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Posts posted by ousuxndallas

  1. Just dropping by to laugh at you fools.

    First, it was Russia collusion. That didn't work.
    Then it was the Mueller report. That fizzled out.
    Then it was racism. That didn't work.
    Now it's Ukraine.

    The Democrats are scared to death POTUS is going to be reelected, and are just throwing shit against the wall. This is very entertaining.

    • Fuck You 14
  2. I've started to keep my own golf stats.  So far, I'm tracking GIR, FIR, Putts, U&D (and converstion %), 3-putts.

    Any other stats you guys think is important?

    The biggest correlation so far is GIR.  No surprise there.

  3. Bad ass. How do you like the modus?  Do you have them in your irons?  I'm interested in that shaft. I don't like project x (feel terrible) or kbs (can't control the flight) so I've always gone back to the old reliable DG. But a buddy who had played DG's forever switched to the modus last year and loves them. 
    I gotta admit they are smooth as hell! Crazy accurate. I hit the 51 degree on the range the other day, and had extremely tight dispersion. I have graphite Recoil shafts in my irons right now, and like them. Set before those had PX rifle. But I'm really tempted to go all Modus. Too big a pain to swap out graphite shafts, but my next set of irons will be Modus for sure.
    • Like 1
  4. Small boat - or do you have knucklehead friends that become dead-eye shots ONLY when the doves are directly over the nearest body of water....and can't hit a damn thing anywhere else....
    DUDE....How are we going to get my bird.....
    Get one of these.5c89f0893a1b8206acccd8b5d4ffd96e.jpg
    • Like 1
  5. No doubt about it especially w a pro that connects with you
    You doing the drill where you hold the club across your shoulders and turn until the club points behind the ball? I still do that in my warm up session.
    Did he work on your hip turn at all?
    Yes on the drill. My swing thought is front shoulder pointing at the ball. And wrist cock. Ball flight is now a nice push-draw, takes out the right side miss completely.

    Hip turn has never been an issue, I used to play tennis and that has translated well in golf.
  6. I forked out some cash for lessons, and working on some swing changes. More shoulder turn is one. Spent a week at the range getting used to the changes. Shot 79 yesterday, +1 at the turn. Irons are deadly straight, and my driver is more consistent and straight. Currently a 10 handicap, looking to get down to 7 or 8 buy end of summer.

    I am a firm believer that money is better spent on lessons/coaching than on new equipment.

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