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Everything posted by MNLonghornFUKM

  1. Thankfully he’s had a tough night shooting. But getting to the line pretty easily, keeping them within reach
  2. Playing the thunder is so annoying. Bunch of 6-5 fucks with dreads that don’t miss at all.
  3. Watching Knicks vs Raptors on league pass and they just did some corny ass thank you tribute video to RJ Barrett and Immanuel Quickley. LOL I’ve never liked these unless it’s a superstar that spent a decade plus and changed teams. I went to KGs first game back as a Celtic. He didn’t even play. Just popped out gave a wave and left, lol These are a couple of role players tho. Both looked completely embarrassed they were doing this and didn’t acknowledge the crowd giving them a standing O lol
  4. Props to bertans and jwill for actually trying to make it a good picture
  5. Easy. They have 3.5 guys with talent. 1 world class, 1 borderline and 1 career loser. The .5 can be a combo of Allen and Nurkic. If any of the 1s get hurt, they’re instantly a below .500 team. The .5s can help make up for the 1s injury but if he has one good game it can be guaranteed he follows up with 1-3 bad ones Nobody on the bench and no big men depth after Nurkic
  6. We’re all over here waiting for him to miss a shot and it ain’t happening. I’m just glad he changed his hair style as he had that elfrid Payton dangling thing going on
  7. Terry telling the Knights to lay off the horns down. That’s not UCF
  8. Lost in all of todays news is Giddeys case is closed.
  9. I’m still waiting what happens to OKC if/when they have more guaranteed contracts than roster spots from all of their first rounders they own.
  10. Siakam traded to Indy for Bruce Brown and 3 first round picks Sheesh
  11. Serbian news is saying he died…wow..
  12. This has got to be the cheesiest cornball idea I’ve ever seen
  13. Not a lick of defense has been played by either of these teams
  14. Are all of those injuries the reason why Embiid has ducked playing in Denver? If so then golf clap to your team, sir
  15. That blonde ref is a word I probably shouldn’t say here
  16. lol 4 starters for Memphis shot a combined 9/41 and they still won by 9
  17. lol. The seats/rows are one thing…but if the concourse is plugged, that’s a whole other development.
  18. Rudy missed 2 fts badly including an airball so the entire clippers bench erupted on the air ball. https://www.reddit.com/r/timberwolves/s/Fyw0Wf82iQ Rudy ended the game a modest 4-5, 15 pts, 18 rebounds and 4 blocks. Included some clutch 4th qtr fts. Russ ended up missing a wide open lay up at the end which probably wouldn’t have mattered but still funny
  19. Drives me insane. Game ending drive? Sure. 8 min left in the 4th and plenty of game left? Save it They got a first out of it but believe they still punted that drive
  20. Stupid ass timeout to take instead of taking the delay
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