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That Guy

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Posts posted by That Guy

  1. I’m not a lawyer so no idea what I’m talking about here. Buzbee constantly objected to exhibits citing attorney client privilege. I believe at one point he stated that it was Paxton’s to waive. I think that the privilege belongs to the attorney general and right now the attorney general is Anglela Colmenero. I wonder if she’ll be asked to waive privilege and then the prosecutors can submit the internal communications which appear to be a large chunk of their evidence.

  2. I got the gout. For sure go to doctor if you are having a flair up and snag some indo. Also, ibu taken at the onset is supposed to help lessen the duration of the attack. I don’t take allopurinol. I try to drink a shit ton of water daily and if I fall behind I eat a few of these in the morning and a few at night: 



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