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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Zavala

  1. 3 hours ago, ButtFumble said:

    then shut the fuck because the lawsuit is all I commented on idiot

    were you all over the scat forum talking shit about how embarrassed you were for UT when woman beater rashad bobino was down on 6th street sucker punching drunk girls and then getting knocked out by Roger Huerta?....are you calling the Mesquite school district to ask them why they employ a verified woman beater like rashad babino and exposing their male and female students to a woman beater?.....fuck no of course not because you are too stupid to understand that every program has fucking idiots that played for them

    would you think someone was a fucking idiot if they said the girl that known woman beater rasha bobino sucker punched on 6th street several years after he was at UT should get with her parents and sue UT....or maybe she should sue 6th street?

    were you calling the Austin PD and asking art why someone that was on video walking up and sucker punching a female and knocking her out was never arrested and charged?....no of course not so shut the fuck up

    boykin is a piece of shit just like bobino is and only an asshole would advocate for someone to sue a school because something happened several years after they left.....and if you are saying that boykin was always a piece of shit them so was bobino even while he was at UT because I doubt that several years after college he just randomly decided to become a sucker punching woman beater in the middle of a crowded street with plenty of video to see it

    so by your logic he was clearly also a woman beater while at UT, but he just got away with it and did you call the APD and ask art why he was never charged when there was clear evidence of him sucker punching someone and knocking her out for no apparent reason other than he is a violent woman beater....no of course you did not so fuck off idiot and accept that every program has assholes and abusers and that recognizing that does not make you a homer for any team it just means you are not a fucking fool



  2. 8 hours ago, ButtFumble said:

    listen aggy (because only an aggy could try and make Texas fans look so stupid)

    the incident you linked to was in 2017.....his last season at TCU was 2015......you fucking aggy idiot trying to make Texas fans look stupid

    no one is saying he is not a piece of shit or what he did was wrong, but trying to tie it to TCU specifically is quite the stretch considering all you have listed with the exception of the fight with the cop (that derka says was justified because it was a young black male against a cop) was well after his time at TCU and he was suspended immediately from football after the fight with the cop

    news flash dumb ass there are a lot of total and complete pieces of shit in college athletics and many of them should not be wasting time and air on a college campus and that included some at Texas.....be it fucking a passed out girl while another guy watches, kicking in a door to get your TV back, driving down the road with your posse and a gun and a bunch of weed in your lap while you are passed out, smashing your SUV into an apartment complex and then walking away or many other things there are pieces of shit even at Texas and plenty of guys that should know better, but get a case of the dumb ass....including some that get "make work fuck off jobs" for 6 figures a year and then get DWIs, have their pay cut and their performance evaluated, and then getting another DWI and get fired

    I am not saying what he did was right and I am not saying he was a piece of shit, but so far you have failed to show anything other than one incident days before his last game at TCU (that derka says was justified) and that he was suspended for immediately and then a bunch of shit he did years after he was at TCU

    recognizing that has little if any reflection on TCU and that TCU is in no way liable for that while also understanding that every college program including Texas has fuck heads and dumb asses does not make one a TCU fan or a woman beater apologist it just means they live in the real world where a lot of pieces of shit are involved in sports to the detriment of all 

    go back to texags and stop trying to make Texas fans look fucking stupid


    Go back to hornyfrogs and stop calling me an aggy. It's a weak argument.

    Your shithole school with it's shithead players we share a conference with make Texas look bad. It was obviously happening while he was at TCU as well, but if you want to ignore that, just look at the great optics:


    See that shirt? See that shit? Fuck you and fuck TCU.

    Again, I never said anything about a stupid fucking lawsuit, I don't care about that. 




  3. 2 minutes ago, ButtFumble said:

    yea and they suspended him immediately for that incident and that was the end of his time at TCU

    what he did several years after that has nothing to do with TCU and is of no legal consequence to TCU

    perhaps her family should sue The Seattle Seahawks since that was his employer at the time and he was long gone from TCU

    I don't care about lawsuits, but go fuck yourself horny frog. He was beating his high school sweet heart and getting wasted being a piece of shit while at TCU. The car wreck was likely his fault, where he's beating her and she slams the gas and runs people over while they are fighting. It's been happening for a while and just getting worse until he almost kills her then it comes out. Doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure it out.


    In March 2017, Boykin was arrested along with Bailey outside of a bar in Dallas. Bailey was driving the pair when she crashed into a wall and hit eight pedestrians. Bailey was charged with a DUI.

    Boykin was charged with marijuana possession and public intoxication as he tried to flee the scene.

    Bailey tells WFAA that the crash as a result of Boykin attacking her. In her interview, Bailey said, “He leaned over, attacked me, and choked me unconscious which made the car go into drive to reverse.” Bailey says that she didn’t admit that to police at the time because she was scared of Boykin.

    Bailey added there was another incident in which Boykin broke her jaw and asked her to lie about what happened in order to salvage his career. Bailey told WFAA, “His first suggestion was to say that I fell. Then he suggested that I got beat up by a girl, or jumped. Then he suggested that I fell again. He’s saying basically since we’ve already been in a case we don’t need nothing else. And of course his football career is on the line. That’s his main goal, just ‘my football career is on the line.” Bailey then said that she was no longer willing to protect Boykin because, “This is serious. This is domestic violence.”


  4. 40 minutes ago, ButtFumble said:

    why because he beat her up 3 years after he graduated from there.....stop being fucking stupid.....or do you expect people to sue the shit out of Texas when former UT athletes do dumb shit years after graduating

    Fuck off, he was a piece of shit at TCU too.


    Read up on the abuse of his girl, it's been going on a long time.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Napoleon said:

    From your fingertips to Al Davis' rotting heart.

    💅 . . . 🖤

    Lol fuck Al Davis, but I like Chucky and hope the Las Vegas team does good. I've been to Lambeau, and honestly this would be the only other NFL stadium I'm interested in going and watching an NFL game at.

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  6. On 2/25/2020 at 7:58 PM, texifornia said:

    RoJo got jacked af


    Man when I was at the spring game Ro Jo was the most impressive looking athlete out there, glad he ended up getting playing time and look forward to him making magic at this new position now he's devoted to RB

  7. 10 hours ago, MillerEP said:

    They have to setup the world, intreoduce you to the characters, and then hit the main season 1 arc, so it does start a bit slow, but picks up speed rapidly. Each season follows the books pretty closely.

    Yes I'm on season 4 now it's pretty good. They swapped around some of the nu-OPA characters but I like how those turned out, the Bull is Drummer and they made that dynamic between them a bit different but I like it. I guess they had less time for the subplot so they had to swap it up a bit. Worked out well. 

    Hope they keep the series alive, it's pretty entertaining. Is it just me or is everyone in the show unattractive except Bobbie? In the books the descriptions of people seem totally different than the casting. Maybe it's just my imagination. 

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