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Posts posted by JMFP

  1. 7 hours ago, wood said:

    But hey, it was cold, don'tcha know?

    I mean seriously ... anyone here have a problem with their rings falling off?

    I actually lost my first wedding band on the lake tubin' before my first anniversary... My sister was operating my boat and skipped me across Grand Lake doing about 30. I felt it slip off my finger and at that moment I knew I had fucked up. 

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  2. 11 hours ago, utee94 said:

    As soon as the kids are done camping with us and off to college, we've considered selling the house, and going to a Class A and towing the Jeep.

    Alternatively I've also considered buying a vintage Airstream Bambi and completely restoring it.  It's a lot less work than my 26' Overlander was, should be a piece of cake! :)



    We've kind of talked about the same thing when I retire (but that still seems a lifetime away)... Selling everything here and finding a little piece of land on a lake or river down south somewhere where we can build a modest house and a big shop. Spend the winters there and then chase 70 degrees April-October.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 1 hour ago, horn4life said:

    Honestly.  If I really wanted to hit the road full time, I think the Super C's are the bomb.  Big lift for off road clearance, and the potential for a big enough foot print, to truly be comfortable.  Then pull a nice 4x4 behind it.   IF I were going to build from scratch I would be looking at aluminum studs to frame it out and save al the weight I could.  I guess you could do it like a boat and fiberglass the exterior?


    Super C is what I'm eyeing next when the kids are done camping with us. My oldest is almost 17 and she's pretty much done now, she and her 13 year old sister don't do well together in small spaces... The youngest is 6 so we still have at least 8 or 10 years with her still wanting go most trips I figure. But yeah, a super C towing a 1/2 ton pickup with my motorcycle and 2 kayaks in the bed is my dream right now... 


  4. Out on the farm we have an old 1966 Ford F600 with a 30 foot flat bed on it we used to haul hay back when I was in high school... Wife suggested one time that we restore it and turn it into some kind of super-C. Would be cool but cheaper I think to buy a brand new one (and I can't afford either). 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 11 hours ago, 0xdeadbeef said:

    Tell me they aren't intending to sell shirts and hats that just have the letters "THE" on them.   That would be kind-a goofy. 


    Holy Shitballs!  It's not just bad, it's OSU-bad.



    Ahem, it's tOSU-bad.

  6. Saw this little guy hanging out by the office door this morning... Guessing its a water snake. He's about 14 or so inches long.

    Sorry for the potato pic, my phone is old.


  7. I had a German Shorthair for about 8 years, lost him about 2 years ago to bloat. He was a really good dog, very affectionate and mine was big, he weighed about 80 pounds. Was always trying to get into my lap when I sat down. He was really good with the kids, very tolerant with the little ones. He was always playful even into adulthood but I never thought of him as really hyper. Would recommend.  Oh and he hated the mailman, I mean fucking hated. He knew the sound of the mail truck and would start barking as soon as he turned down our street. When he saw the mailman in the front yard he would go ballistic. Never did that to anyone else, animal or human, he was pretty friendly with everyone.  


    Favorite dog I had though was a whippet I had in college. She was smart as hell and had a huge personality. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 8 hours ago, Grimas said:

    I went the manual route. Power goes out, i slide the lockout bar in the breaker box, plug in cable from generator to wall and the start the generator. I could have gone the auto-start route but I didn't think it was worth the cost ($2-3k more) for the convenience... Ask me again after I have to do it at 2am with rain blowing sideways and I may have a different opinion...  :)

    Kinda my plan too. In the winter I can trip the main breaker and plug my generator in to the RV plug. It should have plenty of juice to run the gas furnace and the essential loads in the house. In the summer I think we'd just plug the generator in to the camper and move into it. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 15 hours ago, Celery Man said:

    Who was the poster who… I think maybe was in a wheelchair? and had a story in the ms paint sexual experience thread where he illustrated hitting the rear entrance and the girl started giving him the angry dolphin?

    Randy Marsh... First thing I thought of too. 


    That thread was responsible for me actually signing up for TOS... 

    • Like 1
  10. On 12/10/2021 at 2:48 PM, pch said:

    If there is a God (not his version), my prayer is that Josh Duggar is sentenced to life and becomes the boy toy of someone like Vern Schillinger or Simon Adebisi and that lube is not provided during the entire sentence.

