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Sidney Sherman

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Posts posted by Sidney Sherman

  1. 11 minutes ago, Gene Parmesan said:

    What if you smoke some marijuana that's laced with PCP?  How many babies you going to put in the oven then?

    I would that expect it more from this shit. Imagine the shops where they make these chemicals in China. Who knows.


  2. 15 minutes ago, baboso said:

    Pothead?  Do you drink alcohol?  Use tobacco?

    Yes drink, and no tobacco.

    I quit dipping tobacco shortly after college. Quit smoking weed about a year after that. I drink enough to get drunk maybe 3 or 4 times a year. I'll have a couple of glasses of wine or one whiskey with dinner or watching a game once a week.


  3. 39 minutes ago, futureman said:

    sounds like you need a bong rip

    Haha nope, that's the beauty of not being a pothead is I never need a substance to get by.

    4 minutes ago, BurdineBandit said:

    So we're going there huh? Weed doesn't replace purpose in life, because there is no purpose in life. When you "find" your purpose in life it's still you rationalizing your time on this earth and how you choose to spend it. We all are born, exist, and then die. The purpose you claim for yourself won't stop this cycle, it'll just make you feel better for having endured it.

    Holton Hill. There I'm on subject.


  4. 2 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

    I’ve quit several times for several different reasons, and I’ll take the empirical and anecdotal evidence of literally hundreds of millions of marijuana users including myself over pretty much anything else. I’ve also been on pharmaceutical drugs my entire life and that experience has irrevocably proven that pharm drugs are about a billion times more dangerous for me than marijuana. 


    That stinks.

    I'm curious, what problem do the millions of weed users cure by smoking? Boredom? 

    I think they are bored because their life has a lack of purpose, which can be satisfied with entertainment and dopimine hits from smoking weed. Problem is, this isn't once every 6 months, the typical user is a habitual smoker. This ends up replacing the purpose in life with the chemical rewards in the brain from smoking weed. 


    Sure, tons of people get by while smoking weed everyday, I did in college. Then I grew up. 

    Back to Holton Hill, hoping for the best for the man. It's tough to quit completely and go into the high stress situation of trying to make a pro football team. Praying for him.


    • Fuck You 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Goo Punch said:

    You know what’s more compelling than any webmd link? The fact that the entire world smokes pot and never goes into a state of psychosis.

    Super compelling. You should consider quitting for 3 months and let the chemicals in your brain balance out. 

    • Fuck You 2
  6. 16 hours ago, C-Man said:

    Agreed. But the shit is legal in like half the country now and seems to be far better for these guys than the opioids and pain killers given to them like Altoids.

    I would expect it be bargained away in the the next CBA. The players will no doubt give a ransom for it.

    Just because the pain killers are horrible doesn't make weed good for you. People get addicted to the free dopamine high and eventually it can cause psychosis. 


    They shouldn't be abusing any type of pain killer regularly. Sure, for acute injuries short-term use is ok, but with the amount of players getting addicted and ending up fucking their lives up it is risky.

    • Fuck You 2
  7. 6 hours ago, thrillhammer said:

    do you have a breakdown by conference?  seemed like an embarrassingly low number taken from the big12 overall.

    We uh.. we're down to 10 teams...

    On the bright side Texas sister schools had dudes drafted really high!




  8. 1 hour ago, immortal13 said:

    Two things...both of the plays I'm talking about were at the end of the game at a crucial point, so a little different than just saying it was a generally bad officiated game. As far as game 5, a goal tend is a little different than a foul. There is no subjectivety with that type of play. It either is or it isn't. In this case it was and it cost the Pacers the game in my opinion

    What I'm trying to say is they miss calls the whole game, it isn't like they purposely miss calls at the crucial point you are talking about. 

    There defiantly is difficulty in making the goal tend call, they have a split second to make the call and it is difficult to see if it wasn't an obvious goal tend. They fuck those up all the time.

