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Everything posted by USNALonghorn

  1. I recommend a heavy dose of Baxter and Blue
  2. Is there a reason that this bullshit conference didn’t set up divisions? Because I can’t think of any good reason.
  3. Stadium better be fucking packed next week
  4. Happy to have that prediction turn out wrong, you grave digger!!
  5. I want to play them. It’ll be our chance to avenge last years loss and send the irate 8 with wins over them (assuming we beat Tech).
  6. Do people not understand that “regular season” means excluding postseason?
  7. USNALonghorn


    Don’t stop believing!!!! Fuck you Campbell, you little rat fuck!
  8. Holy fuck I can’t believe we survived. I’d rather have a shitty first half and pull away like this 10/10
  9. Run the ball. It ain’t over until we’re on the bus.
  10. Some of y’all’s feeds are 2 minutes slow
  11. I mean probably not many people, but you don’t see it often
  12. Kansas state did the same to KU a few hours ago lol
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