    Adebisi GIFs | Tenor

  11. 8 minutes ago, Covri said:

    I’d reply with a Lebowski quote myself, but I’m honestly curious.  Seems like you’re one of them in the photos based on posts but I’m not sure why it’s relevant?

    Somebody posted a remark or something about the shooter posting pics on social media of him with an AR... Another guy said that it's not that uncommon/abnormal (?) for kids to post pics of themselves with rifles online, maybe something about especially kids from south Texas, I don't remember exactly. Another guy "agreed to disagree" or some bullshit. So I quoted him and posted that pic, which was recently posted in another thread in this forum, pointing out that young dudes do in fact take pics of themselves with guns and that they've been doing it since at least whenever that vintage pic was taken. That's the best I can do, I'm not rereading this whole fucking thread for exact quotes. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 58 minutes ago, Born to Run said:

    I mean I've had some serious weekends at various ranches shooting and blowing up shit that were probsbly not that far away from this depravity. Odd optics but,

    Different time
    Different place. Big bend country is different.


    14 minutes ago, Cajun said:

    None of those weapons nor any of the people on that trip ever killed another human being, nor will they ever, unless an incel like our Uvalde Jack wagon today decides to do his thing within range.

    Optics schmoptics.

    The point of my post was in context to Immaculate Vibes response that I quoted, to support the notion that it is not uncommon for young men to have their pictures taken with firearms, even "military style" rifles - and that it is not a new practice. 

  13. 4 hours ago, Gil Bang said:

    Who puts up with that?  To join a club?

    Two things here:  I don't want to join any group where pissing on another man is cool, and, I don't claim to be a tough guy, but anybody pisses on me is gonna get his head bashed in with the nearest blunt instrument. 

    I only knew it happened and it was him because he and another pledge filed a lawsuit against the house. They first went to the Greek Council but the president of the council was Sigma Nu so that went nowhere there... 


    It starts out with keg parties and soristitutes. You just graduated HS and start getting invited to parties because of someone you know. You spend the summer going on float trips and to keg parties, if you ask about hazing the answer is that was something done in the past, no one does that shit anymore. Then they drop that paper in front of you asking if you want to sign up. Fuck yeah you do because these guys are blast - always have beer, liquor, and pussy hanging around - who doesn't want to be a part of that?

  14. Hamm was absolutely involved. Left UT because of it.
    The Sigma Nu pledgeship stories from 1991/92 or so -- my fraternity Big Brother and another close friend in our fraternity pledged Sigma Nu that year when they got booted -- were pretty nuts. They wound up coming over to our fraternity the next year and the stories they told were pretty intense. They paddled the fuck out of those guys and since Sigma Nu had a swimming pool, there was a lot of hazing involving the pool -- extended dog paddling, etc.
    Same at OK State 96-97, except they didn't have a pool. Guy in my freshman comp class got pee'd on. Sigma Nu was the worst.
  15. 2 hours ago, derpyhorndog said:

    I can see why people wouldn't want Urban here for morality, his personality and mess that stems from that (e.g., his "disciplinary conduct" as Jags head coach), his bar-scene faux pas and his sketchy past at tOSU and UF. But the view that his on-field performance in one NFL season means he has lost it and would fail in "new era" CFB? Doesn't carry much weight to me, even if NIL is making the CFB  landscape more akin to the NFL in that players are getting paid (some handsomely). See Nick Saban's run with the Dolphins (clearly unsuccessful even if much better than Urban's attempt) and let me reconsider when CFB institutes a draft and/or NIL-analog to a salary cap. 

    While I don't think timing is right such that Sark should be canned and replaced tomorrow if it were an option, put me in the "win at almost all costs" and "Urban is not bad enough to where I would not still want him as the UT head coach" camp. I still think he would crush it on the field here. And as far as tarnishing the sterling reputation of the University, outside extremes situations like PSU, BU and the like for which Urban falls shy of risking from a morality perspective (IMO), my view is that the vast majority of people who pay even some degree of mind to CFB (let's set the bar low - they can name 10+ CFB head coaches) largely disassociate the academic institution of the university from the branch that is its football team in forming their perception of the former.

    In sum, absent extremes (child diddling, rape coverup, etc.), would prefer playing in the mud of the success with others over riding solo atop of the high horse of mediocrity. Whether that's coach selections, paying players or otherwise. Urban is no doubt muddy, but not caked in so much that he so much as shivers and it splatters across the walls of Belmont.

    Thanks for reading my blog. 

    He just covered up domestic violence, where is that on your scale?

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