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Posts posted by J.R.

  1. I predict he puts it in a Trump branded property. No sense in not getting some money out of the deal. The Trump Presidnetial Librbary and Golden Shower Room at Trump Vladivostok Tower. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, slorch said:

    I'm not mentally ill, or stupid.


    I just don't bend the constitution to say what i wish it did.


    Fuck all of you neggers too.  Holy fuck, it's like I kicked your grandma or something.  post your take and grow the fuck up.

    We’re still waiting on you to back up your post there has been anything approaching reciprocity on the intentional lying we have seen from the admin by the press. Or are you going to go with EMAWs shitty fucking evidence?

  3. 12 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    There are no words


    This reminds me of the answers to a jury questionnaire in Texarkana in 2008. One of the questions was something along the lines of list the 5 people you admire least. The single most common grouping included Hitler, Bill and Hillary. At least 30 out of 50 responses had this answer set.  

  4. 11 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

    Why is it okay for the press to lie about the President but a mortal sin for the President to lie about the press?  The press has a responsibility to report facts fairly, objectively, and let the audience decide whether those facts deserve praise or condemnation.  What consists of the press now is a bunch of social activists who are presenting personal political opinions and deliberately trying to pass off those opinions as facts in order to persuade the audience to support those opinions.  That is not journalism.  That is propaganda.  


    Is some of what Sanders says propaganda?  Sure, some of what every White House press secretary who has ever given a press briefing says is propaganda.  Government without propaganda doesn't exist.  However an honest press would ask questions first and shoot when they get bullshit for an answer.  The press now shoots first and asks questions later.  The media has not cared about the truth since Trump was elected.  All they have cared about is "getting Trump."  Trump is giving them a taste of their own medicine and it makes them despise him even more.

    Listening to Acosta, CNN, the New York Times, and all the other media stooges complain about Trump picking on them is like listening to a bully complain when someone he picks on punches him in the nose.

    We’ll be waiting for some specific examples of the press’s demonstrable lies about the president from you too shit for brains. 

  5. 1 hour ago, EMAWesome said:

    If Jim Acosta and all the other shitslingers at CNN think Trump is trying to destroy the press they should take their act to Cuba or Iran and see what happens to them under a regime that does not have a First Amendment.  It wouldn't be their feelings that would be getting hurt.

    Post less asshat

  6. Agreed my point was I hope they explain pained clearly that they intended to show very lavish unexplainable spending which would not match his declared income in opening. My guess is they made this very clear and the cantankerous old judge missed it and now doesn’t understand which is a problem with old Federal judges you see a lot. 

  7. Maybe JB Sessions will grow a pair of Elf balls, reinstate himself, fire Mueller and publicly claim he was following the Presidents clear directive. And flush this whole mess deservingly down the toilet. 

  8. 10 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Only for the one recording.

    It removes a bargaining chip Michael Cohen could use in a plea deal. 

    I disagree. They can not waive privilege this selectively. More likely, they struck a deal in advance with the government as to the scope of a subject matter waiver.  If they waived it unilaterterally, you can safely assume privilege as to the same subject matter was waived, at a minimum. 

  9. If I were the Dems I would seriously consider playing into the whole “Trump wants to make himself king” narrative and scare the living shit out of people. It has the added benefit of probably being true, so it will be very difficult for him not to play right into the narrative when the nominee starts referring to him as Your Majesty and shit like that in debates. Added bonus: highly entertaining. 

  10. On 7/16/2018 at 1:33 PM, phdhorn said:

    That was a cool story and all, but honestly if you even think seriously about a trip through there, you deserve what you get.  There is NOTHING really to see there tourist wise, and you know you're simply tempting fate, and have an excellent chance of being killed or worse (heh heh).

    In some ways, the Belgian couple strike me as assholes.  Going into that den of horror, continually refusing to pay the gougers, then expecting to just keep going, that's kind of fucked.  Certainly one of those occasions they would have every chance of being some rotting corpse in yet another road ditch.  They were pretty stupid and naive to just think they had "rights" or something and these groups would simply let them go because they were "in the right."

    Odds are next time they tried this shit, the girl would be a vagina badge for some dude and the husband would be neatly carved into pieces and spread all around the wonderful DRC like seasoning on a salad.

    Having traveled extensively throughout the shit holes of Africa (I say that lovingly) this is a bit of a misconception. While there are no doubt some bad motherfuckers who will definitely kill you dead, the vast majority of people, particularly on a traveled route, realize you have negative value dead, because dead foreigners bring trouble, and are mostly just really aggressive panhandlers. I’d take this trip before I walked across South Chicago. 

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