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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by FORTY NINE TO ZERO

  1. 17 hours ago, texashorne said:

    The Godfather (all 3)

    Caddy Shack

    I did scratch Roadhouse off the list last week. 

    Legit jealous  would give anything to be able to watch the two godfathers again for the first time.


    you have  no idea how lucky you are.  They are some of the few classic that truly live up the hype and have not aged at all 

  2. For what it’s worth, I was recently on a jury for the same charge and was told it was legally strangulation / impeding airways if you were to hold someone back by the shoulders and the victim feels their airway are impeded.  No idea what beard did or didn’t do here, but ya, it’s a really broad definition.  

    In my case the defendant was holding the victim back against the wall  via shoulders for about 10 seconds.
    cops asked victim what happened and if they ever felt a shortness of breath.  Victim said yes without really knowing that it jumped the incident up from a  misdemeanor to felony   Once victim realized the consequences they later refused to testify  


    Absolute shit show.  Probably how this will turn out

    • Hook 'Em 4
  3. 29 minutes ago, UT_OB1 said:

    The nice thing those houses is if there is an issue 1) the water doesn’t run in to your house from the attic and 2) fixes are usually pretty easy. 

    Woke up at 4 this morning to the smell of smoke. 3 year old hvac unit (everything including wiring new) - breaker in the closet with the air handler caught on fire. Killed the power to the house and that mostly stopped it, and the FD made sure the fire was out. Smoke filled house and no electrician til Monday (just charring on the wood wall of the closet). Had to pack up and head back to Seabrook.  We lost a leg last weekend during the wind and centerpoint came and messed with the line.  Im wondering if they got too much voltage to our house  

    PSA - make sure your fire alarms are powered. Everything in your house burns really fast once it gets going. 

    Oh shit.  we lost neutral a few weeks ago and center point had to come fix.  Only reason we found out is that our cable stopped working and the Comcast guy showed me the smoldering internet cable where our power line was trying to find ground.  Scary shit.  Apparently it’s fairly common down here due to the salt corrosion and wind.  

    Good thing you got out of it with minimal damage.


    just finished shutting off and draining my elderly neighbor as well.  Poor lady is an elder in her church but they always seem to forget her in times like these.    She didn’t have water for 3 months after the last freeze, so she wanted to play it safe as well.   Another good thing about these old houses is that they are easy to know URS fully drained.  Obviously low spigot.  Every time my wife opened a valve inside a rush of water would release  

  4. 9 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    His team is his only responsibility. It's dead in the building and he's trying to keep his team's energy up which is going to be very hard for 40 minutes against a superior team with superior athletes. If our team and crowd don't like it then do something about it.

    This would be the biggest win in his career probably.  Not his fault for going all out 

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