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Posts posted by horn4life

  1. just got one of the plus units for father's day.  Seems like really the only precaution is to make sure you push the probe in past the line to insure the interior thermometer doesn't get ruined by high heat past it's 225 temp cap.

    I was telling the wife that would pair well when we occasionally use our ovens "sabbath mode" to remote start some hunk of meat around the holidays when we are running errands.  Simply to warm me to start heading back to the house if it's cooking too quickly, for example.  I would also like to see the stall on my briskets as a graph after the fact.

    Anyhow bumped this to see what the opinions are two years later?

  2. On 6/16/2024 at 9:45 AM, tequila said:

    My 12 year caught a nice Cobia on our second trip out on the new (to us) Freeman out of Port Aransas. 

    Coincidentally, i specialize in tequila, amazing true stories, exceptional tall tales, and have a plethora of damn fine dirty jokes you have never heard before!  That one day you are gonna go out solo to fix, mount or test something and everyone is busy at the last second think of the sentence above! 😉

    Hey! Can't hurt to at least make a pitch! 

  3. Did you hear the one about the multi-generational Aggie Legacies that bought tickets to Omaha, Hotels in Omaha, to watch their favorite team.  And were too fucking stupid to not get kicked out of a great father and son weekend watching the team with the very, very best fans in the world? Before the end of the second inning of the first game!

    These fucking Aggie jokes write themselves!  And that's why no matter what, no matter how much time passes, no matter how much money is spent to try to instill Aggie greatness, these real life repetitive episodes of incredible Aggie stupidity will never, ever, ever be eclipsed.

    Because no amount of money can eclipse the fact that a lot of Aggies are fucking stupid as shit, and they have degrees from A&M.... You just can't fix stupid...

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  4. 34 minutes ago, South Austin said:

    Fair enough. I just had my first biopsy yesterday.

    I had basal cell, and Mohs surgery. Sort of a shocking size hole, but healed up nicely despite my tearing open the stitches. But in all honestly this hat has a smaller circumference but is much lighter weight than what I have now.  I now actually forgo sunscreen and instead wear lightweight columbia hoodies with neck gators so that about all you see is my sunglasses.  I spend all day fishing the surf sometimes and no amount of sunscreen can survive dawn to dusk in the surf.  And while it took a little getting used to I am sold on the sun protection.  So you may start looking at this UT gear...spacer.png

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  5. Having coached a few kids that got rides or offers, so here is my advice.  Now everything may have changed with NIL and whatever but these were my general takeaways.

    First, a ride at a D3 school is your best bet, simply as they are (or used to be)  academic scholarships.  So if they burn out, they can still get their degrees if they stop playing.  Which sounds like the key thing you are hoping for this young man.  I would honestly use soccer as the door opener, and his story as what makes him unique.  This might be very appealing to a D3 school.  The fact he was with the FC Academy until he got injured is another point on the resume, and the story.

    I might sort of do things backwards.  Look at smaller schools that have the educational opportunities he is interested in first and foremost.  I would try to narrow those down to a handful and try and reach out to them both academically and athletically.  Does he have strong academics?  All these might be very attractive to a Division 3 school.  This is where I would honestly focus you efforts because I think the odds are better for the effort.  IF you can find academically what he is interested in.  I would not limit my research to only in state schools, as you never know, especially if he has good academics!

    Now if he can get a D2 ride that's fine too!  I just do not want you to overlook the smaller schools.  Usually it's getting noticed by a coach at a showcase, or one of his coaches going to bat for him and making a few calls.  Only guy I know anymore used to be the keeper Coach at Lonestar years ago and is out at West Texas A&M.  The main thing is you need to make sure he is different from the other kids, because of his struggles, and that is your selling point IMHO.  Coaches honestly want talent, but a kid like this that has overcome so much and is at the level he is probably has the heart smart coaches are also looking for.  If nothing else his story might get them to look at him?

    I might try to get the direct phone lines to assistant or head coaches.  I would simply be honest, tell basically what you just told us.  And I would ask anyone who you can get to talk to you for advice in how you can help the kid.  I am always amazed at how often if you simply ask for advice so many people will try to help you!  You need to do the highlight stuff, and resume, but I think that story may end up being his best asset!  I would also send a thank you letter to anyone that gives you any advice at all.  I think (can't remember) but I thought Lonestar had attending coaches register for the Showcases and you could find out who is/was attending.  That also might also help you in targeting coaches that at least have been to LSC showcases in looking at schools to contact.  Think of it as a multi-year sales call.  1) Find schools with the right majors 2) make contact 3) follow up with thanks and player info/story 4) Reach out before showcases to let them know of your interest in their program.

