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Sidney Sherman

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Posts posted by Sidney Sherman

  1. 2 hours ago, DaysOff said:

    We should definitely add more capacity for the wine and cheese crowd that occasionally glances at the action on the field from the climate controlled sealed suite.

    This right here.

    They need to add whatever they need to add to lower ticket prices. Don't think that stadium modifications will have anything to do with it, but the real hardcore fans can't afford to go to games and they wonder why half the crowd shows up and doesn't pay attention to the game...

  2. 18 hours ago, dad said:

    Figured he needed his own thread. Hope he's ready to go for game 1 next season. I also wanted to say that I'm slightly concerned that he's not being smart with his money based on his social media posts. I would hate for him to never get back to his pre-injury form and flame out without a good second contract to retire with. Hope it's just my dumb ass observation off of a few social media posts.

    Are you his Dad?

    Texas City boys made it big, I'm proud of them. But their father is a complete goof.

  3. 2 hours ago, tx ind said:

    They won’t meltdown, just overreact and add seats to stairs and seats on top of seats and seats in aisles and bathrooms so that they have more.

    Hm... What is the completion date?

    Will there be a public release of the design prior to construction?

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  4. On 4/7/2018 at 8:02 PM, Lone Star Horn said:

    Fuck the titans in their she-goat asses.


    Malik behind Poona, Watt, Mercelous, and Clowney he wouldn't get too many extra linemen coming his way. Can replace Cush.

  5. 10 hours ago, TankedBevo said:

    Shirtless under the pads? That skin must've had the consistency of a plucked chicken.

    Underarmour basically made it's debut while I was in high school and it was a fucking Godsend. No chafing and no heavy ass cotton shirt/shimmel.

    Somehow the chafing and being hot was worse with the under armour, even sleeveless. Some guys on defense tried it and it spread to the whole varsity team. We even played games shirtless below the pads. Most of the speed guys were even more crazy, we all wore the underwear with the upper leg pads slots built in, only knee pads in the pants, but those guys wouldnt wear side or tail pads at all. Then they cut the pad off the thigh pad to just make the ribbed look be there, and cut the knee pads into tiny circles to appear present. 

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Consult ?? !!  You expected FLW to consult with lowly roofing contractors or structural engineers ??!!!!!  

    Collaboration of the trades is paramount to a successful design and fabrication always, especially in todays litigious society !!

    lol not roofing contractors, a roof and waterproofing consultant. Hopefully some structural engineer somewhere was glancing at the designs too, wouldn't want a pond on the roof to cause a collapse somewhere. Nah that only happens in warehouse bldgs hopefully. 


    But yeah it probably wasn't that he thought he was too good to consult with those types of technical people on his projects, it was probably that he was so plugged into to the visionary aspect of the design it didn't even occur to him to worry about keeping the roof from leaking and such.

  7. On 4/10/2018 at 10:07 AM, Anton Chigurh said:

    I haven’t even used any helpers yet. Probably making it harder than I should.

    From what I am seeing they are about invincible. 

  8. Dune. 

    12 Rules for Life.

    Both excellent reads. I originally picked up Dune and put it back down after 10 pages because it wasn't really fun enough, but after getting through 3/4 of the book recently, it is beautifully written. Very serious and interesting, but it took a podcast talking about the technology of dune to force me to actually read the book. Glad I did, it is awesome. 

    Recommended SciFi:




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