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Posts posted by NBMisha

  1. Well, being from the south and all, we're supposed to revere our forefathers, whatever bad and good they did.   Same as in... well, never mind that.   They rebelled, got their teeth kicked in, then got away with another century plus of their racist bullshit.  It isn't idiocy to call their acts treacherous. Sure, they didn't think so.  Most criminals don't think they are criminals.

  2. 49 minutes ago, F250 said:

    I was listening to "Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!" this morning and they were discussing Howard Schultz. Someone suggested he should run on a free wifi and public bathroom for all of America platform. It was also mentioned that Schultz had plans to build an identical White House across the street from the White House for no apparent reason.


    Surely there will be more humor coming.  And those polls, have you ever seen 4 per cent approval, 50% non approval?  What is his super human CEO analytical prowess doing with that shit?

  3. 1 hour ago, SquishMitten said:


    Forget it. He’s rolling. Nobody (or a very minimal number of people) is advocating that.

    My opinion... Should everybody be forever shunned for things they did when young? No. Should somebody be able to retain office after something like this? No. There have to be consequences, even for poor decisions in our distant youth, and he should take the opportunity to hold himself accountable. If he wants to have a future in politics, he should resign and run again in the next election. Take the time to fully acknowledge his actions, try to regain the trust of his constituents, and demonstrate the values our politicians SHOULD have


    Shunned?  He gets to go back into a wealth, privileged, country club life where his buddies will slap him on the back over this.  And now he can vote R with them an be much more socially acceptable, within his group.  Not a bad gig.  Stop crying.

    • Like 1
  4. 28 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    The guy is getting publicly excoriated for something that happened 35 years ago.  I don't think his remaining in office results in normalization.

    I'm just real uneasy with dragging people through the mud over their past.  People change, people grow.  And don't give me this shit about but they don't get to hold public office.  We have elected tons of dirtbags to public office who just got lucky or were skillful at hiding their pecadilloes, and they had neither changed nor grown, and they continued to be active dirtbags in office.  And in some cases, viz Trump, but many others, they got (re)elected anyway.

    The moralistic shag simultaneously amuses and frightens me.

    He's not going to prison.  But being Gov of VA is high privelige that is not open to just anyone, and he just included himself on the just anyone list with this revelation.  His life will go on.  But now, out of our sight.  What is horrible about this?

    • Like 1
  5. Saw some study reference that eating fried chicken weekly would take 15 years off the mean life expectancy.  Shit, we had that every Sunday when I was a kid.  I thought the beatings were the attempt to kill me.  Old Mom was way craftier than I ever suspected.

  6. On 1/28/2019 at 7:35 PM, Continental Op said:

    If "dark and unapologetic" if a plus for you I would recommend checking out the rest of the Yorgos Lanthimos catalog.  The Favorite is a Disney movie compared to this one. 

    Saw this witht the mishtress last week.  I guess we were expecting a Pride and Prejudice thing, so she was dissapointed and I was mildly impressed. Most amusing was that the only strong characters were women, and all of the men were pathetic. Perhaps I'm being redundant.

    • Like 1
  7. Back to the OP, in any campaign for or against minimum wage increases, the against folk immediately bring out claims that the increases will always/inevitably cause job reductions.  Yet the empirical evidence, even prior to the studies referenced in this thread, were persistently mixed in the observed outcomes.   

    I don't like the lying about what the case history reveals.  Somewhat separately, if the outcome is difficult to forecast, it seems that a city or county or state can take the position that the risk is something they are willing to take for the known benefit of better wages for some at that entry level wage.  Or they can think it not worth the risk.  But it is just not an open and shut case.


  8. In addition to all the above, KH benefits from not alrealdy having a stupid Trump nickname.  Warren's adventure in that space has been and will prove an ongoing burden.

    If Beto is smart he will chicken out of this one.

    KH might just be what the dems need:  merciless.

  9. 6 hours ago, Hot Chick said:

    Boomers were terrible self centered parents but their kids turned out okay.

    Yep.  Best way to raise great kids is to be a total asshole.  Worked for me and my kids.  I could not begin to match the criminal assholeness of my parents, but they set a fuckin high bar.

    • Like 1
  10. 9 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    The boycott of Starbucks will be glorious.

    Im thinking of opening an overpriced coffee chain called NOT-Starbucks

    Heard that forecast from one of this am's shows.  If he runs, sell your sbux stock because the dems will boycott.  And that is about 80% of their client base.  One would think a financial alpha like Schulz would give that some thought.  Shareholder lawsuit, holla?  Considerable potential misery for him.

  11. 11 hours ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    Man you really are late to the party, regurgitating in an inferior way at least a half dozen posts and points. Go back to sleep.

    I think the point is not that much in error, except in the inference that it is at all "representative".  The boomer generation is as diverse across multiple parameters as any other.  Alot of what people notice is the gray hair they see, and correlate that to some essence they get from a few interactions.  Still, my generation, and my white skin, was a great advantage in rising out of a shithole background.  It is not nearly so easy any more.  

    Yet the '"dream", whatever that may mean, is not dead.  I'll go slorchy on that.  But a much slimmer piece of the poplulation distribution has access to it:  the well born, the very smart, and the very lucky.  That's a sizeable group, but no longer the "mode" that saw success when I was a kid, and when my parents were coming up.


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