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The Ace of Aces

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Everything posted by The Ace of Aces

  1. They have no idea what to do against the fake 3 3 5. They look absolutely lost. And Majors looks dead. Catastrophic start.
  2. Wife hid the liquor. Probably smart. Fuck their shit up.
  3. I might hate Pat McAffee more than ou. Ok maybe it but this guy is absolutely insufferable.
  4. One of the best. And if he played today he’d be kicked out of the league within the first few games for head hunting. A different game, for good or bad, but he is an icon and a goat.
  5. I live in Pennsylvania. I was more taken aback a state politician would say anything.
  6. Had to run into my office to grab some reports, and was wearing my burnt or age with white horns logo. Some asshole representative’s chief of staff that participated in the Jan 6 riots (no CR) saw me, did the horns down, said Texas is a fraud and Oklahoma wins by 3 TDs. He is up for re-election next year. I am going to unload my savings account in favor of his opponent.
  7. boygenius last night in Philly (3 live shows in 6 days, I’m too old for this shit ha). Julien stole the stage, very impressive show.
  8. OU’s had this game circled for 365 days. They have done everything in their power to prepare to revenge last year’s asskicking. I’d imagine every week they’ve done scheming for this game. And it don’t mean a fuck. UT has more strength, speed, athleticism, teeth and IQ points. Hook ‘em.
  9. OU has had next Saturday in their focus for 365 days and everything they’ve done is to revenge that asskickng and humiliation. We better be ready because they’re bringing their best game and game plan of the year and they’re a damn solid team.
  10. They pulled licenses yesterday so it’ll be in Dallas.
  11. I wasn’t able to watch a second of the game. Can I get a two or three sentence summary and if the score shows the asskicking it was?
  12. We’ll be in town the last weekend of October. I’ll message ya to see if we can grab a show or whatever together.
  13. This week I saw Broken Social Scene on Tuesday, Margo Price Thursday and Explosions in the City last night. All weee very good. EITS, which I’ve known and moved since the CD-R days in 1999 at Waterloo, absolutely fucking killed it. It’s my happy place.
  14. No one drown to death tonight, ok? A foot of rain - fun times.
  15. It can't be worse than last week. They should be able to score on USC.
  16. He did. His line was: 17/26 for 230 yards (8.8 yards per pass) 2 TDs, 1 INT Most all that was after our 2nd and even 3rd team guys were in.
  17. The OL depth is starting to get back to early 2000 years. Fuck. Yes.
  18. Anyone have numbers on how guys saw the field last night on defense? pK was doing heavy heavy rotations after the 1st quarter. This is the deepest defense we’ve had since at least 2009 I think. The secondary is a liability imo - that’s the only weakness.
  19. Lots to work on, but a blowout win is good. Fuck off forever, Baylor
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