    The small schools have to get in line behind the big schools, so if you can let the smaller schools know you are interested in them, they may go out of their way to see him at a showcase.  Good Luck!  It's a great game, I loved it.



    Good Luck!

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  6. 18 hours ago, TonyTexas said:

    It’s not the visual that gets you but the license plate number in the computer. 


    4 hours ago, RPM said:

    and the plate reader on the cop car.

    The use of plate readers is a mainstay of ticket writing small town cops.  

    Interesting story.  A couple years ago my wife and I had cars that expired a month apart, may and june.  Well she gets pulled over by a cop in I think Elgin, Hutto or Taylor for for expired inspection.  Apparently I had put the May sticker on my Truck and the June sticker on her vehicle.  So when she got pulled over in June she had the June sticker on her car, so the only way he knew anything is he was scanning every car going by.

    I also drove my 2020 Truck for over a year unknowingly with an expired inspection sticker with no incident.  But good to know that Texas has figured out a way to take your money for registration when the vehicle is out of state!

  7. not to buzz kill. But one of our boys on the list got popped on the Comal today.  Never try to save your drunk friend.  Most interesting thing to me was that you can be white and vomiting in front of the cops. And one goes free.  Sucks for the kid, but apparently there are/ were two silents he told me about.  like 30 seconds before it all went bad on the comal.

    Sucks. I guess good for me that I am white, but New Braunfels is what is always has been.

    in the end you guys would have been happy as shit with what I heard right before it all when bad.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. Wow guys!  Lots of great info.  Though seeing troph's setup I feel like I am talking about a stack of home depot buckets and a soaker hose!

    Having done a little research I have found that the City of Austin will pay you a rebate of $.50 cents for passive collection per gallon of storage, and $1 per gallon if you have a pump.  I assume the pump is so that this source can replace the sprinkler with pressurized water.  Up to $5000 max per property.  You can also apply for more rebates if you add on to system. I need to do some research on the Xeriscape side, as I might as well get the rebates I can.  

    Thanks ROLF BOX for the hint about signing for rainwater collection to save the tax!  And the run lengths of guttering.  I have a long run cross the back and where I will need one downspout.  But with the whole backyard running downhill I am going to need to manage that downspout's flow in come manner. My problem is like most folks in Austin is a combination of limestone and live oak roots, preventing much downward storage.  However the steeper slope on that side of my house may give me an option to stagger height and partially bury at least one of the tanks.  Unfortunately the closest biggest valley off the roof on the collection side is right above the dining room window so no collection tank there! 😉

    I also agree with the 500 gallons is not a lot assessment. But I also want to try and tuck the storage in on the side of the house making it less obtrusive. But I only have 8 feet to the property line on that skinny side, so I may have to look at staggering multiple smaller tanks to make it worth the while.  Or build the system to expand to extra tanks in the future is I am worried about capacity.  Less capacity may be OK depending on how much the new xeriscaping landscape will need.  Most of my stuff in the front yard is drought tolerant, simply to survive already but some plants love the agua more than others.  

    This thread is a great example of why I love this site!  You can get so much great info and experience in an area with from five minutes on the lap top!  thanks guys!  


  9. 4 hours ago, Hawndoh said:

    Ours doesn't have a slide, so it's always ready for action.

    At least the scenery was pretty while stuck in traffic. We weren't towing at the time, though. Camper was at the campground.

    We love having no slide because we have lunch on the road all the time. At devils tower we pulled up right by the prairie dog colony and had lunch while watching all the little prairie dogs run around.

    I do have to pull the trailer through Yellowstone to get to Teton here in a couple hours. So we shall see how that goes. 

    Our first travel day through Oklahoma and Kansas we had a strong tailwind and got close to 12 mpg.

    But from Billings to Bozeman we had a 20 mph headwind and I was getting 5-6 mpg. Took a whole tank for that stretch.

    I have 6 gallons of gas in a can I carry around while towing and I almost had to use it.

    Gotta love that variable mileage from wind direction. I think the lowest I have gotten is 7 mpg going into a 25 mph sustained headwinds.  Most of the time I am getting about 12 if I keep the speed in the 60-65 range. I usually drive so fast without the trailer I actually feel guilty for not hauling ass.  But once I get past 70 mph everything seems more unstable and I can nearly see the fuel gauge declining.  

