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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hobbes2702

  1. Maybe try working the bottom of the zone some Grubbs
  2. Oh that should be red. That’s an intentional handball An intentional handball receives the same punishment as Diaz asking the ref why it’s not red. Cool
  3. Lucho gives the ball away in our own half so much
  4. Too bad his job is to make saves though
  5. Having Ederson be your 5th is so stupid lol. Good pk from him though.
  6. Some really bad PKs for both sides so far
  7. I promise I’ll never be a bitch enough to be envious of aggy.
  8. Who cares about aggy? Let me know when they actually win something. Just because our team sucks doesn’t mean we need to act so bitchmade
  9. Do it. Seriously not joking at all
  10. Certainly the worst loss I’ve ever seen but some of yall are much older than I am.
  11. What a dumb tackle from Cancelo. Why even risk that?
  12. I don’t really get the injury concern. He would be in the lineup somewhere regardless. My concern is more about what this potentially does to his bat. This seems incredibly desperate but we are in desperate times.
  13. Did anyone even know this was a thing? I assume he at least pitched in high school
  14. Well yea. Anyone even considering O’Dowd an option was playing 8 on 9 Nah
  15. I’ll blame officiating when it blatantly took a win off the board. It’s not like they got a judgement call wrong. Missing shots is part of the game. What happened at Spurs is not.
  16. I’m going to be really really upset if the Spurs refereeing end up costing us the title.
  17. That was fucking terrible. Not sure what Endo or Konate are doing there
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