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Everything posted by Dondrysdale1

  1. So he will officially visit college station while they play Arkansas in Dallas?
  2. THats am accurate guess as the Red Sox will get primetime whether it’s yankees or a’s
  3. Fox will be doing their pre game from the state fair and the game is on fox. Espn wishes Miss State had won and they could create a top 10 matchup with Auburn that week but no longer the case. LSU at Florida is an option if Florida wins this coming weekend.
  4. It’s a lot of things but part is not only bat speed but pitch recognition and timing. De Rosa did a breakdown on mlb central a few days ago. He is late on his load and makes his decision to swing too late. He’s hitting everything right at the plate and when you are attacking anything inner 3rd you want to clear your hips and hands early and meet it out front. Whether it’s the back and he hesitates to cut loose or he just can’t get the timing back it is hard to watch. In an atbat yesterday Blum mentioned his bend at the waste which is causing a lot of the pop ups even pitches he might be on time but because of that bend his bat path is off and can’t barrel it up right. His flyout to right yesterday was barreled solidly and was an outside pitch which he let get a little deeper, whether that was on purpose or by accident it looked the best of most of his swings the past week or so.
  5. I have harped on Correa being bad but I hope he is the one who gets hot early starting with jays and orioles and it carries over. Watching 2017 playoff highlights and he had quite a few big hits. We need to be able to count on him not to hit a weak dribbler to short or a pop out to shallow right
  6. Off season trade with his value high? The way relievers are valued he might bring a relatively strong return.
  7. 9-0 still no outs. Glad we close the year with a series against these orioles
  8. Bases loaded no outs in the 3rd for As against cashner. Looking like status quo so far. Gotta pound the D-backs and hope the rays slow them a bit this weekend
  9. Would be nice if he located his pitches consistently. If he buries the cutter down on bogarts or hits the catchers spot on the change to Martinez it’s a diff game for him. In 15 he didn’t miss location very often. Also attacking a hitter like Martinez with the change in 3 straight at bats is asking it to be hit out. Good hitters sit on stuff if you fall in a pattern.
  10. This is taking into account the game in Oakland replay took from us as well. The math was done right
  11. Bregman doesn’t take too many fastballs down the middle. Correa takes an inordinate amount of those. Is there a breakdown of pitches they watched on first pitches? Bregman is quite selective and spits on anything but what he is looking for first pitch because as his short swing allows him to protect while still hunting that fastball when behind in the count. Correa since his return gets behind watching the pitch he should hit, chases a breaking ball. Fights a few off inside cause he can’t clear his hands on the inside pitch. Then either watches the 3rd strike down the middle with multiple runners on base or hit a weak ground out to short to end the inning. Since he’s been back his pitch recognition and timing is just off. If it’s inner third he is not starting early enough to clear his hands. If you watch the contact Bregman makes from that side angle the bat is making contact with the ball way in front of plate as he recognizes it and clears his hips and hands to get to the ball. Correa just hasn’t been able to do that yet and you wonder if it’s hesitation about hurting his back. i hope this is the series where he arrives.
  12. So New Mexico State is independent now. Well they had players in game 1 wearing jerseys with the Sun Belt conference patch yikes!!! Might have something to do with not being ready as they forgot to take patches off the road jerseys. Their equipment guys must be teniored state employees cause it seems they’ve mailed it in.
  13. Any votes on melt down level if Northwestern State keeps it close like Nichols state did last year? Best Meltdown after this game? a. When they realize how screwed they are at qb with this slowed down I formation offense? b. The o-line play c. How slow and untalented their defensive backfield really is d. Why Sternberger can’t block or catch when not in a spring game against aggy dbs
  14. Speaking of guys being recruited over, does a situation in which toneil leaves hurt with footwork king which in turn hurts with a guy like Sheppard and then Demas?
  15. He gets 💰 to watch Clemson run them out of their own stadium. Can you blame him?
  16. Having a coach named could call for a suspension of recruiting by named coach until the investigation is complete. And Christian Harris being named could lead to them having to cut ties like Ohio state and 5 Star Micah parsons last year
  17. So this was his 1 visit to that school? Do they have a recruit in the game? When coaches make Visit aren’t they out to make an impression of some kind? He looks like shit
  18. And was suspended due to academics from the moment Herman arrived and was away from team activities.
  19. 3/10 with a homer. Not sure what your definition of poor is but dumb post. He is in Houston and being activated tomorrow after a day of rest after his first back to back games of the rehab.
  20. Minus the Red Sox. Dave O’Brien is great but the color guy is eh.
  21. As soon as we got Sheppard this was his destination
  22. Lasted? It was picks from guys that follow each other and have zero sources beyond what recruits tell them. This board bashes ej constantly, was it suspended to get excited about his and roach’s cb?
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