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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Zavala

  1. On 2/10/2020 at 1:58 PM, Incredulity said:

    Totally this.  

    I think they would have been better off to have found a couple of no-name non-BCS division football coaches with innovative offenses then recycling some of the retreads they have.

    I'd like to see an offense go 100% triple option.

  2. 12 hours ago, Chad said:

    The NFL should intervene with this circus of flying monkeys and force the guy to undergo treatment. It's only going to continue making the NFL look bad despite AB not currently being on a roster. I said it before and I'll say it again, AB was never like this until the hit from Burfict that nearly decapitated him. Have you ever encountered anyone who suffered a serious head trauma in a car wreck and they changed? I know several who emerged from similar situations as completely different persons, I didn't even know them any longer. AB's pattern of self destructive behavior is only becoming worse, intervention on behalf of the NFL is desperately needed.

    wait hes only a piece of shit because of brain trauma? you sure?


  3. He's gonna win the nom. The DNC ain't gonna let Bernie swindle all that cash. Boomerberg would be putting money into the DNC, like how Hillary bought the nomination.




    This funny wanting to make memes to look cool meme thing is really taking off.




  4. really makes you think



    The more voices outside of the left I listened to, the more I realized that these were not bad people. They were not racists, nazis, or white supremacists. We had differences of opinions on social and economic issues, but a difference of opinion does not make your opponent inherently evil. And they could justify their opinions using arguments, rather than the shouting and ranting I had seen coming from my side of the aisle.

    I started to discover (or perhaps rediscover) the #WalkAway movement. I had heard about #WalkAway when MSNBC told me it was fake and a bunch of Russian bots. But then I started to meet real people who had been Democrats who had made the decision to leave because they could not stand the way the left was acting. I watched town halls they held with different minority communities (all available in their entirety on YouTube) and I saw sane, rational discussion from people of all different races, backgrounds, orientations, and experiences. I joined the Facebook group for the community and saw stories popping up daily of people sharing why they are leaving the Democratic party. This wasn’t fake. These people are not Russian bots. And moreover, it felt like a breath of fresh air. There was not universal agreement in this group — some were Trump supporters, some weren’t — but they talked and shared their perspective without shouting or rage or trying to cancel each other.

    I started to question everything. How many stories had I been sold that weren’t true? What if my perception of the other side is wrong? How is it possible that half of the country is really overtly racist? Is it possible that Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real thing, and had I been suffering from it for the past three years?

    And the biggest question of all was this: Did I hate Trump so much that I wanted to see my country fail just to spite him and everyone who voted for him?

    Fast forward to the New Hampshire primary and we have all the politicians running around the state making their case. I’ve seen almost every Democratic candidate in person and almost universally their message is one of doom and gloom, focusing on not only on the obvious disagreements with Donald Trump but also making sure to emphasize that the country is a horribly racist place.


    • Fuck You 1
  5. On 2/12/2020 at 11:26 AM, Nivek said:

    A far more accurate picture would have the GOP hammering at the pillars and the Democratic Party trying to tape it together while religious right/trumpkins/tea party cheer as Russians hand Trump dynamite to blow the whole thing up, collateral damage and all.


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  6. 41 minutes ago, texifornia said:

    It's no aggy Women's Clinic, but it'll do


    Gradient + "gotta be know for something" are cringe, the rest of that is pretty badass. You can tell he made that himself though 😂

    Establish victims across the ball, the difference between physical and violence is intent. Fuck yeah. Fuck people up. Gonna get some guys tossed in this pussy big12 league though. 

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  7. 45 minutes ago, Eastwood said:
    6 hours ago, youdunnf said:
    Dana also said in the post fight presser that he had Reyes 3-2. Wouldn’t be surprised if they run that one back. Sucks for Reyes though because now Jones has probably mentally downloaded all his shit. 

    Jones doesn't give rematches to close fights.


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