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David Dennison

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Posts posted by David Dennison

  1. Just now, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    He still looks healthy and he’s younger than Bernie.

    I don't think either of them should run, but they can do whatever they want. I won't vote for either of them again.

  2. 14 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    That guy,

    Using your definitions, 2 a and b in particular, do you feel the fact that I can't reasonably attend PVAM or TSU racist?  And I don't mean technically - lets not be obtuse - I mean without making a spectacle of the whole thing? NAACP membership? Any of that racist? 


  3. 2 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    We’re giving them the Summit which is the ultimate prize for them.

    I’ve said it before, this is a bad approach.  I didn’t like the idea of Obama doing it and I don’t like the idea of Trump doing it.

    By giving them a Summit with POTUS, we are legitimizing them as a global player with a seat at the table.  And how did they accomplish this?  The shot off ICBMs until we capitulated.  This sends the wrong message to any would be third world nuclear power.

    Well, what should we do you ask? Continue diplomacy And put economic and political pressure on North Korea’s two biggest enablers, China and Russia.  

    I think they are going to want more than that to give up anything.

    I don't think they'll ever give up their nukes. Only one country in history ever has.

  4. 1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    For the critics of the DNC suit, I don’t any consequences for the democrats, political or otherwise m.

    They are putting their chips on the table and saying a few things.

    1. GTFO Russia, we don’t want your help or your influence in our democracy.

    2. Calling out Trump/GOP for their behavior with the Russian interference.

    In fact, it’s kind of an insurance policy just in case Trump and the GOP successfully obstruct justice and derail the Mueller investigation.

    My biggest fear was that the Russian influence operation was so powerful that the Democrats wouldn’t stand up to them for fear of retaliation via subversion.  It’s refreshing to see that’s not the case.

    Anything that produces more discovery is a good thing.

  5. 12 minutes ago, deac_tracy said:

    Call me crazy but I don’t think flyover country would get behind a black chick from California with an Islamic sounding first name.

    Could be wrong though!

    That means they just won't get behind a woman because Barack Hussein Obama.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    North Korea says they are suspending future nuclear and long-range missile tests and will close their nuclear test site. 

    Good job, Trump. 



  7. 1 minute ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Some of it.  I had academic scholarships that covered most of it as I did well on the ACT.  Mom helped with bills.  I also waited tables to pay for gas, insurance, golf, hunting, skiing, beer drinking, etc.  My grandad was a very wealthy man.  Self made who started a company that when he sold it had 20,000 employees and a couple billion a year in revenue.  His father was a letter carrier in a small Texas town.  Granddad went to school on the GI bill but never graduated because he got married young and had my mom 15 months later.  He was from the depression era.  Everyone in my family was expected to work at all times.  Just the way it was.  I started working for his company when I was 13 and it was no cushy job.  And he certainly did not believe in trust funds.  He hated trust fund babies.  So I probably stand to inherit a nice piece of change someday, it won't be until I am 50.  Will benefit my kids more than me as I have made enough not to need it.

    I also had a pretty sweet scholarship for law school as I did well on the LSAT.  But I had help.

    Your grandfather was a millionaire.

    The struggle is real.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    You don't know shit about me.  I was top 10 percent at UT Law and could go to any Texas biglaw firm I wanted to after I clerked for a federal judge.  I do not have a trust fund nor have I inherited a penny yet and at age 41 everything I own is from my earnings as an attorney.  I worked in college and in law school, though not during the school year in law school.  My dad died at 16 and was basically broke, so not much help there.

    I know it's hard for someone like you to believe, but some people can be successful in life without inheriting anything.  Work hard and smart so you can too.

    I wish I had a trust fund though.  Many of my friends do.  I certainly don't look down on them for it.

    Swing low, sweet chariot . . . 

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