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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Zavala

  1. 28 minutes ago, Randolph Duke said:

    Break 157# into quarters and it would take over 10,000 transactions to get rid of the inventory.

    There are only 50 quart-sized Ziplocs in a box. How do you even logistically break up 157# of weed into retail-sized bags?

    I am convinced the investment of our lifetimes is the first wave of legal weed companies. The weed business has long drawn in insanely creative people who know how to make money on a product that has huge demand. Can't blame this guy for trying. It is crazy that in 2020 we are still busting people for weed in this country.

    Yeah my cousin makes bank but he does it legally. These turds were committing a crime and they should be punished accordingly. Lots of people disagree with the laws, doesn't give anyone the right to break them. 

    Legalizing dope doesn't help anyone, the state gets more $$$ to waste, more people devote their lives to drugs instead of anything productive. If that is how you want to live I really don't care, but I feel sorry for people who promote stoner culture and waste their lives inhaling a chemical to simulate the euphoria and satisfaction you would feel doing something great.

    Also, the breaking down thing - these are "big fish" they sell off the weed in oz, those people break it down into quarters, those people break it down into 8ths and gs. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, WBT said:

    Interior border patrol checkpoints are bullshit

    Yeah if only there was a way to take care of it elsewhere..

    Just now, Helobious said:

    I’m always shocked that American adults are unaware of interior “border“ checkpoints. I’ve been passing through them my whole life.
    Fun fact: if traffic is bad enough, sometimes the agents will just wave everyone through without asking them anything.
    I guess this wasn’t one of those times.

    Some people don't leave the suburb man

  3. 1 hour ago, Mileslong said:

    Yeah! Suck on that!!!

    Another disapproving look from g/f



    1 hour ago, Longhorn Al said:

    These Arizona fans on twitter are a bunch of titty babies.

    Twitter makes me lose faith in humanity. Then I go out into the world and everyone I meet is normal and cool, especially at enemy territory hockey games. 


  4. 20 minutes ago, Rockethorn1978 said:

    But I also wouldn't expect a full blown defense of Herman either and he went way into saying Herman inherited Charlie's shit and we need to have perspective and went overboard about herman letting his bros go and this is his first season with a new staff? You expect THAT much? I don't expect him to be all surly but I do expect maybe a "Tom knows he has a opportunity to right the ship and that's our plan and at The University of Texas the bar is high and this is a prestigious job and we all are approaching it that way every day". 

    Nah fuck that. I'm cool with the AD not adding coals to the hot seat fire and allowing Chip "shit stain" Brown (fuck him) to stir up shit in the program. Anything less than a full blown defense allows that.

    It would be cool if just one coach in the future just says "next question" in the middle of Chip's classic storytelling bullshit adventure "questions". Get a fucking clue and move to Waco or something dumbfuck

  5. 4 minutes ago, Tex Long said:

    Bottom line, if Lamar Jackson calls me a honkie, I am justified in yanking off his helmet and whacking him over the head? Got it.

    That's the silly part, it shouldn't and doesn't justify or relieve him the responsibility for his actions. He's trying to go the Kaepernick route or something, win the court of twatter public opinion.

    Instead he just added insult to injury for Mason. Who I could give less of a shit about, but just didn't want to see this dumb Aggy bash his head in on tee vee. Not good for the sport. 


    2 minutes ago, Helobious said:

    You actually think Garrett put that much thought into this? He seems like the type of player who would barely learn who Rudolph even was the week they started prepping for their 1st game against each other. I highly, highly doubt he was aware of Rudolph’s political opinions.

    Well he had plenty of time to figure out his lies and come up with this shit a week later lulz. It was probably some dumbass skank or manager or friend stroking his ego, man they can suspend you for this! Fuck that mother fucker you seen his Twitter? Prolly called you a hard-r huh?

  7. 5 hours ago, po elvis said:

    It is possible that the n-word was not said, but Garrett thought it was said. The problem with that is Garrett's words and action right after the incident don't lend to the fact that he thought he heard the n-word. But if he is sued can it be proven that he didn't believe he heard the n-word? I don't know.

