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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by NameAlreadyInUse

  1. Who gives a fuck about the amount of rep you have?  There were 3 positives about rep in the Old Country and 2 of them are missing here as far as I can tell

    1) Sometimes the rep comments were funny as shit

    2) There doesn't appear to be a way to crowd source just yet.

    The new system will still allow for the only other good part of the rep system, and that is watching people get butt hurt and cry over their neg rep.

    • Like 4
  2. 8 hours ago, LoneStarBiker said:

    What's going on here? Seen several of these pics of the aggy dudes kneeling and hugging.

    With the other aggys standing around these two, seems like an intro to some gay porn video (NTTATWRT/no homo) 

    Yeah I keep waiting for the next picture where everyone has gotten naked and the bukkake party is getting underway.

    Also, every single guy in that picture is wearing a shirt that is at least 1 size too big for them.

  3. 46 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    If someone is truly interested in solving the problem they need to get good data, or find someone who has.

    I consulted with large companies on problems that were highly contentious.  For many years.  The key to being a good consultant is being able to collect the right data.  Right now the data we see is created by people who use stats to lie, not to help solve a problem. 

    Just so you know, this is what I do for a living too, and I agree that this is a big deal. Its the reason I find this board so god damned frustrating, because too many people who post here aren't interested in participating in the process to get to the right data.  Hell, sometimes even I'm not interested in participating.  


    1 hour ago, TahoeHorn said:

    One of the toughest facts to get the right data on (and agreement on) will be how hard it is to obtain a gun illegally.  If we pass a law (e.g. no alcohol sales to people under 21) what effect will it have on drinking by those under 21?  It obviously won't stop it and it obviously will slow it down.  How much?  This will require good analysis.

    I think the heart of the problem is that some believe that passing laws will have a big impact on the ability of criminals to murder and some don't.

    I don't disagree with this either.  Its why I think most of our gun laws have been insane window dressing in the past.  One side needs a victory so they pass or repeal something that doesn't materially change anyone's ability to get the  weapon of their choice. And we keep staying on this stupid merry go round where nothing gets solved but we put new flowers in the window so everything is ok.

  4. And it looks like as I was typing that, Htown was busy proving my point.  

    I've got guns in my house that I'm not going to want to let go of either, so I'd prefer people like Htown get their shit together and participate instead of making shit up in his head as to the motives of the people he's trying to argue with.

    • Like 1
  5. 35 minutes ago, Newdoc said:

    I see a slippery slope approach to rational gun control because when we ban the "scary guns" and devices that are used extremely rarely for homicidal violence, then shootings will continue  and professional political organizers will march out the teenagers and we will flail about with signs and speeches that don't hit at the heart of the gun violence problem in this country. The only result is we will legislate away the rights of law abiding citizens.

    I see this as a problem too, actually.  Its why we ought to be figuring out real solutions instead of the feel good bullshit that mostly gets thrown around these days.

    But we aren't allowed to have the conversation to figure out real solutions because neither side trusts the other to actually want to have that conversation.  2nd Amendment guys tend to think anyone who wants any regulation at all is out to take away everyone's guns so they don't want to give an inch, and people who want to talk about real gun reform think the 2nd Amendment guys are being assholes rather than just lacking in trust for the conversation actually being about reform and not confiscation.  That has to get fixed if you want to figure something out.  Until its fixed ain't a god damned thing changing about the conversation.

    However, if these mass shootings keep up, what will change is that eventually those 2nd Amendment guys are going to be left out of the conversation and they are going to get gun reform whether they like it or not, and its likely going to be worse than it could've been if they'd been part of the discussion to begin with.  The 2nd Amendment guys will be like the people who railed against gay marriage and would have no discussions about alternatives who ended up just being left out of the conversation.  When they realized it and tried to finally participate in the conversation about maybe having a civil union statute, it was too late and now they get to see married gays running around the country.

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, deadshank said:

    Perhaps you are not one of the people that I was talking about.  To boot, I never said that we need to stop talking about gun control.  Did I?  

    When you say "I think everyone telling me x is lying, and they really want y," how is it you think a conversation about x is even possible? You aren't having a conversation about x, you are having a conversation about y, because you think that's what the other party is doing, even if they really are wanting to talk about x. Therefore, you don't have to say, "we need to stop talking about x," because you were never talking about x to begin with.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, TahoeHorn said:

    I expect to get purged.  This stuff always behaves like a pendulum.  The GOP in Alabama is getting stronger and more conservative.


    Optimism is a funny word for this.  I view it like a skilled playing poker.  You play the hand the best way you can, and if you do it well over and over you will win.  In any given period my view  (center right, pro capitalism)  may fair poorly.  But my view is probably the best position nationally for long-term success.  So the key is just to keep playing the cards as best as possible.  I don't expect 100% success or quick success.  I expect to fold bad hands.  But I believe in the long run I will win.

    So you have bad hands, you know you have bad hands.  You know you are going to continue to have bad hands.  In fact, you know you are going to fold your way right out of the game, but you still think you are going to win.  How? 

  8. 1 hour ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    Ann Coulter is woke now, too?  Didn't see that coming.

    Yeah but she just wants a worse version of Trump than he actually is, which is fucking insane, so she's right where she's always been.

    • Like 1
  9. 40 minutes ago, Escapedgoat said:

    That is an interesting sign over there by that Sprite colored bicycle there.

    See that sign a lot in south Austin, but its a black sign down here.

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