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Ted Lange

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Posts posted by Ted Lange

  1. Steph and company should have showed up with the dude who saved those lives at a Waffle House and the parents of the girl murdered by that shitstain in Charlottesville plus a couple kids from the school shooting in Florida. Maybe bring Stormy Daniels as their date.

    • Like 2
  2. Trump to the players and their teammates.  “Get those sons of bitches off the field!  They don’t belong in the country!”

    tahoe, the eagles aren’t gracious.

    Bizzaro world. 

    • Like 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, SubliminalHorn said:

    What if? Why do you think he’s become even more unhinged over the past couple of weeks regarding this investigation. He knows Manafort and his team were caught. 

    This tweet makes more sense now...


  4. I wonder what Count Cuckala’s answer would have been if 3 years ago someone asked him if Obama could pardon himself..... of course Obama isn’t a crook like Trump, so the question never came up.

    • Like 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, Vince_McCoy_Williams said:

    Im actually not pro tarriffs (thanks for asking and not asuuming LOL), I am pro free market. I agree with Reagan. However, Trump's economy is doing quite well and I am willing to wait and see what ends up happening here. 

    I find it HILARIOUS the Dems have been parading around the great Ronald Reagan, like yall dont hate him, just because he provided a convenient quote. 

    I find it hilarious that you think anyone who is anti trump is not a republican .  Reagan policy wise is anti trump on trade, Russia, gun control, immigration.....  is he not a republican?   Maybe it’s time to realize trump isn’t a republican, he stands for nothing but Trump, like he has his entire life.  

    • Like 4
  6. While you are at it ANT, might as well post some Alex Jones shit and make that the lefts fault.

    end of the day, Trump personal collusion is likely not to be “proved.”  Trump money laundering, pay for play and financial crimes almost 100% will be proved.  So will the folks who voted for him to drain the swamp admit they were hoodwinked and he is nothing but a huckster?  Will the people who claim that they are for the rule of law, want it to apply to Trump.  I’m guessing no. 

  7. 28 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Wait. Mueller's team has a powerpoint? This changes everything!


    Jesus this twitter shit is bringing down society. 

    It’s a link to a WSJ and nowhere did it claim it CHANGED EVERYTHING.  Lighten up Francis. 

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