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Posts posted by msudawg

  1. 2 minutes ago, Homesickhorn said:

    I hate you. Cheered for y’all because, to be honest, it’s just easier.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Oh hello friend. I was wondering where you were. I hate you too. Can we be friendz again tomorrow? It's not personal.. 

    • Like 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, zork said:

    Rep all around boys.  Gonna be a tough super.  Them boys can hit.

    Indeed... will be some damn good baseball. Hope the arms are rested up and ready for yall. Yall deserve a ride to Omaha this year

  3. 4 minutes ago, WBT said:

    That's after OU scored 20 in the Friday game started by your ace with the entire bullpen fresh.  Funny things happen in baseball.  Also, OU sucks.

    Pilk is "ace" only in name. He has huge time potential but hasn't made it past the 5th inning without barfing up a half dozen runs in a while. Plus we kept making HORRIBLE errors or throws not scored an error. As you can see that wasn't a representation of our ball club. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Beau Vine said:

    Duke is ass. 

    I will eat the chair I'm sitting in if Duke beats Georgia twice today.

    Duke can mash evidently. 


    3 outs left to not give up 7 runs... 

  5. Just now, Beau Vine said:

    What an amazing piece of gaggage by OU...

    We aren't a bad team when we aren't playing like absolute shit like friday.... gifting wrrors and runs.

    After beating FSU we are 10-1 vs top 10 teams this season. 

  6. MSU goes to the bullpen to our closer up 4-1 after 7.5

    JP FRrance went 7IP in his 2nd start of the year. Best start of the year for an MSU pitcher. 2 hits. 2 walks, 5k's with the season on the line. not bad for a grad transfer from tulane

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