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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by NameAlreadyInUse

  1. Ahh, so even if they fuck you with no lube,  you are going to be like a battered wife and still be a good straight ticket voter.  I'm wondering how much further afield it will be allowed to go before you realize that the Establishment Republicans lost control awhile back and aren't likely to get it back.  I hope we're still posting together when you finally see it, because it will be nice to welcome you to the club.

  2. 2 hours ago, Grandioso said:


    Have I been asleep and missed the nickname for Obama or is that new?  Love that he’s calling someone else a cheater in the midst of the Stormy weather he’s going through at the moment. Really takes your mind off his cheating and makes you realize it’s everyone else who is a cheater. 

  3. 1 hour ago, TahoeHorn said:

    My wing of the party is the largest and contributes the most money.  It has also had good success in producing the Presidential nominee.  An outsized percentage of civil servants and political appointees come from my wing.  Even federal judges.

    Just because the latest Presidential nominee is not from my wing doesn't depress me.  I expect to vote another thirty years.

    I'm one of 325MM citizens.  And the number is rising.  It would be kind of silly for me to expect to get my way all the time.

    I don't expect that the 2020 election will go well at the top of the ticket.  I do expect that the GOP will remain strong at state and local levels.

    I think Alabama may start to get nutty.

    You just told us you expect to get purged from the party. Then you told us that you were going to keep playing. Now you are telling us something about how great the party is. I’m completely confused by your explanations. 

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Brian Fantana said:

    I just don't understand what the possible motive for this is

    Makes it cheaper to produce cars, therefore cars are cheaper. Therefore more cars will be sold. Plus, if cars get lower emissions, it paves the way for industry to start hollaring for lower standards, which means soon we can go back to setting our rivers and lakes on fire. Viva Cleveland!

  5. 1 hour ago, Ghost of LL said:

    You act as though this is the result of negligence, and not intent.  You're wrong.


    Sorry, that was not the intent of my post.  I completely agree with you.  And its shameful.  The people of Oklahoma should be ashamed of themselves.

  6. 12 minutes ago, In10se said:

    How much money should you get paid just for teaching simpletons their ABCs and 1 2 3s for 12 years?

    I don't know, but I do know that it should be more than what they are making in Oklahoma.  The people of Oklahoma should be ashamed of what they are doing to their education system there. Those legislators need to take a few minutes to quit fucking their sisters and fix their shit.  Then they can go right back to their sister fucking. 

  7. 1 hour ago, EastTexan said:


    Honestly, I believe it's the far lefts goal to repeal the 2nd Amendment. Don't care to shut the fuck up as you so eloquently  put it.

    Thanks for proving my point man. I hope you don’t get hay fever with all the straw men you are harboring over there. 

  8. 6 hours ago, EastTexan said:


    Cannot avoid the lefty gun grabbers. They're pretty good about getting in your face spouting bs.


    They are what they are.

    I’ve managed to go my whole life without ever having a conversation with someone who wants to repeal the 2nd amendment. And I’ve lived in liberal Austin for 27 years. I can’t imagine that there are more liberals trying to take your guns away in East Texas than liberal Austin. Therefore, my hypothesis is that you are lying and you’d rather make up the beliefs of others rather than actually having a real conversation with someone you disagree with. It’s ok if you feel that way, but politics boards would be a better place if you would either engage honestly or shut the fuck up. I don’t expect you to do either. 

  9. 9 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    Great read.  Love to hear Trumpkins defend that.  I’m sure they have their talking points.  

    Or they can always go with ‘SOROSSSS!’

    What you have to remember is that our last president wanted spicy mustard on a sandwich one time.

  10. 1 hour ago, Texas Jeff said:

    Tiny warning for that job .... my kids never watch TV in hotels, they want the wifi password and that's enough for them.  I've stopped watching TV on the road other than maybe the morning news when I travel for business.  You may eventually find yourself selling something else...

    Good point.  I'm on the road 20-26 weeks out of the year.  I can't remember the last time I turned on the TV when I was working.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 15 hours ago, Tennesseehorn said:

    Hmmmm I guess Robert "The Perfect Reputation" Mueller has plumb fucking run out of collusion ideas/crimes.  Hopefully he's on his last legs with this investigation.

    I see the change in scenery hasn't granted you any improvement in the smarts department.

  12. On 3/28/2018 at 9:19 AM, Jimbaround said:

    Is this where I put this?
    How drunk is the dad if he just lets the car roll into the pool?


    So what got me about this one wasn’t the people in the car not doing anything, it was the fact that apparently a light breeze was all that was needed to knock over the fence. Ain’t no fucking way the story they told the cops is true. If the fence was so shitty it couldn’t keep a car from going through it at idle, the whole damn thing would’ve collapsed when the car went through it. I’m guessing the drunk husband or the kid floored it. 

  13. We have hard floors.  Rather than a roomba we got one of those vacuums that just sits in the corner.  We sweep the dog hair to the vacuum and it automatically turns on and sucks it all away.  Its fucking glorious!

    Also, putting the christmas tree on a smart plug this year was awesome.  Fucking hated going behind it to turn it on and off.

  14. 2 hours ago, hayden_horn said:

    for me, the case was muddled enough for him to be not guilty. that sucks for the family of the victim. i'm not convinced of his innocence, either. but the state did not put forth a convincing case, and the defense did not mount a competent enough defense, imo. i guess we'll see how it ends up.


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