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suddenly shaggy

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Posts posted by suddenly shaggy

  1. 33 minutes ago, HenryJames said:


    Andy Ngo also goes with the advance scouting group, which finds the antifa people they are going to attack are drinking on the patio at a bar and do not have weapons. He comes back with the advance scouts when they report this. Here's the video that was filmed by someone that had infiltrated and was trying to expose Patriot Prayer group as the violent, instigating thugs they are.

    Earlier in the day Andy Ngo filmed, named and posted on Twitter video of Heather Clark for having attempted to disrupt James Damore's talk at Portland State. In the riot Andy Ngo was filmed advance scouting for, Patriot Prayer group members broke Heather Clark's neck. Andy Ngo then doxxed her again as the woman "knocked out cold". He should be criminally charged with the rest of them.  


  2. 1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    The media and the world needs to just tune Trump out.  He’s a waste of oxygen at this point.

    Not to mention all the excess CO2 he produces with his heavy sniffling and copious amounts of time on the toilet Twitter Shitting. 

  3. 48 minutes ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:


    My live got better when I put him on ignore. I advise all of you to do so.

    I would do that with a number of posters on this board, but that leaves the disingenuous bullshit unchallenged, normalizing it for any lurkers, or people who are only occasional readers. 

  4. Checks thread-

    Sees bad teammate is still being a disingenuous cunt on every page who won't shut the fuck up trying to derail the Warren thread. Sees most of the rest of you trying to engage him in good faith, only to be repeatedly covered in the feces he's flinging. 

    Add in special guest appearances by Fozzz and Anastasis, but they see they don't have to worry and try to sidetrack it themselves, bad teammate has got this for them.

    • Like 2
  5. Based Spartan called a 5-year old Palestinian girl a "fucking terrorist" and his shitbag adult daughter laughed and defended him. He's a felon covered with prison tats, including at least one that says "White Pride". They are both racist pieces of shit and minor celebrities among the alt-right.

    Andy Ngo is a lying piece of shit. He knows exactly who they are, that they travel around instigating fights and that Bianca is an adult and an active participant. 



  6. 6 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

    Holy shit @ the Bring Your Daughter To A Nazi Rally Day move on display here. Interesting move.

    "Beta Cuck 4 Lyfe" @ 1:30 lol

    Based Spartan and his daughter get tattoos together. She's an adult. The video is from 2013 or 2014 and she says she's going away to college, that's why they are getting fucked up tattoos together. He gets that fucked up one on his upper right chest of a B simulating claws ripped into him, because her name is Bianca and he says "I don't think she's ever going to get her claws out of me anyway. She gets two paws between her waist and crotch with a D in the right one and a G in the left one, because she's "Daddy's Girl".

    Start with the top one video, it's worth a watch, those two are fucked up.  


  7. 15 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    I’m sure that trump will pardon his entire family and himself before leaving. Now whether or not that will hold up in court is something else.

    He can't pardon himself and his family for state charges and New York is waiting to light them up. The Trump foundation, state tax and insurance fraud are all riddled with felonies and still on the table as state charges. 

    13 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    While this is all true at the end of the day trump is a coward, not a fighter. 

    I completely agree with that, but he doesn't have a choice. If/when he leaves office he goes to prison. The coward or the strongman makes the same choice. 

  8. 40 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Alternatively...and I’m going out on a limb here.....Mooch is a moron.
    Trump will never quit. And he won’t accept any electoral defeat. Ever. The only way he could lose is because the dems cheated, just ask him. There are only two possible outcomes: he wins, or he loses and refuses to accept the results, and does something to declare a state of emergency or whatnot, and stay in.
    There’s actually a chance (tiny, but the point is that it’s non-zero) that we’re going to have an armed conflict at the White House in January 2021.

    This is the truth and more people are starting to realize it, at least on here. There is ZERO chance Trump leaves the White House willingly. He's Individual 1, an un-indicted co-conspirator in felony campaign finance violations. Trump wasn't charged, solely because he is President and cannot be charged. A new Justice Department can reopen that investigation and he's in prison with Cohen. He wasn't charged for Obstruction of Justice, solely because he is President. If he isn't President anymore, that's 13 felony charges to hit him with, 9 of which are a slam dunk. A special prosecutor that actually digs broadly and doesn't conduct a ridiculously narrow investigation will find countless other felonies to charge him with. Even if the new President decides to turn the other cheek and Trump isn't charged federally, the state of New York is waiting until he is out to put his shit on blast.

    He faces the same dilemma every wannabe dictator faces, before they become an actual dictator. Trump can't ever leave office, or he will be criminally charged. He's going to cheat like the serial adulterer, liar, conman and felon that he is. Putin faces the same dilemma and cannot allow a Democrat in office, or international pressure on him will go through the roof. Putin is going to cheat like the murderer, liar, conman and felon that he is. 

    We need to do everything in our power to make sure the voice against Trump is utterly overwhelming, so when he refuses to step down, which he will, people are pissed enough to take to the streets. 

    • Like 6
  9. 3 hours ago, Loch Ness Monster said:

    I blame the simulation creators for this storyline. 

    No way the simulation creators would write the script we've been on for the last few years. It's too ridiculous to get past their boss. They'd be fired and unable to find work again. 

    Someone spilled coffee on their laptop halfway through the script and we're living it out until their appointment to get it repaired. 

  10. 7 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

    It is interesting. The large donations to the Dem Party raise an eyebrow. Is it known (yet) what the Russians may have got in return for their donation?