    I don't think that's how slander works. If you misremember something then spread "your truth" to hurt someones reputation that's just slander. He isn't telling the truth, and he knows it. I wouldn't be surprised if there's some evidence of em out there planning on playing the race card to keep what's left of his reputation. What an idiot.

  8. On 2/14/2020 at 6:41 AM, Laxtonto said:

    Man this has been a shit show from the beginning and now has reached a point of embarrassment that I sorta feel bad for this idiot.

    Is it just me or does anyone else thing there is no way this idiot came up with this stunt on his own? It’s like Zoolander trying to pull off a major crime. Somebody had to have suggested something like this couple help his career, but I doubt the 2 functioning brain cells he has came up with the idea on his own.

    Yeah sometimes actors get caught up the brilliance of their characters and start thinking they can walk on water. Then when they write the script, hire the actors, and get the props they run into trouble.

    Setting: "America in 2019"

    street notorious for gay black prostitution, temperature below freezing

    Character design: "White Trump supporters in Chicago"

    two Nigerian immigrant brothers

    Script: "This is MAGA country!"

    real things people say while pouring bleach on people and attempting to lynch them

    Props: "chemical attack and lynching"

    some bleach got on his clothes and a string around his neck, keeps wearing both until the police arrive

    In a statement, GLAAD said it reached out to Fox and Smollett's team to offer any help needed.

    "Our hearts are with Jussie Smollett as he recovers from a hate-motivated and repugnant attack in Chicago," read the statement from GLAAD president and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis. "Jussie has always used his voice and talent to create a better world, and it is disgusting that anyone, especially someone who has done such good for so many, would be targeted by undeniable hatred. GLAAD condemns these despicable acts as well as the racism and homophobia that drove them. Law enforcement needs to urgently conduct a thorough investigation and continue to be transparent with Chicago's Black and LGBTQ communities who may be experiencing heightened fears of violence."

    She continued: "Jussie's experience is sadly not unique in today's America. Countless LGBTQ and people of color, as well as those who belong to both communities, are faced with hate-motivated violence on a near daily basis. We stand with Black and racial justice leaders to combat hate violence in all of its forms."

    Via social media, Empire co-creator Danny Strong said, "I'm deeply horrified and saddened by the racist and homophobic attacks against @JussieSmollett. He is a kind and profoundly talented soul whom I respect with all my heart. The terror of racism and homophobia has no place in our society, it is the most indecent way to live. Whoever did this, do not forget that you are nothing but hate-filled cowards while Jussie's talent and activism will continue to shine a bright light on to the world for decades to come."

    Said Empire executive producer Brian Grazer: "I am disgusted and saddened by the attack on Jussie, one of the nicest and most genuine people I have worked with. I send him much love on his recovery. Hate and bigotry have no place in our society."

    Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest LGBTQ civil rights organization, said via Twitter: "I am sick to my stomach over the news of a violent attack on @JussieSmollett. I'm so glad you are safe, my friend. All of us at @HRC wish you a quick recovery. Law enforcement MUST act quickly & thoroughly given the horrific racist/homophobic details described in news reports."

    A statement from the Anti-Defamation League read in part, "This sickening, vile reported attack on @EmpireFOX star @JussieSmollett is a disturbing reminder of the terrible homophobia & racism that plagues society. We stand with you, Jussie, and will never stop fighting against this kind of hateful violence. We call on police to investigate this vile incident as a hate crime and work swiftly to bring the alleged perpetrators to justice."

    The NAACP also released a statement: "The recent racist and homophobic attack on acclaimed actor and activist Jussie Smollett is troubling. The rise in hate crimes is directly linked to President Donald J. Trump's racist and xenophobic rhetoric. It is dangerous for any society to allow a tone of divisiveness and hatred to dominate the political discourse. As this rhetoric continues to bleed into our everyday lives, dangerous behavior will continue to place many law-abiding individuals at risk. We pray for a full physical and mental recovery Jussie Smollett and many unnamed victims of this forum of hate based terrorism."

    reminds me of this hoax:


    Tariq Nasheed is a nutjob but he lays it out pretty well here:


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