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David Dennison

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Posts posted by David Dennison

  1. Just now, Johnny Sack said:

    People doing lines of coke were on Wall Street and actors or rock stars. They weren’t going around murdering, sticking people up or breaking into homes so they could pay for their next fix.  Crack scared everyone and was seen as far more harmful to a neighborhood  

    Meth is treated similarly. 

    And lots and lots of college kids.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Spankytoes said:

    I don't think it's easy at all. I have loads of experience in that department. I had to sacrifice my 20's to be a dad to enter into this new phase where I'm going to turn 40 and neither will be living with me anymore. There are no "play dates" for teenage pregnancy. All of my peers are a decade behind me. It is, however, very easy not to buy a $500,000 house and lease a brand new Audi like my friend that is having to put both on the auction block today because she "deserved it". It's not just accumulating wealth, it's managing it smartly for long term health. It doesn't take a financial guru to shun extreme consumerism so others will be impressed at your "success".

    But, back to the original point, there is absolutely nothing in my path that was aided by anything other than pure drive and determination. Where that statement is folly is that I didn't have a negative environment influencing me against advancing like many of my black counterparts may have. It doesn't diminish the fact that it's much easier to go down the other path of acceptance.

    Being white helped you.

  3. 1 minute ago, Spankytoes said:

    There are plenty of people that didn't do that and still worked their way out of it. Like me.

    Kid at 19, married at 20. Both wife and I have degrees and great jobs. 1 kid in college, which we are paying for, who is living in the house we own in Dallas. Another kid about to be a Senior living in our house in Long Island and will join his brother in Fall 2019. Cars paid off (A 2010 Town & Country and a 2012 Toyota Corolla) and absolutely no debt beyond our mortgages. We travel the world at least twice a year. Both have a surplus in our 401K accounts. (Well, we'll see what the stock market says about that) We don't spend beyond our means and live more cheaply than we can afford to.

    I waited tables and did odd jobs in my early 20's. I went to college and then law school at night. I saw my car repoed in the middle of the night because I had to choose what I could afford to pay due to getting a DWI. I borrowed $ against a credit card and damn near had to declare bankruptcy. I've had times in my life where I couldn't even visit the ATM because I didn't have over $20 in the checking account. I couldn't even get a secured credit card because my score was in the 600's. My parents were 17 and 18 when they had me, so there wasn't some trust fund either.

    I decided that I didn't want to keep living like that and changed. It can be done. The fact that my skin is white and my name isn't Kwame had fuck-all to do with it. Life is hard. Excuses are for the weak.

    Sure it can be done.

    It's much easier if you're white.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    A bunch of people who generally despise the rich giving half a million dollars for "legal defense" to a multimillionaire who repeatedly lied to the FBI is one of my favorite things to happen thus far this year, and now that they must, in the back of their minds, realized they goofed, they are clearly going to just dig in instead of admitting their mistake.

    Kind of like electing Donald Trump.

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, Johnny Sack said:

    They will have plenty of food, make rent, have transportation, cell phone, data plan, be able to eat out, have a big tv and nice cable package, and all of the other modern conveniences.  That really is not poor compared to most of the world.

    If they want to earn more, they can go to night school at the local CC and learn a trade.  Using the same formula they will be middle class.

    Just out of curiosity, how did you pay for college?

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    If you are born in this country and have good health, you have already won the lottery.  There is a surefire way to never be poor if you are an American who is not disabled.  It is both simple and very easy.

    1. Finish high school.

    2. Do not abuse alcohol, use illegal drugs, or commit felonies.

    3. Work full time and show up to work every day on time and do your best (you will be a valuable employee even if you have a sub 90 IQ).

    4. Either marry or cohabitate with a partner who does the same.

    5. Do not have kids until you can afford them.

    This works even if you are dirt poor and black as the Ace of Spades or white trash from the shittiest part of the Appalachians.  

    There are plenty of people in this country who do these things and remain poor.

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, Chrispy said:

    Take the advice or don’t, it’s up to them. I’d rather them adhere to it since we’re all in this together, but alas, it’s out of my hands. 

    The problem is, many in the black community take the advice, do everything right, and still wind up being the victims of racial discrimination. That's something white people don't have to put up with.

  8. 1 minute ago, Catdaddyhorn said:
    10 minutes ago, Spankytoes said:
    With regards to paying your mortgage that has already been obtained? How so?

    Might want to check the numbers on the type of loans given to black people vs other groups with comparable credit ratings and savings. Also the subject that has been discussed here ad naseum wrt housing policies contributes to this in a myriad of ways. One being that black neighborhoods don't appreciate at near the rate of white neighborhoods of comparable median household incomes. Therefore any loss in value is much more devastating.

    Are you saying that white people and black people were not offered the same kind of financing even though they had similar backgrounds?

    That doesn't sound like America.

    Oh wait, yes it does.

  9. Just now, Chrispy said:

    Oh really, it is? It couldn’t be that crack is way more addicting than cocaine could it? Or that it ravaged the black population? No, that’s not scary. 

    I, too, had white friends popping pills and drinking and smoking. And guess what? Some went to jail and some didn’t. The lengths people go to feel sorry for people is ridiculous. 

    Crack isn't any more addicting than cocaine. It's cocaine mixed with baking soda and water which is then dehydrated and smoked. 

    It's freebased cocaine.

  10. 1 minute ago, Spankytoes said:

    What ethnic group had the most foreclosures as a result of taking on loans for terms that they couldn't possibly meet? The answer? Depends on how you want to skew the stats. Latinos had 335,950 homes foreclosed on and blacks had 240,020. If you take that as a percentage of the population as a whole, it takes on a whole other dynamic. 

    Why do you think that is? Why are Asians/Indians not affected? Why weren't more Hispanics affected despite having a higher percentage of homeownership but a lower average wage? (Again, bullshit stats because migrant workers drag down Latinos, but it furthers my argument) There are more poor white people in the U.S. than there are poor black people. Yet, the numbers aren't remotely comparable with regards to how many of each race had their house foreclosed on. What's the conspiracy there?

    That black people suffer disproportionately compared to white people isn't a conspiracy. It's a fact.

  11. 1 minute ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    So driving while intoxicated (not me, was with a friend), kicking cop cars and threatening to kick a cop's ass(not me, with a friend),  and carrying marijuana (guilty) in high school is "tomfoolery"?   Luckily, the cops that stopped us all agreed. 


    When white kids get caught doing these things, they tend to be treated as youthful shenanigans. When black kids get caught doing these things, they tend to get arrested.


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