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Posts posted by NBMisha

  1. True enough her email idoicy doesn't have every Hillary element, but it will likely open hearings that will get into more and more and more embarassing shit.  And get her on the stand... the breakdown will be both heart rending and delicious.  Daddy will explode.  And there's the payoff.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    He can't win in 2020 with WI/PA/MI.  He personally held rallies for some of those Republicans, and they still lost.

    And he couldn't even get a decorated USAF fighter pilot in Arizona to beat out a bisexual atheist liberal.  And Arizona is full of USAF personnel and good ol' Sheriff Joe.

    A whole lot of areas that he won in 2016 rejected him in 2018.

    And that's before we feel the full brunt of his trade war and the Mueller investigation.

    You had me with bisexual atheist liberal

    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Satchel said:

    One of the highest legislative priorities for the House will be a 2019 version of The Voting Rights Act.

    The optics of the house passing and pubs blocking in the Senate would be so much winning

  4. Flying to DFW to drive to Commerce for a Tuesday after Thanksgiving thing with 3 of my sisters and other extended family.   Then up at 2 am Wed to drive back to DFW.

    I'm not saying there is life there east of I 45.  Talk about nothing to do.  Not even any football on.  And of course the wine will be terrible.  

  5. 2 hours ago, Agent47 said:

    What a bunch of ruinous deceitful greedy trash. Everything on the right wing, whether it be thought or deed, is stupid, evil, despicable and craven. Zero character, no class, and no integrity. Just low, foul and puerile. Inhumane and criminal to the core. Fucking ghouls and orcs.

    And racist Nazi's

    • Like 1
  6. CA is an indicator of the direction the prosperous parts of the US, including Texas, are heading.  The good and the bad of it.  No point in pointing fingers.  Complain about the future you don't like, sure, but what are the specific proposals for a different future?

  7. 47 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    Texas is now 11-4 in their last 15 games.

    10 of the wins have been against P5 competition.

    5 games were against ranked teams, 4-1 in those games the only loss being on the WV 2 point conversion. In those games, Texas has taken leads of 14, 23, 15, 21, 7, and 21 points in the 4Q.

    Hm.  I might have to throttle back my depression.

  8. 1 hour ago, 89Horn said:

    They did do Sweet Caroline , it was just later after the game.  Students were singing it in the background when LHN switched over to Ricky, Shipley et al.

    Stupid, but cool.


    Going forward, I would suggest "Let It Bleed"

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