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tantric superman

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Posts posted by tantric superman

  1. 19 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    I have never heard either my parents or grandparents use the N word.  In my family that would be considered extremely trashy and embarrassing

    In my family, using the N word would be considered a little racist.  Calling someone a race-neutral name - "That boy is a P-I-G!" -  would be considered trashy and embarrassing.  (Unless he was black, in which case we'd go back to a little racist.)

    (Interesting you used that term, since the modern Republican Party is using trashy and embarrassing as a selling point.)

  2. 9 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    I think he was community minded and went down there to help.  He had his gun because he likes guns and thought he might need it for protection.  Turns out he did.

    I would not want my son taking that risk.  But out of all the people in this story, he is by far the best one and the media and leftist politicians have been despicable in their characterization and lies about this kid.  It angers me.  

    Yeah, I don't think it's a great argument, because I think it's terrible policy to encourage people to act as vigilantes to enter areas with arms.  But I can see how some people might want to encourage that kind of behavior.

    Terrible, misguided, etc.  (I'm also not sure the judge allowed a full exploration of community mindedness, but I didn't follow the case that closely).  But enough of a justification where I don't think there is any point calling that argument a racist argument.  If the historians and psychoanalysts want to link that to systemic racism, that's okay by me. 

  3. Boy this thread.

    As stated by many of us, the kid is most likely to get off.  I haven't seen anything to make me think that even a lesser charge will stick.

    As to the racist charge, for those of you who are being labeled as racist, I guess you should have your due process.

    I think most people on this board wouldn't call you racist if you were acknowledging that the kid isn't going to be convicted based on the law.  I think the issue is that it's pretty hard not to think this kid deserves SOME disapprobation for his conduct. 

    You guys seem to be cheering on the guy.  Now if that "cheering on" is just everyone playing troll, and egging each other on, I don't think that deserves any sort of racist moniker.

    But I'm curious as to whether there actually is some reason outside of that that may be making you actually applaud his conduct.

    Because I don't get that -- maybe I haven't read this thread that carefully, but can you explain that. 


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  4. 6 hours ago, Blotto said:

    Let me preface this by stating I don't know shit about the law.  It sounds like the next step is a damages hearing which would determine the financial award? At that point can all the defendents just appeal the decision and tie this up for a couple more years in court? They had to know by not furnishing the requested documents that this would be the result, so it cant be a surprise to the defense. How long does the damages part last? it took two years to get to this stage, will they need financials etc.... to assess damages? Is this a significant milestone, or just one more step in this slow moving theatre of the absurd? 

    At this stage, most parties would settle for tree fiddy thousand.

  5. 2 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

    Is there anything duller than an extended debate over just how hot a woman in the news is?

    Same shit over and over. Almost any comment is okay by me if it's funny enough, but this tiresome blather is like an afternoon with a witless Beavis and Butthead.

    It's a losing battle, but I've got to bring it up every once in awhile.

    User name checks out.  I searched for "roma victa hottie" and got this:

    "It looks like there aren't many great matches for your search."
  6. And Johnny Sack, had that cocksucker Donald Trump actually championed the vaccine we might have been in a situation where we could have reached herd immunity and no hospital concerns without any mandates.

    So while I sympathize and agree that your approach would have been best, the fucking GOP and it's knuckledraggers fucked that one up good.


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  7. 6 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    I think we are at the point people should have freedom to do what they want.  It isn’t the bubonic plague.  It’s very survivable if you get jabbed.  If people don’t want to, let them.  Maybe they’ll learn.   Hospitals aren’t getting overrun now.  

    It is time to move on

    Then move on.  There is no consitutional right not to wear a mask or to be vaccinated and OSHA is empowered to regulate businesses that engage in interstate commerce. 


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  8. 1 hour ago, Johnny Sack said:

    But people with the vaccine still spread it. 

    Less likely, because less likely to get it in the first place..


    But the logic of the at-home workers having to get it isn't about spreading so much as it is remaining healthy.  The federal govt. does not want you to miss work.  Therefore, the federal government wants you to remain as healthy as you can.  Therefore, it's seems completely logical for them to require that you do the most to avoid COVID, and that means getting vaccinated.

    Within their rights to require you to do fitness training, etc., if there is a link between that and them being less likely to get sick. 

    The ADA would protect anyone who couldn't meat more stringent safety requirements.  




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  9. 7 hours ago, Johnny Sack said:

    The contractor law is toothless as written.  It’s also ridiculous in many aspects, like requiring vaccines for remote workers who never come into the workplace.  

    That's not ridiculous if the purpose of the law is to increase the productivity and decrease the absences of contractors, which is stated in the EO:

    These safeguards will decrease the spread of COVID-19, which will decrease worker absence, reduce labor costs, and improve the efficiency of contractors and subcontractors at sites where they are performing work for the Federal Government.


  10. 7 minutes ago, Bravo said:

    CBS saying he murdered 2 people and there are all sorts of media pundits saying the same. 

    He's on trial for homicide aka murder.

    It might be sloppy journalism (I'd put "alleged" in there), but it's not libel. 

  11. 28 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Not until he's actually found not guilty, and even then the plaintiff would have to prove actual malice.

    There would actually be an argument that since he did kill them, he's have a really hard case proving defamation. 

    He might have a case AFTER the trial IF he is found innocent AND the statements would seem to try to show that he was actually convicted. 

    Find: murderer

    Replace:  Cold blooded asshole killer.

  12. I do think you new parents (I'm a new grandparent) have it tough.  My generation are leaving you with a shit sandwich and you all are gonna have to take a bite.

    That being said, I think everyone needs to focus on the existential stuff - the climate change, the assholes with nukes, the roving bands of jobless, uneducated males.

    The other shit is really bad but it's just details.  

    Feel better? 

  13. 8 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    I mean, I don't disagree with anything you said. At the same time, Ive got a kid. It's impossible for me to not look at everything and think of what the world is going to be like for him. Everything I do now is colored in the lens of "ok, what do I need to do to put my son in the best position for a good life." That's supposed to be tertiary thinking for most parents, just something that's in the back of your mind at all times. Now it's fucking "Holy shit, fascist state, climate change, people who revel in cruelty in power, disintegrating country." So yeah, maybe I'm overthinking it all. 

    I'd say the decisions for today's parents are easy.  Use the 529 to make sure each kid has a good car that runs fast on petrol, a short barrelled shotgun and a good cattle dog.



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  14. 17 hours ago, 4th&Five said:

    I have 3 left but it’s easily my least favorite season of all the Narcos. 

    Still love the series but I agree.   Caveat is that the Juarez policeman/journalist plot lines really gave the show a lot of depth.  

    Almost like season 4 and 5 of the Wire made you realize how fucking grand the whole project was.  I didn't enjoy them as much but made you realize how audacious the series was.    

  15. 22 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    Telling people to stop posting about something on the net is basically telling them to post more about something on the net. It’s a paradox. 

    It's only a paradox if my point is that people are going to spend the same amount of time on the web posting about anything.

    It's not a paradox if we post less repetitive or irrelevant drivel about Trump and more about issues in a winnable congressional, state or local race or about people who actually hold office or a judgeship.  Or if immamac brings back NSFW.


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