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Lerka Lerka

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Posts posted by Lerka Lerka

  1. Pulmonary embolism ain't no joke.  One of my best friends almost died from it. And he was a couple years shy of being a man.  Developed a blood clot in his leg when driving to Colorado on a ski trip. Stop and stretch those legs every few hours folks. 

  2. 19 minutes ago, MonkeyDoughnut said:

    As of Nov. 23, Elko is one of five assistants who did not have signed contracts with A&M. If he were to leave for another job, it's unclear if Elko would owe the Aggies a buyout for leaving for another job. A&M has not released the employment agreements of its unsigned assistants.

    I find this hard to believe. I know, i know, we're talking about aggy but still. 

  3. 4 hours ago, CozManTx said:

    I watched part of a NFL game the other day for the first time in probably 10 years. How does anyone watch this "sport"? It's barely FOOTBALL - it's some sort of amped up WWE event, complete with choreographed touchdown dances, the players dance and jive after virtually EVERY play, scores are 17-10, and it's a complete snoozefest.


    1 hour ago, CozManTx said:

    To each their own I suppose. If you enjoy watching the cornerback drop the RB for a 2 yard gain and then sprint 20 yards away while jumping up and down and acting the fool and coming back to the play while pointing and taunting everyone he passes....then enjoy your NFL.

    So you've only watched "part" of an NFL game over the last 10 years and this is what you came up with?   Your opinion is worthless and you should feel bad.  You seem lost here.  Scram.

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  4. 32 minutes ago, Moby Ric said:

    Beef Fajitas

    1 cup pineaple juice

    1/2 cup soy sauce

    4 fresh squeezed limes

    1/4 cup fresh cilantro

    1 jalepono

    1/3 cup onions

    1/3 cup water.


    Garlic Powder



    Combine in ziplock back and let marinate.


    Chicken Fajitas

    1 cup pineaple juice

    1/2 cup teriyaki sauce

    4 fresh squeezed limes

    1/4 cup fresh cilantro

    1 jalepono

    1/3 cup onions

    1/3 cup water.

    2 tsps Cumin

    Garlic minced 2 spoonfuls

    1 tbsp mixed Salt & Pepper

    Combine in ziplock back and let marinate.

    Is this for ~ 2 lbs of meat?

  5. 3 hours ago, ClubWhatever said:

    So we’re on vacation at the beach and my wife gets us tickets to see Lyle Lovett and Robert Earl Keen.  I knew nothing about these guys other than one had the most WTF marriage in world history.   They get on stage and start talking about how they met at Texas A&M and goddam if there were not 500 people that started whooping like it was bonfire.  Oh god here we go.  Mrs CW and I were like oh FFS.  Then I shit you not Lyle Lovett started talking about being a goat farmer and his family knowing a lot about sheep.  He was being serious but holy shit it was all I could do to keep from embarrassing my wife with inappropriate laughter.  I will say that Lovett is an extremely talented musician to hear live.  His friend is kind of just a guy trying to be Texas Jimmy Buffet though.  

    You serious Clark?

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  6. 1 hour ago, SydneyCarton said:

    You make a good point. I mean, you're quite the character yourself. If we instituted mandatory reading homework, and we cover Gandorf and JT early on, we can get to Chapter 5 or 6, Ballad of the Breezy Buttcheeks and you can have your moment in the sun (room) as well. 

    Breezy?  I seem to recall bilous or billowy? 

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