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Everything posted by msudawg

  1. Mongo needs more highlights shown. And noted he hasn't gotten a hit this series. #HailState
  2. I was more interested in watching the product on the field. It's been a few years since I've been to the stadium in person. Hell Steven Smith might of still been the Baylor head coach then. #HailState
  3. I was sincerely sad covid took the meetup away this year. Look forward to hanging again this fall again in the cedars. It's tapatalk. I ain't messing with finding it. #HailState
  4. In surprised you can type after going after the car horn guy last night... #HailState
  5. I mean you already lost to us once... I agree. Abondon all faith in the rest of your season results. #HailState
  6. Should we have pacos pizza ads instead like you? #HailState
  7. Mulllleeee. Not bad for a former tight end (now wr) for Mike leech. #HailState
  8. He's an all American. Gotta do it You hang em we bang em Tanner on! #HailState
  9. I'm surprised Noone is complaining about harding tonight humping his glove. #HailState
  10. Oh boy. The "game" would be on my birthday Sunday if it happens. #HailState
  11. Couldn't of been that bad. Ya killed us. #HailState
  12. That's why you have major league foul pouls *** #HailState
  13. Just tanner Allan being an all American. Make up for the one they scored #HailState
  14. There's my meaningless stat happiness. That's now 5 bulldogs with double digits homeruns this year. Likely a first in msu history. #HailState
  15. The joke went right over you head... Sent from my SM-G988U1 using Tapatalk
  16. State pulling out the maroon 1985 throwbacks for first time this year I believe. Let's see if it works out.. Sent from my SM-G988U1 using Tapatalk
  17. AND it's Hootie to get the ball tonight.
  18. The question that will be answered soon. do we start him or Houston Harding. I'm in favor of sticking with a proven starter but bringing Sims in as soon as he's needed. if that's the 3rd inning or 6th (or the 1st..ugh) but he's not a starter. He proved against the horns he can throw 60+ pitches in 3+ innings to finish a game. It wouldn't be a stretch to push him to 70-80 pitches with the game on the line.
  19. Well the ball bounced off Gene Morgan's shin in 85 from a longhorn batter and we never recovered then. some say 89 was our best team, but we fell in the regional finals to NC State in the 2nd game. 2013 was the year we finished 2nd.. when we only had 1.5 quality pitchers basically. 2018 was the true willpower crazy year.. cann caught sexting in a game and fired, and gary henderson rides the wave of jake magnum, big mac, stovall, pilkington, and small all the way to 3rd place.. We win tonight. we go to omaha for 3 years straight. and 4 of the last 8. In full disclosure, I don't believe this is the year to win either if we make it. But OMAHA always plays different and a big park would be good for our pitchers.
  20. Jesus is on campus today for us. We win. https://twitter.com/Coach_Leach/status/1404496574961623041
  21. Well then just go ahead and put your gold helmet on ***
  22. Truth.. and there were good times and bad times. We then hired Sly Croom, one of the worst coaches in d1 history... we paid for our sins.
  23. Hmmmm... where to start. Now I would like to think MSU fan's are pretty humble, because even with all the success in our history. we still haven't won the last game yet. We are damn proud or our attendance and stadium, and should be.. it's a different kind of passion that comes from a small state rallying around 3 very good baseball teams year in and year out. Yes, that passion occurs because there are less options for other forms of entertainment maybe.. but it's a passion that draws the largest crowds for us year in and year out. If you find the media attention irritating, well that's been discussed ad-nauseum and that's on ESPN.. we don't write the scripts, what should we do... just lose and not be talked about??? Now I don't know what "appearance" you are talking about unless it's fan support (screw you car horn guy last night...) and well your AD pointed this out on twitter earlier, UT has over 700 million in renovations going on currently. baseball is not near the top of the list. There is no room or truly need to make the stadium bigger as it's only filled 4 series a year including post-season. It's a problem we understand all too well at times. So hate LSU for being LSU, Mississippi (who chokes every year prior to OMAHA- Ole Miss at Home Again), and especially Arkansas.. but come on now, are you still holding that game 1 lose against us to root against us tonight? or would you rather beat us in Omaha in the first game..
  24. I have no shortage of various forms or alcohol in my home. but yes.. today is evidently National Bourbon Day.
  25. Shortened season by only playing conference games... Is that what might be helping them also with players being more fresh?
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