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Everything posted by Asu2215

  1. WTF are they doing? They gotta get closer than that.
  2. Robbie Gould looks like he is a hit man in the offseason.
  3. Billions of dollars later and CFB isn't one bit better than it was back then. Fuck ESPN.
  4. Rams will never win SB. McVay doesn't have the killer instinct.
  5. I can only imagine how Jack Buck would've called that one on the radio.
  6. My first half over thanks Kyler immensely.
  7. I guess you can cross Reid off Tomlin's Christmas card list.
  8. Maybe Watt should stop whining every play to the refs.
  9. No. You can't put such a fine point on the play that you leave yourself only a second or two of leeway. There's exactly one gazillion things that could go wrong. Unless of course you've never watched football before. Hell, unless you've never watched these refs today.
  10. No. Dallas just fucked Dallas. That playcall is a fireable offense.
  11. Two things I will get out of the way I hate how Ian Eagle pronounces his first name I hate how the Bill's stripe on their helmets flairs out in the back
  12. These refs need to chillax on calling some of these penalties.
  13. More cash isn't making CFB any better than it was in its glory days of the 80s or 90s. In fact, it's likely making it worse.
  14. Why would you not give that tackle some help??
  15. Maybe the coach really bought into the message behind the Matt Damon crypto commercial.
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