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Dennis Taylor

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Posts posted by Dennis Taylor

  1. 35 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    Jack Del Rio is a distinct possibility. He's been campaigning for the job.

    CSB- A friend refs mid-level college games and was an NFL replacement ref and was the side judge or whatever on the Broncos sideline. He said Del Rio (Broncos DC at the time) was the biggest asshole he'd ever encountered in any walk of life   

  2. 11 hours ago, Druggist said:

    With 35 seconds left in the game last night, my wife paused it so she could show her mom the pics of Ehlinger as a kid.  Then they had to look at current pics so they could see if he’s still cute (he is).  The really aggravating part is they were talking and not paying attention and had no idea it was tied until the final drive was already underway.

    I sat quietly pissed off staring at the screen for 2&1/2 minutes because if I said anything it surely would have had tone.  No need to piss off my wife and mother-in-law a week before we go to Costa Rica on my inlaws’ dime.


    and she had access to the remote why, exactly...?

    that's on you

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  3. I think that was a pick in the end zone. looks like it is on players arms/hands the whole time, not the ground. that was a 10 point play because they kick the field goal, then the onside kick happens which leads to a TD. Unbelievable that even the absolutely incompetent B12 refs did not bother to review that 

    The pass to Vasher hit the ground. 

    Sam going out of bounds should have been a personal foul. I've certainly seen way less called as much.

    I don't know what it's going to take for these buffoons to get called to the carpet and reprimanded, suspended, fired...something...ANYTHING. I watch other conferences' games and you hardly notice the refs are even there...Defee, Van Vark, and some of the others (who's the guy that wears the sportsshade?) think people buy tickets or tune in to watch them officiate.       


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  4. Apparently the Five Knuckle Shuffle is not an approved game in Vegas. 


    50-year-old Randall William Howe, who goes by Randy Howe on air and has been at Vegas NBC affiliate KSNV since 2008, was arrested Tuesday morning at a Las Vegas bar and has since been charged with one count each of indecent exposure and open and gross lewdness. 

    Perhaps inspired by ex-Aggy receiver Kirk Merritt, Randy blamed a "severe rash" for whipping out little Randy 


    Howe insisted he was not masturbating, saying he had a severe rash and was scratching himself, the report said. He said he “probably shouldn’t have been scratching himself at the bar and that it was a bad decision,” according to the report.


  5. 17 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:

    Ok so you think he's the curse because he died of old age? I had assumed you thought he was the curse because of how he was fired. Odd but eh whatever.

    OK then maybe Jerry's original face is the curse...who cares...they suck and will continue to suck for a long long time 

    • Like 1
  6. 58 minutes ago, TXSooner518 said:


    Oh JFC. Doesn’t require being a psychic. The rule is phrased that way for roughing. How is roughing ever thrown if not by psychics? How did they know it was obvious?

    As to the physics, NFL QBs can throw in the 50-60 mph range. Let’s say Grier threw this pass at 35 mph. That means it goes 51 feet per second so it was outside the tackle box less than a quarter second after leaving his hand. The still shot has the ball just off his fingers and the Texas player hasn’t touched Grier yet. Hence by the time he horsecollared him, the ball was outside the tackle box, making it a penalty to horsecollar the QB.


    You can't 'tackle' someone who doesn't have the ball ergo you can't horsecollar tackle someone who doesn't have the ball. So it couldn't be a horsecollar, which is what he called and is documented.  Maybe he meant roughing the passer, but that wasn't what he said. Words matter

  7. 1 minute ago, TXSooner518 said:

    On which part?  

    1) The penalty called was "roughing the passer".  He made the personal foul gesture, then the roughing the passer gesture. He then said horsecollar.

    2) The rule quoted above clearly describes that it doesn't apply to a ballcarrier in the pocket.

    3) Grier was not a ball carrier at the time of the penalty.



    3rd and 15 at UT37 Grier, Will middle pass incomplete to Simms, Marcus, PENALTY UT PFHC (Malcolm Roach) 15 yards to the UT22, 1ST DOWN WVU, NO PLAY
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