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Everything posted by msudawg

  1. Well damn. now 3 hours till my game. at least i'll get home. crack a beer and have a pour of bourbon for national bourbon day before first pitch hopefully.
  2. 1 out or 3 runs. dont like the chances.
  3. Gaither is out. hope this guy can get the out here.
  4. HELL of a throw and play but he's safe.
  5. Love Gaithers intensity. want them to win.
  6. As his kid or whoever next to him goes full blown digging in his nose....
  7. there's that lack of offense i was talking about. Really gotta think about starting sims tomorrow.
  8. Kobbs give us the long ball and gets pulled.
  9. It's smart... saves a lot of money on maintenance . Now the one part I dont care for is the hitting circle being turf. but the rest is just smart.
  10. I won't push for best ballpark (as it's my home ballpark) but you can't say crap about the field being one of the best playing surfaces in college.
  11. Bullshit field? WTF Are you talking about?
  12. tech is screwed. good job with that lifetime contract
  13. Closer comes in throws 3 straight balls..and the idiot swings 3-0 on a low fastball and pops it up on 3b line. UGH
  14. good hit. but have to strong something together which is so hard against this guy. nevermind, they are pulling him after 117 pitches and a few hits.
  15. 103 pitches after 7. not gonna chase him with that count.
  16. Damnit... needed to advance the runner there.
  17. thank goodness he seems to have hushed up. great pitching matchup.
  18. Thank you ESPN "he hasnt allowed a hit today" boom hit. Say hasnt allowed a homerun today please.
  19. The country will outpour funds for your defense if your firmly plant your fist enough to remove his teeth.
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