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Pam Cummings

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pam Cummings

  1. It's a problem when the two entities whose financial well-being is directly tied to the success of a school like Michigan are in charge of making sure they follow all the rules, and punishing them if they don't. That is where college sports are broken. Serious question here, why would any school that is watching this all go down follow any rules in the future? There is no downside for not doing so. Literally zero.
  2. Lebron should hire someone to run his social media. He posts nothing but pure cringe.
  3. It don't make a shit. We didnt win when he was here either.
  4. But if the ball comes out at the end it isn't a catch. Make it make sense. It's either one way or the other.
  5. The Schoonmaker TD should have counted. The rules say "you have to survive the ground" in order for there to be a catch. So how the hell is the play over before he has survived the ground? He is falling to the ground as he is making the catch. And if he had dropped it at the end, it would have been an incompletion. There would have been no "his knee was down". That rule was applied incorrectly.
  6. Wait, now you have no problem with sign stealing? What a clown.
  7. The way he talks in the press conferences is how you can tell he's a fucking garbage idiot. He's just so condescending. He has this attitude of "i'm sorry your little fantasy team didn't do well this week because i kept my best players off the field, but you just aren't a big enough genius to get what it takes to win in REAL football". The way to win at real football is to always play your best players. What an absolute clown. I have no idea how such stupid people get such high paying coaching gigs.
  8. He's a moron. He's the worst type of coach. He believes his little scheme or whatever it is he runs is the secret to success and it doesn't matter which player is in the system as long as the play is run correctly. It's a very arrogant coaching style that always fails. Jonnu Smith getting goal line carries over Bijan. Never using Kyle Pitts. The guy is a fucking buffoon.
  9. He is a fraud coach. Too afraid to make critical decisions because a person who chose this job for a living might suffer consequences.
  10. His accuracy was ass. He did make a critical 4th down throw to Sanders though.
  11. He deserves criticism for Prime Prep. It was a disaster and his name was on it. He was involved. It is nothing like the VY steakhouse. This was an operation where parents are entrusting kids and i'm assuming their money to you. Thats not even close to the same thing.
  12. He probably figured that his awesome red zone offense had a great chance to end the game in the red zone by being awesome. Whoops.
  13. Good god the football board is just full of idiocy.
  14. Rodgers cosplaying like hes actually gonna play this year is the only thing the Jets have going anymore.
  15. Yeah Arthur Smith isnt good at this. How fucking hard is it?
  16. Not sure what to think of the crying. What i do know is Patrick Mahomes never did that....
  17. Yeah there are definitely like 10 QBs id take over Dak. The problem is that it isnt realistic. I like when there's a plan. I like having things mapped out. "Get rid of Dak Prescott" isn't a plan.
  18. Hurr durr, we won and are having our best season since 09. Lets bitch about dumb shit.
  19. It is what it is. I hate how QBs are paid too. It makes no sense that "well this guy got a great contract, so the next guy deserves even more. And they both make more than Mahomes". It's wacky shit. Im still waiting for the first smart team that says "we'll pay you 15% of the cap, whatever that number is".
  20. Minnesota played the Falcons.....they are starting Taylor Heinecke....im not sure what that has to do with the Cowboys honestly. Good for Minnesota. Go bet on them to make the playoffs.
  21. Bills didnt find a way. Should they get rid of Josh Allen?
  22. You can blame Dak all you want and i wouldnt blame you. But as always the question is who you gonna replace him with. QBs dont grow on trees. Look around the league right now, a good quarter of the teams are starting backups and third stringers. There isnt even enough QB talent to fill out all 32 NFL rosters right now. But sure, throw your starting QB overboard and start over blind. I'm sure it'll work.
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