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Posts posted by NBMisha

  1. 5 hours ago, Incredulity said:

    I can’t fucking move past this.

    the D’s are fighting for “the rule of law”?  Really??  Fuuuuuuucccccckkkkk!!!!!!

    are you 14 years old???

    sweet baby jebus.


    To borrow from Roma, the sides aren't the parties, the sides are the Trumpists and the anti Trumpists, and, yes, the latter are fighting for the rule of law.  Cuz the Trumpists. 

    Additionally, incredulity is a fallacious basis for argument.  But you are ironic, and shit.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:

    Fucking THIS!   In 2016 everyone was talking about the GOP getting a 60 seat Filibuster proof Super-majority in 2018.     We took back the House, will get off a hell of a lot easier than it looked like, even with a bunch of losses we'd hoped to avoid.   We dodged the bullet.  It could have been a fucking Little Bighorn, and now we get to investigate that shit of a POTUS, and the assholes who will defend him will answer to the rubes who may just realize they got taken.     

    The House is going to be all up in Trump's ass, and no more treasonous partisan House protection in the many investigations to come.  

    This is the right perspective.  A big step forward.  Rome wasn't built in a day, etc.  

    Or we may just be circling the drain, Brisket style.  But I will call this good.  

    Have to say, that FL vote count progression was like the WVU game.  You saw it coming, but, fuck.



  3. Last night Chris Hayes was guessing 8 MM to vote in Texas.  Borrowing from Raydog, a 6.5 MM vote gives Cruz a 500M victory.  8 MM gives Beto a slim win.  My memory and math are not what they used to be.

  4. That FL ammendment could add up to 1.4 MM to the voting rolls.  Meanwhile, this a.m. the latest polls put Gillum and Nelson up by 7.  This could be the beginning of the end of the pubs in FL.  All my neighbors here will have exploded heads.


    And fuck Rick Scott.

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