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Texas St. Armadillos

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Posts posted by Texas St. Armadillos

  1. Quote

    I just wanted to get as far away from things as possible. So Elaine and I joined the Peace Corps. We were assigned to an isolated tribe, the Molombos. They had never seen Americans before. At first, they didn't know what to think of us; but soon we gained their trust.  It really was a challenge during the year introducing them to our Western culture.  You must understand that these people had  been completely isolated from civilization.  We also emphasized nutrition and taught them to watch their diets.  The exercise improved their physical fitness and condition.  My working with them seemed to reinforce our objectives of group cooperation and controlled-competitive activity.  We did come back to the States. I tried a number of jobs...Well, I could go on for hours, but I'd probably start to bore you.


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  2. 41 minutes ago, closetojumping said:


    The only time in my life where I can say I got depressed in an unhealthy way and was ashamed of myself was about 4 years ago. I was starving and in a hurry and pulled into the 610/Yale Burger King.  It was a simple order of a whopper with cheese, fries and a coke. I usually broke down and went to a BK about once a year for one reason or another. I knew I was partaking in a grim personal ritual. 

    That meal, however, was worse. It’s like they cooked the fries in depression. I felt like I was going to start sweating meat. My stomach legitimately hurt. I started to get really sad about random shit and things on my to do list. This was all almost immediate. I’ve never pondered heading to one sense and I consider it easily the worst meal of my life and that includes the time in high school when I was eating TCBY and my girlfriend told me she was pregnant.

    Username checks out.

  3. Any episode with Albert Brooks as Jacques the bowler instructor.

    It's not quite breakfast, it's not quite lunch, but it comes with a slice of canteloupe at the end. You don't get completely what you would at breakfast, but you get a good meal.

    Your fingers are so slender, so feminine. They are far too tapered for the ball you are using. You need something lighter, more delicate. Here, use my ball.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Both Tacos said:

    Got them already marinaded from the Mexican market, along with the fajitas.
    Do you get prepackaged meat for the cheesesteak sandy? I've tried to find thinly sliced ribeye to make them but can't find it anywhere.

    Probably sacrilegious, but when in a pinch, I've used high quality roast beef from the deli for cheesesteaks.  When a craving comes, you sometimes have to make a call on the fly.

  5. 33 minutes ago, TornACL said:

    Yes. We're playing a team from California.

    So how is this for an idea. Think of a Cuban sandwich, but instead of ham / pork roast it's smoked brisket and pulled pork. Smoked cheddar and gruyere cheese. Thin sliced pickles. Assemble sandwich and press like a Cuban.


    Swap the regular pickles for pickled jalapenos and I'm in.

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  6. Tri tip is like a steak.  Smoke over oak to 120 (1 to 1.5 hrs) then sear over the coals or on the gas grill for color. 

    Let rest and slice thin against the grain and serve with fresh tortillas and homemade salsa.  Side of chimichurri is also welcomed.

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