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Sidney Sherman

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Posts posted by Sidney Sherman

  1. 17 minutes ago, DougO said:

    They really have declined over the years. Used to love their Draft Day show but it keeps getting more regard, shitty panelists.

    Imagine being Mcshays gay ass waiting for Mel to keel over and die.

  2. 4 hours ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    Fine. I got no problem with Houston winning.  Just be prepared to start losing in heartbreak fashion 

    Its always heartbreak the way the streaks and officiating goes. 

    If it helps, Min is in a great position for the future with towns and Wiggins. 

  3. 1 minute ago, BigOrange1 said:

    would actually be pretty nice if okc did come back and win.  why not stretch that series out while the rockets sit and wait?

    Yeah, wear down Utah a bit more. Or better yet, take out mvp Russ again just like last year.

    He will take a million bad shots in the 4th and blow it probably. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, Tommy Nobis said:

    Capela has been huge tonight 


    Hoping he's the Warrior killer too. I think he can draw Draymond Green into a nut-kick suspension for a game too. He's done it like 4 playoffs in a row.

  5. 1 minute ago, Teddy Tucker said:

    That’s how players get hurt. Fucking stupid

    Or a fan breaks a collar bone or something. Sketchy. I always thought its cool to have a camera guy there but that seems dangerously close to the court too. Playing pickup ball guys routinely finish right where that dude sits. 

  6. 1 minute ago, BigOrange1 said:

    damn that was a great look from paul to tucker.

    ...and then again to capela.

    Yeah cp3 has some highlights of just dimes its so funny. He gets people with the early fake pass then pass to the same guy all the time. Its weird I dont see any other guards ever trying that.

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