer without the 1 year wait when their coach leaves or is fired because that is fair.  If you let everyone transfer, the SEC will buying players for amounts that will be insane.  How much do you think Alabama will pay for a proven starter?

    No more than the goin’ rate.
    • Fuck You 1
  2. First of all, thank you for your service. I appreciate that you served for this country that I love. 
    Sam is completing the best and more importantly, the most meaningful season as a Texas QB since Colt McCoy in 2009. Even more important than his performance on the field is how he is influencing the culture to take us from being used to losing to winning. This off-season, if players dare to slack off, they will have to answer to him. That's why he won the job in the first place and that is a HUGE win for us. 

    Answer to him? You know this how? What a crock
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  3. Oh, so you’re skipping our bowl game to get ready for the NFL?   OK then, thanks for your service.    BTW , all of your affiliation with our school sports and any stats has been expunged. We have no knowledge of you participating in any sporting event. All of your courses have been retroactively regraded and updated to an F. You are also in arrears for all tuition at the special ‘I’m skipping the bowl game for NFL prep” special rate of FIVE MILLION DOLLARS PER CREDIT HOUR,  with a minimum of 72 credit hours, regardless of how many credit hours you took here. In addition, all season ticket holders will be re-embursed their annual fee which also will be billed to you. All of this is due at the close of business today. If not paid, then all of your present and future assets will be frozen and confiscated until said amount is paid. Until this said amount is paid, a special interest rate of 36.5%(compounded daily)  will be applied. Good luck in the NFL ........

    Melt, bitch
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