    This corrupt contribution system must be reformed. I've written more than once that some Dems will go down with the GOP party if this festering bag of worms is ever completely opened. Some relatively clean GOPs will be sucked under by the vortex as well.

    The donations to individual candidates seem rather small along the lines of hoping for a little good will or maybe a meeting. The business deals seem like the line to follow.

    Thanks for posting this.

    TL/DR Blavatnik donated $6,390,683.36 more to Republicans for the 2016 election, $2.5 million to Moscow Mitch and $840K to Leningrad Lindsey.  

    Unfortunately, election donations are very opaque, so I decided to download the FEC data file, google the PAC names, then catalogue D/R to see who he was giving too. Blavatnik changed his donation pattern after the Dallas Morning News exposed him. Prior to the DMN article, his smaller personal donations went to both parties. The huge donations he was making exclusively to GOP super pacs were from his companies. 

    Looking at the 2016 election, his personal donations to both parties are intentionally obscuring the staggering imbalance in his overall donations when considering his companies. He personally donated a slightly larger amount to Democrats, but those donations are absolutely dwarfed by the money he donated to the GOP from his two companies.

    In the 2015-2016 election cycle, Blavatnik personally donated $536,216.64 to Democrats (notably $40K to Michael Bennet, $20K to Kamala Harris) and $426,900.00 to Republicans ($40K to Leningrad Lindsey). That's +$109,316.64 to Democrats.

    Now let's take a look at the companies Blavatnik owns that were mentioned in the Dallas Morning News article, Access Industries and AI Altep Holdings.


    Total Access Industries 2015-2016 donations $5,500,000 (All to GOP with $1,500,000 to Moscow Mitch and $800,000 to Leningrad Lindsey)


    Total Al Altep Holdings 2015-2016 donations $1,000,000 (All to Moscow Mitch)

    Total 2015-2016 donations from Blavatnik through his companies $6,500,000 (All to GOP). His biggest corporate donations were to Moscow Mitch, Marco Rubio, Scott Walker and Leningrad Lindsey. 

    Subtract $109,316.64 from $6,500,000 and it leaves a net balance of $6,390,683.36 more donated to the GOP than Democrats for the 2016 election cycle. That's not counting the additional $1,000,000 he donated to Trump's inauguration. Blavatnik used Al Altep Holdings to donate a further $1,000,000 to McConnell in 2017 before the DMN article was published. 

    His donation pattern changed after the Dallas Morning News exposed him using his companies to donate huge sums to the GOP. Since the article came out, he only has a single company donation, $100,000 to the Democratic Senate Majority Pac, the only donation he has ever used his companies to make to a Democratic candidate or PAC. The large donations to the DNC on his personal donations list are from 2019, well after he was exposed and is now trying to change the narrative. 

    • Like 3
  11. Just now, Voldemort86 said:

    That’s great and all, but why do these morons have to vote?  It seems like everyone who watches FOX news all day does.

    That's the entire point of most of their programming. They rile them up and piss them off with lies 24/7. Outraged people don't change the channel, but they also show up to vote. That's how the GOP has pulled off minority rule for so long. 

  12. I posted this on the 2nd about the Pocahontas dipshittery. I'm just going to repost it rather than paraphrase. If a Trumpkin brings up Pocahontas, throw it back at them.

    Fauxcahontas and Lieawatha are at least puns. They have some insult value, though they aren't particularly clever and the GOP base probably only knows Pocahontas from the Disney movie. They have no clue who Hiawatha was.

    Fortunately, Trump is too stupid, lazy and narcissistic to get the insult right and the insult has lost most of its value. Trump fucked up the insult when he called her Pocahontas instead of Fauxcahontas the first time and he is completely incapable of rectifying that mistake. Instead, he has doubled and tripled down on it repeatedly, to the point that he couldn't go back and fix it now, even if he wanted to.

    Every time any Trumpkin calls her either Pocahontas, or correctly use the insult Fauxcahontas, it is a blunt reminder that Trump is a narcissistic buffoon, incapable of even the most basic self reflection and is utterly unfit to hold any elected office, let alone the Presidency. The fact that it doesn't remind his supporters of this and cause them to reconsider their support is a massive condemnation of their own intelligence and capability for self-reflection. They are utterly unfit to be citizens and voters of the United States of America that our forefathers envisioned, but unfortunately our forefathers didn't foresee 40% of the population becoming barely functioning morons and we are stuck with the dipshits.


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  13. 9 minutes ago, Zavala said:

    It's another trophy of a turd he collected blackmail on hanging on his wall.

    Nobody is saying they were close friends, just that he's on the flight logs 28 times. His game was blackmailing political figures and famous people by having them sleep with underage girls. Bill went though the beginning of impeachment for lying about sexual acts performed on a secretary in the Oval office. He is an admitted pervert, depending on what the definition of is is.

    Y'all need to coordinate your messages better, or you need to work on reading comprehension. Ah hell, why not both? 

    On 8/12/2019 at 9:10 PM, Smax said:

    fishy but doesn't even come close to the relationship he had with bubba

    6 hours ago, Smax said:

    The Clinton relationship came to light at his first trial and was rumored to have been known to those in that social circle well before the trial and it was ignored/accepted. Earily similar to the blind eye turning by the left and hollywood of harvey weinstien

  14. It's an obvious insult of Bill Clinton, mocking him for the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Doesn't do much for the idea repeatedly being floated on here by our "conservative" posters that Bill and Epstein were close friends. On the contrary, it shows a pretty clear disdain of Clinton by Epstein. 

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