  9. 1 hour ago, immortal13 said:

    Yeah it does, but what really grinds my gears is outcomes of games altered because of bad officiating. The game 5 missed goaltend was pretty egregious and changed the outcome of the game. I would have the same opinion whether or not it was Lebron. You have no room to be talking about what grinds anyone else's gears. You have posted 10-1 negative stuff about Durant. And yeah it gets tired, especially since he was a Longhorn, but I haven't tried telling you to stop....lmao

    The thing with officiating is, it's bad the WHOLE GAME. They shove Lebron and hit him in the head and hand as he's going to the rack and he doesn't always get the calls. As long as it looks about even both ways, I wouldn't say it changes the outcomes of games. Just because they blow a couple of calls at the end of the game doesn't erase how many blown calls they have had the whole game leading up to that.

    Plus, everyone knows they swallow their whistles at the end of the games to just let the play decide what happens. 

    I don't know how many times I've seen an obvious foul go uncalled when a ball goes out of bounds, but they give the ball to the team that didn't get the call. It's just the way it is, it's a difficult game to officiate and they do the best they can. 

  10. Rockets need to work on defense and keep their good shooting rhythm going. 

    I hope they work some post ups with Clint, because combined with the driving from CP3 and Harden, they can put the Warriors bigs in foul trouble. 

  11. 12 hours ago, Randolph Duke said:

    If you have relegation, you have massively different cash flows for marginal programs. If Baylor gets relegated, they don’t build their new stadium. Without the new stadium,  they don’t get the support when times are good. Eventually, marginal programs financially wither and die. 

    My vote is for Baylor withering and dying ASAP.

  12. This would work with a rig12 and pac 12 merger.

    26 teams, the shitty 10 teams play each other then two divisions each with 8 teams that play a couple of inter division games and a championship game.

    The top and bottom get changed. The SEC/ACC can do it too, along with the Big10 and the best from the rest of the confrences. 



  13. 1 hour ago, futureman said:

    my brain is bleeding. 

    I agree with ya man.

    Some laws are meant to be bent. But if theres a chance I could make millions of dollars every year playing a fucking game, I wouldn't be blazed in the job interview. What a fucking idoit. You know Herman had to suspend him because he was fucking up, that should have been the wakeup call.

    Grow the fuck up or go be a sandwich artist.

  14. 14 hours ago, Southernthunder said:

    JT went to the colts UDFA and Flowers went to the Bengals. Did we get any UDFA QB? I guess Weeden will be our number 2 going into camp. We really need to watch and see if someone gets cuts. Weeden is probably a good guy to have in the QB room and i am fine with keeping on the roster this season but i don't think we have address the Back up QB yet. Still plenty of time for players to get cut/released  and such. Hope we find something better. 

    No we don't need to sign Kap. He doesn't wanna be a back and like Tebow brings a circus of unwanted media around. 

    Kap is horrible.

  15. 53 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    Love drafting Reid and also think Coutee was a good pickup in the 4th and will definitely help in the slot and kick return game. Don’t have an opinion on the T and TE we drafted but glad we addressed positional needs unlike the idiot GM we had before.

    Im glad the Texans were relieved of Rick Smith.

    Hope they pickup JT Barrett if they really wanna backup QB. 

    Really they need to pickup Poona at DT and a ILB like Cichy.

    Then keep drafting OL for the rest of the draft. You can always get a journeyman that can backup Watson.

  16. Baker Manziel just got his elite passcatcher / stoner / credit card fraudster WR Antonio Calloway. He may never play a down once he gets enough money to do something really stupid. This kid fucked over my Gators badly when him and Scarlett took half the freshmen under their wing and tried the dumbest heist ever.

  17. 2 hours ago, HtownHorn said:

    CBS mock has the Texans taking 2 OTs and Holton Hill today.

    The Florida teams always grab the good Florida players (Taven Bryan this year), I've been waiting for the Texans to stack the team with more Longhorns.

    Whitney Mercious - JJ Watt - Poona Ford - Jadaveon Clowney


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