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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Bodhi

  1. Memorial Day weekend check in, hope some of you are riding too.  I've been fortunate to ride a lot of good MTB destinations in Colorado the past year, Buff Creek near Bailey is the best to date.  Beautiful scenery, well maintained trails, a ton of flowy fun.  The first 4.5 hours today were the most fun I've had riding.  Unfortunately, we rode 6 hours including ~3800' of climbing.  The last hour was miserable and pushed me to my limit.  "Come ride part of the race course with me" really meant lets ride 90% of it.  





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  2. 5 minutes ago, Goredho said:

    That the 2020 election was not stolen.  You asked me how Biden got 80 million votes.  Here was my response.


    So I'll ask you again, on what basis do you believe the 2020 election was stolen?  Tell me how you arrived at that informed opinion, because Donald Trump is indicted and will be going on trial for his efforts to subvert the results of the 2020 election.

    2000 Mules libtard, duh.  Also, Trump said so.  Seems way more credible than crooked news.

  3. 1 minute ago, Spider2YBanana said:

    No doubt about. Women don't give a shit if their man is balding at 22 when they're now multimillionaires

    Without premature balding we might not have Tesla or Amazon.  Elon and Bezos had to be partially driven by pulling hot women.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Spider2YBanana said:

    Bowers already showing signs of hair loss. Damn. 

    Showing signs?  Thats just aggressive balding.  Luckily he is rich.  Just get hooked up with Elon's guy.  Also, it doesn't seem to be impacting his dating success. 

  5. 1 minute ago, TonyTexas said:

    The Broncos say “hold my beer”

    Broncos are a mess.  Probably should be rebuilding but doubt Payton signed up for that.  So they will bad decisions.

  6. 1 minute ago, BurntOrangeBlooded15 said:

    I was just about to say the same thing.  He’d been in Denver or Vegas. 

    I could be missing something but think higher than that

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. On 4/22/2024 at 9:29 AM, Macklemore said:

    Broncos new unis dropped. Thought they’d be going back to their classic look from the 80s. A lot of small triangles everywhere 

    Worse organizational decision than trading for R Wilson.  These are so bad. 

  8. 1 hour ago, The Dog said:

    He’s scared:


    Perhaps he is scared but this has been the playbook all along for each trial.  Run out the clock until he wins reelection.  Must have been what basketball was like prior to a shot clock?  The fun part starts when he fails to get elected and switches to whatever half-cocked backup plan (russia) he has in mind.

  9. image.png.2dbff196bef1e3327631d0595ed0569b.png

    If you are over 40 and interested in feeling like you're 65 when you are 80 I highly recommend this.  A very straightforward and actionable book about minimizing your risk of the ailments we often assume are inevitable in old age (heart disease, obesity, alzheimer's, etc).  I think anyone that reads this is likely to adopt several of the clear recommendations.  

    • Hook 'Em 3
  10. 5 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Which variant of e-shifting? My best riding buddy converted his GX to AXS and seems pleased. 

    The engineer in me is intrigued by Transmission. On the other hand, I am currently rocking Deore and quite pleased with it.  Unless my bike gets stolen again, I can't see myself adopting any e-shifting, unless it's a Sramano deal, which I do understand works just fine (GX AXS with Shimano cassette). 

    SRAM AXS.  I rode a friends gravel bike with electronic shifting and it was pretty slick.  It's not necessary for me nor will it make me a better rider, but a lot of manufacturers are only including that in their higher end models now.  I don't plan on upgrading my MTB with it but I will enjoy it on my gravel.

    3 hours ago, EastHorn said:

    Well if you need a riding buddy this summer I'm moving to Colorado.  

    Any time.  I live in North Boulder and ride the front range between Lyons and Morrison typically.  

    Just make sure to tell everyone how awful it is in CO after you move here :)

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. In March of this year my company announced a reorg.  It was our 2nd in 12 months and 3rd in 48  We were also on our 3rd president in three years.  They shut down the function I led and asked me to lead another group which didn't interest me.  I countered and asked them what a severance package would look like.  As of March 29th, I am being paid by this employer not to work for 6 months.

    I live in the foothills of the Rockies in Colorado and the weather is starting to get great.  I am going to take the spring/summer to bike, hike 14ers, camp as much as possible.  I signed up for two 50+ mile mtb/gravel races to provide some training goals.  The plan is to ride 4 to 5 times a week and see how much I can develop over the next 4 months.  Rode 4x this week logging ~100 miles between gravel and single track.  Also, since I imagine this will be my only work sabbatical before retirement, I decided I should do it right and I am on a waitlist for a new gravel bike with electronic shifting (first for me).

    Apologies in advance, but you may have to stare at a few not ugly photos in the upcoming months.  




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  12. 6 hours ago, BrazilHorn said:

    Got “garage” remodel finished and added a home gym. Loving it. Using combo of apps for workouts: Fitbod & SmartGym. I have been following a “Push, Pull, Lower body” track for the past month or so. Crazy how the lower body days spike heart rate/burn so many more calories. 

    -edit - hadn’t noticed my “Goruck Tribe” deal was off kilter (tape had slipped) so for those of you with OCD it is fixed  


    Fitness bro humblebrag, well done

    • Haha 1
  13. 1 minute ago, RamjetFDO said:

    Mexico gonna Mexico

    By hook or by crook.  I guess it's nice to know the other teams in Concacaf know they are out-gunned currently (hopefully permanently) and need to resort to that.


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  14. 21 minutes ago, Ted Lange said:

    While googling, in an attempt to make a joke about a gold toilet, I came across the fact that Walmart is selling this.


    What's the 2025 date about?  Please tell me Walmart is foreshadowing his death. 

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