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Dennis Taylor

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Posts posted by Dennis Taylor

  1. 40 minutes ago, TrashMaster G said:

    So what do you think about this scenario:  You pick a Big XII game and you get to sit in a living room with the entire officiating crew from that game, watching the game film and you have a coach's clicker.  You get to ask any question and they have to answer.

    How much would you pay for that privilege? 

    I'm thinking low four figures for me.

    (Donations to benefit the Foundation for the Blind and Texas MHMR)




  2. 11 minutes ago, Bill Lumbergh said:

    aggy are the masters of recreating narratives to explain why past performance doesn't explain how good they really are now. 

    Didn't win under Fran, OK, but now we have Sherman so we're a totally different team and we're going to wreck shop in the big 12.

    Ok, so Sherman was trash, you guys are lucky you got to play us under him because now we're in the sec with Johnny and sumlin, and we're going to wreck shop!  Sumlin could easily beat any team in the big 12. 

    Well yeah we lost to Kansas state, but that was the old aggy under that loser sumlin.  Don't know if you've heard, but we got Jimbo now.  We would easily plow through the entire bdf now if they had to play us. 

    This narrative will continue until they (hopefully) get matched up with a big 12 team in a bowl game and lose by >2 tds.  It may not be this year, but it will happen, and when it does they'll change something else to create an excuse for why they're better now than they were back then and how they'd kick our asses now if they only had the chance (ignoring that they'd have the chance to prove it yearly if they hadn't run away like a petulant child). 

    I was with you until you get to the possibility of aggy not running their mouth. There is not a scenario that leads to this outcome 

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  3. The first game turned on that 3rd down incomplete pass when we should have ran it down their throat, twice if necessary.  They weren't stopping shit and we helped them out by stopping the clock for them, shanking a punt, and inexplicably letting kyler go 70 between the numbers and the sideline...if we get that first down the game is over.

    The offense was handcuffed yesterday because Sam wasn't running nor could he throw effectively ...honestly i think it looked almost exactly like Shane was playing.  Don't know why they didn't give Heard a shot or put LJH in the wildcat.

  4. 11 hours ago, PvilleStang said:

    That blocking out of bounds call was definitely a game changer and atrocious call.  That said, someone level the stadium and do the world a favor.

    That rule was established in The Blind Side 

  5. The motive is pretty clear on all thes questionable calls...

    -WVU game: measure and Sam has the first down. Better review it now...Oh whatta ya know, no first down. If the original measurement was short, do you think there's a review?

    - TTU game: BJ may have intercepted the ball in the end zone, which would have prevented FG and subsequent successful onside kick and Tech TD...no review.  

    -TTU game: very iffy sideline catch by Vasher, both on a catch/no catch and inbounds/ out of bounds basis. No review,  can't disrupt the offensive rhythm 


    I'm sure there are plenty of other examples of very significant plays that could benefit Texas not being reviewed,  and shit that hardly mattered being scrutinized ad nauseum to look for shit that isn't there 

    Fuck this conference 

  6. you guys joking about Fisher going 8-8 are giving him too much credit, last time he won 8 in a season was 2009. He actually won 7 or fewer 10 times in his career. His famous quote was "That's some 7-9 bullshit" which it turns out he was an authority on    

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