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Posts posted by J.R.

  1. 12 minutes ago, Skipper said:

    Gibbs seems like he sucks.  How are these people so bad at this?

    Because flat out destroying an intelligent, prepared witness in cross-exam LA LAW style takes more time and intelligence than these fucking jackasses are able to devote.  

  2. 3 hours ago, burntorangebongos said:

    Since he has prejudiced the judge against him, can he argue that to get a new judge? Or is that not an option? I am just trying to see if there was a reason for this stupidity that might be him being sly as a fox.



    He is just a dumb shit that has lived above the law for too long

    • Like 2
  3. 1 minute ago, Thetexashammer said:

    This is an easy one. I challenge you to find a scintilla of evidence that there is even one person on the planet who actually likes the guy. Not tolerates, but genuinely likes him.

    Lindsay (male) Graham likes him and probably wants to fuck him. There you go. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    There economy is now crashing, which is the only thing holding them back. Be careful of Iran. Perhaps Intelligence should go back to school!”

    JHC what a moron we have been punished with

  5. Just now, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    The documentary Active Measures does the best job I've seen so far of giving a comprehensive overview in two hours but it was still lacking in some areas like the NRA angle with Butina.  

    It does a good job of illustrating how 2016 wasn't Russia first rodeo.  They ran identical playbooks in Georgia and Ukraine over the last 10 years. 

    no its watered down bullshit for public consumption.  

  6. I would really like to see someone come out with a $30mm prize for the best report that concisely yet completely and accurately captures the full level of Russian subversion of our democracy and corruption.  The catch would be that judging will occur now and also 10 years from now on a blended basis of most complete and proven most accurate.  My money is on the information security companies.  The reporting to date on this has been extremely poor in terms of comprehensive, non-partisan, non-clickbait, technical summaries.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Crusher said:

    Here is the Mueller teams statement:

    "BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the Special Counsel’s Office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s Congressional testimony are not accurate,” Peter Carr, a spokesman for Mueller’s office, said Friday."

    I can see where there might be a little wiggle room there. He didn't say the story was untrue. He just said that his office did not leak the evidence that the Buzz Feed story uses to support their anonymous sources.


    “A little”???  It would be hard to draft a more narrow statement. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Paul Wesley said:

    Isn't it fucking weird how we had one menacing, evil, caravan full of ISIS and MS-13, and that looming threat got nonstop heavy news coverage for several weeks leading up to the midterm election, and then it all just wafted away -- in the words of Warden Norton, "like a fart in the wind" -- just hours after the polls closed?

    And now, when the Republicans are getting a beating in the polls for shutting down government, suddenly another caravan just materialized, and there's a crisis that needs dramatic action?

    Maybe it's just me.  

    It may be just possible that you are on to something here. 

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, deech said:

    If Buzzfeed can be considered true....... No denial by Trump is looking bad now and there is ancillary evidence the story is true, but I would really prefer to see a legit news source confirm validity of story. 

    Umm welcome to 2019. Buzzfeed is very legit now despite their history and overall look. The reporters claim to have personally reviewed the substantiating documents. This is the real deal. 

  10. I wish Pelosi would ramp it up a little and start highlighting this as a vanity project.  I would have no problem if she lied and said she knew it was dumb idea when he told her he wanted to put his name all along the wall - "The Trump Southern Border Security Wall" -  and maybe even carve his likeness into it in a few places.  I wish the Dems would play dirtier.  

  11. 1 hour ago, High Plains Drifter said:


    1. Kenya is a close ally of the US. Perhaps the closest in Africa.

    2. Kenya is right next door to Somalia.

    3. Kenya is the most stable democracy in Africa.

    4. That hotel is one of the few places where Americans and other Westerners stay when they come to Nairobi.

    this is all true and it really pisses me off because thats a great hotel

  12. 2 hours ago, yaqdum said:

    i don't have a source, but i dis-stink-ly remember it from that time.  it really stuck out in my memory because it was so shitty.  they tricked him into writing something negative and then buried the other letter.

    I cannot find support for this anywhere. But I did learn that RR was supposed to have a meeting in the Oval with Sessions, bowed out at the last minute, then called Sessions out of the middle of the meeting to tell him he had appointed Mueller and then Sessions had to go back in and tell Trump that piece of good news. RR is playing a very long game I am telling you. 

  13. 14 minutes ago, triplehorn said:

    RR didn't think Comey was 'incompetent' and nothing suggests he advocated Comey being fired.  Comey wasn't beyond reproach, and RR's letter reflected that.  RR did Trump's bidding with his letter which was then usurped to provide thin cover for Trump firing Comey.  But there was a far greater good RR was preserving by appearing cooperative with Trump.  RR did nothing that could be legitimately used as grounds for his removal as DAG with cause, same for Sessions as AG.  Trump openly fumed over this forever.  Sessions eventually allowed the appearance of resigning, after Mueller and FBI had completed a deep dive lasting at least 18 months.

    Why would Rod have an unused draft of that Trump letter sitting in the WH ?  He wouldn't.  McGahn would, however.

    The writing of two letters,  one pro/ one con re Comey by RR was rumored by people who are turning out to have been spot on about many major stories dating back to early 2017 about which MSM has been completely AWOL.

    I very much think Rod might have determined Comey was incompetent. I read his book and I definitely question his competence. I have heard I think from Benjamin Wittes that Rod had a copy of Trumps letter for some reason. I know Mcgahn has been interviewed by mueller but that is not the same as acting as trumps lawyer and simultaneously as an informant. That’s creates some very complicated ethical issues. That is why I doubt mcgahn shared the letter. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, triplehorn said:

    Rod R is a straight arrow.  No personal biases being enacted.


    Re 1 and 2.  - RR was asked to write a letter (some reports two letters, pro and con) re Comey.  They utilized the con letter in an attempt to make RR their shield.  That backfired on them: if you know Trump is a Russian agent, you play ball to remain an honorable firewall as DAG for the investigation.  Sessions recused, didn't meddle, and helped RR firewall stay intact.

    Re 3. - RR didn't have that copy, McGahn did.  McGahn interviewed with Mueller for over 30 hours spanning 9 months during an ongoing counterintelligence investigation into Trump.  can u say trump-fucked ?

    Re 4. - with Sessions' blessing.  Sessions, like McGahn, isn't anyone's patsy.

    I didn’t mean personal biases. I mean moving people out of the way you think are incompetent or don’t trust because you want to make sure the right thing is done for the country. I think Rod had a copy of the trump Comey letter as did mcgahn. Mcgahn COULD NOT have given his copy to the FBI. I have never heard rod wrote two letters. Source?

  15. 55 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:

    And revel in this:  Trump said he was unaware of the investigation until the NYT story broke.   Guess who WAS aware the whole time, by virtue of his position and the reporting mandates of the FBI/DOJ?



    I wouldn’t be so sure. If I had to guess, I believe it went down as follows 

    1.  Rod R didn’t like Comey due to the Hillary issue and also didn’t trust him to completely destroy Trump. 

    2.  Rod baited Trump into firing Comey knowing it would cause the appointment of a special counsel by writing the letter trump used to justify Comeys firing.  

    3. Rod egged on the FBI CI investigation of trump by turning over the letter trump wanted to send to Comey using the Russia issue as cause for the firing.

    4. Rod knew by this time sessions would or had recused. He knew he would be in charge of mueller and he didn’t tell sessions jack shit using sessions recusal as an excuse. 

    In short Rod took out two political enemies (Comey and trump) and neutered another (sessions) in one fell swoop. 

    • Haha 1
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