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Posts posted by SunUvAbitchMarcos

  1. I know Tom means what he says only half the time, but the quote about trying too hard almost kind of makes sense to me? This was a trap game if there ever was one. There’s a difference between being fired up and trying to be perfect. He should have just said “We should have been fired up, instead we overthought everything, and that’s on me.” 

    If that was “ too fired up” then fuck us all right in the arse. The team was lethargic as fuck
  2.  Still pissed on Monday. We've seen enough to know Tom isn't the future.  The next two seasons are going to be fucking painful as we are forced to listen to this cocksucker lie to us in his condescending manner while blaming losses on everything but his inability to fucking coach.  this will be a test of CDC's capital raising ability, can he raise the funds to get rid of this fraud after this year and not put us through another year.

    Fucking Christ they aren’t getting rid of Herman this soon get real
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