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Posts posted by NBMisha

  1. 15 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    He never makes the claim that women entering the workforce is bad. He talks a lot about declining real wage growth for blue collar types in his book. Another section of his book he talks about statistics showing men in the US have a lowered life expectancy, increased suicides and how in almost every metric that women are outperforming men. He never blames women for that or engages in misgoyny like his detractors think he does. He makes the point that even trying to talk about the issues facing men like with opioid addiction and suicides is met with hostility by many as witnessed by these “gotcha” type Tweets aimed at the uninformed.

    The fact that he compares men trends against women trends betrays the suggestion that men ought not to fair more poorly than women.  He could have simply noted the decline, sorted out causes, etc, but he felt he needed to slip in an anti woman ingredient.

  2. On 1/23/2019 at 7:22 AM, SurlyORama said:

    Like I said earlier, the Vollrath's are a good value, and I had several of them over time. However, in my personal experience the non-stick does not last as long as the Calphalons. At least, the Calphalons that I have used. Plus, when they start to stick, you get to replace them for free. Not even a shipping charge.

    I always thought that restaurants must use the Vollraths for 6 months and then replace, since they are so reasonably priced. When pretty new, they are pretty amazingly non-sticky.

    Restaurants use and replace at high frequency.

    Been using the Calphalons for the last dozen years or so, they are great. 

    Anyone here encounter a 14" non stick?  



  3. I spent half of my work life as an expat, in Kuwait, Sumatra, Kazahkstan, Cabinda, Luanda.  All reasonable facimiles of shitholes, but all enjoyable in their way.  The fact that my life was heavily subsidized by my employer, and that work provided a huge mental diversion, were probably the biggest reasons for that time being enjoyable.  My wife's view differs from mine.

    Raydog raises some good points - about the typical American expat, and the unexpected vibe of living in a foreign place.  Seems to me it is a thing to do if one wants to live that adventure, not at all a thing to do as some sort of political statement.

  4. Ray, I so hope you are right.

    What are the thresholds for new state admittance?

    Can you offer some analytical meat to your demographic conclusion?   My impression, for example, is that the Idaho's, Montana's, Dakota's of the world are not changing.  I will believe Texas when I see it.  Florida is too wierd.  These are impressions.  Thanks in advance.

  5. 8 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

    But in a lot of states - mine, Hugo’s, and the majority of this board’s - the republican primaries are the de facto general election.

    With the rare exception of nominating a pedophile felon like Roy Moore, the winner of the Republican primary will win the general election.

    These senators or those republicans out there hoping to become senators CANNOT win those primaries without Trumpkin votes. Full stop. Period. No analysis needed.

    South Carolina
    North Dakota

    Still Reliably Red for now
    North Carolina

    Throw in Florida and Susan Collins and that’s it.

    The other 65% of the country don’t fucking matter. They don’t count in their calculations because those people? CAN NEVER CAST A VOTE AGAINST THEM.

    The only voters that matter in those states are republicans who vote in their states primaries.

    And until the DNC gets serious about allocating money and resources and manpower to develop and grow a real Democratic Party apparatus in places like Alabama and Mississippi and Texas, the trumpkins in red states will continue to wield way more power than any other segment of the electorate.

    We’re being held hostage by Dotard and his cult of diabetic, scared, racist old halfwits.

    This is the pub kryptonite.  This 35% in the small and red states will keep an approximate 50 pub senators in their seats for the rest of our lifetimes.  Pub senators have no rational fear of getting voted out, except for being primaried by an even more horrific nazi racist piece of shit.

    And that more or less permanent situation is why we won't "get through this".

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    I don't mean immigration is wholesale unchecked I mean illegal immigration is unchecked immigration 

    Again, the suggestion that illegal immigration, as a phenomena, is unchecked, is a gargantuan lie.  Again, FO with that.

    Oh, you mean the word "illegal immigration" is equivalent to "unchecked" immigration?  Look at the big brain on Onboard.  That we could all be as insightful, and helpful to our fellow citizens.  JFC what in the hell is wrong with you?


    • Like 3
  7. 9 minutes ago, Bobby_Batronic said:

    I think the obvious answer if that they wanted to get him in the game while retaining his redshirt which means they either had to pick and choose games during the season, or save him until the last 4-5 games.  Shane was serviceable in the offense and certainly had more collegiate game experience, and we frankly needed Sam for most games when he was healthy as we did our typical fourth quarter turtle and made games closer than they needed to be in deference to a coaching axiom more suited to the SEC than the Big XII.  I think Rising would have played more if we could have taken 3-4 score leads into the fourth quarter, but usually we were just hanging on by our fingernails.

    We would need 4+-6 score lead, based on the season's data set.  Being up 17-21 with 11 minutes to play was a signal for anxiety.

  8. 3 hours ago, EuroHorn said:

    In your view, groverat...

    Case in point, when I entered UT in 1972, the state subsidized my tuition and fee's by 90%.  That first semester bill was $50 for tuition and $114 total.  The difference between 90% susidy and 100 % is small.  What sort of ball crushing socialism was that?  We did it before, for decades, and we can do it in the future.

    By the way, it isn't free tuition for all, it is heavily subsidized public college, available for all who want that path and can qualify.  That is very far from all..

  9. There is an endpoint.  China is the long game player, and will have the world's dominant economy.  At a certain stage of their economy maturing wrt internal consumption (not so far off), they will target winning as having the RC privelege.  If they see that goal, they will achieve that goal.  They have the only path to it.  The US has no path to stop it.

    That means long term serious erosion of USD.  But does it mean RMB is the safe haven?

  10. 8 hours ago, ADHD said:

    Everybody says they want something different and here she is and she's already as reviled and detested by the right as Hillary ever was. She's the polar opposite of Hillary. Maybe she's a young militant Hillary but not socio-economically or culturally or visually or career wise, that's for damn sure.

    The right also hates Elizabeth Warren too. And Michelle Obama. And Rachel Maddow. And the Dixie Chicks, etc.

    Exactly which democratic female would the right ever accept? Not a one, ever. And given the amount of females in leadership roles in their caucus, I seriously doubt they'll ever nominate a woman for president. Esp one of color.

    Tis misogyny. And narrow mindedness. 

    The right hates and fears every fucking person not in their "resistance".  The is no one that can mitigate their reactive hate.

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