  10. On 6/1/2024 at 9:03 AM, troph said:

    We are likely putting our RV in a permanent spot in rockport, I go down there 6-8 times and I’m tired of driving down and back so quickly. Could let me expand my fishing obsession which is always a good thing. We also have had a bitch of time using it for three real reasons - (1) I’m working way to much for even a long weekend of RVing, it’s a lot of work - which we love the constant puttering and activity when we do it - but coming back to my desk tired isn’t okay right now, (2) about that work, starting to slow down just a tiny bit and two even industrious women it’s at times a bit much to handle, we don’t make excuses but at times things are just too heavy or whatever, and (3) teenagers are sucking all my time - they are almost as intense for parenting as when they were really little, teaching teens how to be adults is whoa.

    anyway, any spots you’ve been that you really like that we should check out?

    we’d obviously pull it out if a hurricane was on the way.

    I have considered getting storage much closer to the coast, but to be honest we don't go much in the Summer unless we are meeting folks.  So my main use is dropping it in Port A in mid to late September and keeping it there the month of October.  But you are right it's a lot of work for just a long weekend! But I love being able to come and go with the favorable weather and tides.

     If I could find some good covered storage out of the normal hurricane range, but making my towing only an hour or so, that may be where I end up, if my current free storage ever dries up.


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  11. 8 hours ago, Hawndoh said:

    Did get stuck in a 3 hour bison traffic jam, but otherwise Yellowstone has totally met all the hype. Crowds haven't been too bad either. Lots of places weren't out of school as early as we were.

    Likely never ever happier to have a tow behind shitter!  At least on mine if I make sure to tie the bathroom door back you can access the bathroom without having to extend the slide out.  It's actually one of the things that has come in handy multiple times on the road.  

    Sounds like a great trip!  But a 3 hour anything traffic related would have had me losing my mind...

  12. The wife and I have been considering putting in a water storage system with new gutters.  in the last year I tore about a row of about 8 red tip photinia "trees" along our back fence, and converted it to a new flower bed and are seriously considering tearing up the front yard and xeriscaping it.  We thought adding a water storage tank into the mix might be good and since we would be moving a lot of dirt around this would be the time to consider it.  

    I wanted to have a pump to be able to pressurize to water by hand, or run a sprinkler.  I guess with the xeriscaping of the front yard I might try to add some sort of locational drip system?  Not sure about how any of that would work on a storage tank system or if it would work.  But I have to think gathering a couple hundred gallons of water would over time pay for itself in the summer and if I am ever going to do it. I should do it with the re-landscape plan. 

    Anyhow anyone use water storage? Have any do's and do nots?

  13. This thread brings up my one gripe about the Apple watch, why not have a much longer battery life? I got used to charging mine, but for an older person? My Dad could do it, but he is fading.  He actually keeps his phone in what I think was a passport bag around his neck.  He is in an independent living apartment and my mom is in memory care, while they await a larger apartment where they both can live together.  Praying that works, but am about to search for caregiving help so that it might work.

  14. Honestly, most of my fishing trips are around Monday- Thursday.  It was already easy to see the pressure increasing in the bays, but I think Covid made a lot more folks discover the Texas coast for more than a quick out and back party weekend.  All you need do is look at the rise in saltwater fishing licenses.  The graph below is pre covid. the one below it catches 2020 when covid came on.



  15. 22 hours ago, fattyflattie said:

    Wish this wind would lay down. I was looking back thru my notes a few years ago, and my first surf limit of the year from 1995-2008 was always between May 5 and June 1st.  This year has not been very conducive to that. 

    well hell, you have 4 days left and the wind is laying down. Get to work! So I can live vicariously!!!!

  16. You know visiting College Station just sucks... because it's, College Station.  But this is a whole new season now, and hope springs eternal.  Sure would be fun to send the Ags to an endless summer of endless boredom in CS.  

  17. On 5/21/2024 at 1:03 PM, Bert Orange said:

    A piece of shit Ping. I dont like the shape of it and it’s only useful off the deck. Worthless if I need loft. Especially in a recovery shot

    I used to carry two 3 woods back in the day, one with very low loft that I used as a driver on all but the longest of holes, and one with higher loft off the turf.  In a way that lofted three wood was what allowed me to mostly use that shorter but straighter 3 wood off the box.  Might even get a chance to play again occasionally soon... but haha I was saying the same thing this time last year...

  18. 14 hours ago, troph said:

    Today suuuuuuuucked at the coast. (Too) windy, unreliable sunshine with cloud cover often and the tide was a foot higher than you’d want.

    Catching reds you prefer two of the three but absolutely have to have one. We had none of (1) calm winds, (2) full sun, or (3) water shallow enough to force the fish to tail or show a wake or anything.  
    we went an hour multiple times with nothing to cast at.  

    next time… 

    If it's any consolation there have only been about two days since I went to Port a the last weekend in April that have not been pretty damn windy.  You gotta get that humidity North somehow to create those monster storms! 

    But you can always catch a buzz... 😉

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