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Jack Wilson

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Everything posted by Jack Wilson

  1. The old, "I can explain it to you, son, but I can't understand it for you," right?
  2. I can remember when '6 or 7 large' meant thousands. Times, they are a'changin'.
  3. it dont make a shit Bill From Palestine's in the house.
  4. And next, I suppose you're going to tell us that there's no such thing as a vodka martini? Well, guess what? You're right on the fajitas, and you'd be right on the martini. James Bond (and a shitload of millennials) be damned, a martini is GIN and fajitas are BEEF. Keep fighting the good fight. I be on your side.
  5. Now, this just makes way too much fuckin' sense for a Surl post.
  6. Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, and more money.
  7. Is Banks in play or not? I haz confusion (who, by the way, says "Journey of thousand miles start with one six-pack").
  8. Brings up the alternate: does Pole Assassin have custody of her kids? If not, would she want to be several states away? I know she's traveled to different poleing sites for her job, but that was temporary. If she doesn't want to leave and Banks isn't ready to give up on the hot monkey loving.... She's an elections worker?
  9. Three timeouts per half would not be anywhere near enough timeouts.
  10. Call him Defensive Grand Poobah. Call him Grand High Exhalted Mystic Ruler of the International Order of Friendly Sons of the Raccoons. Call him whatever it takes. Just pay the man and get him here.
  11. He apparently did us a favor. Auburn; no, East Carolina; no, Delta State. Not exactly a desirable trajectory.
  12. Probably depends on the UT contract language and how much Pedo State is paying him.
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